Monday, February 3, 2014


For a while now I have been thinking about a story someone shared with me some weeks back. She was actually trying to get my opinion on the situation of a young couple who may be losing their marriage to God-knows-what. I actually did not know what advise to give her, so I thought I should share with you, my most intelligent readers. #bigsigh#

According to her, Agnes and Dan got married in an elaborate wedding setting. The wedding was the talk of town as it was featured in major magazines and blogs. It was like a fairy-tale kind of wedding. For Aggy, as she was fondly called by friends and family, it was a dream come true.

To make their joy even more complete, their bouncing baby boy came a year later. Everyone around them was overwhelmed with joy.

This is the fourth year after their first baby was born. Everyone who is aware she does not want to have just a child,  has been expecting their second child but it does not seem to be coming. Family members and friends are concerned and asking questions. They have even advised her to slow down on her job as stress may be the cause of her inability to conceive again.

However, in her bit to keep her affairs away from the prying eyes of family and friends, she has always just smiled when these pieces of advise came flowing and she has just said, 'Hey guys, my husband and I are trying to space our kids, so no worries.'

But to everyone's shock, Agnes's last phrase, that is, 'so no worries' was met with tears. In confusion, everyone around chorused, 'Aggy, what is the problem?'. She wept and sobbed harder and then said in between sobs, 'my husband has not gone intimate with me for the past four years, that is the reason I have not got pregnant again.' 'The sad thing is, I do not know what I did wrong, so I do not know what to apologise for', she added.

Everyone, especially her mum, froze and for a second, wished they hadn't asked.

Dear Readers, what do you think went wrong with Agnes and Dan?

While some people are thinking she should leave the guy, others are thinking she should stay. But then again this question comes up, 'why would you stay with someone who practically sees you as a stranger?'


  1. Wat God has joind together let no man put asunder not even sex starving !

  2. Save the marriage. Get a boy toy. Regain happiness. Just don't get pregnant.

  3. Sweetheart, my advise to you is keep praying about your situation. You should also keep speaking to your husband about it. Maybe one day he will open up on the reasons for his withdrawal.

  4. I won't try to analyze the situation...I'll just go straight to the question; should Aggy get a divorce? I will say NO...this, like any other marriage hurdle, can be managed or completely dealt with. Why is Dan not having sex with Dan cheating? If Dan is cheating, divorce becomes an option. Forgiveness is also an option too. For now, Aggy, listen, Dan is your man. Something in him still desire you. Aggy, think, pray and act; find that thing that when you strike it, you'll bring Dan back on his kneels before you *winks* hope I didn't say too much

