Monday, March 10, 2014


Ever wondered why some female folks will not hear about the word 'Marriage, especially in a setting like ours in this era?

I have, on several occasions infact. But I have discovered that the more I try to understand, the more confused I get about some ladies' decision not to ever get married. You would not blame me, would you? For all we know, it is only a few decades back when women were all about settling down and having kids. But come to to think of it, what has changed?

Anyway, in a bid to help myself and some other people like me understand reasons for the craze about staying single, I decided to get people's opinions on their 'Spinsterhood Forever' idea.

Here are some of their reasons...

The Independent Life
They say it is more fulfilling to live their lives on their own and as they want. This way no one will order them around. They want to be as free as birds.. Hmmm

I Want My Own Career
Some say they are staying single because they find fulfillment through work, and are focusing on their ambitious career goals..To them, if men can focus on careers before romance, why can't women do the same thing and may be get really rewarded for their hard work?

Waiting for Mr. Right
Another lady wants to stay single until she meets someone she's truly in love with beacuse she doesn’t want to settle for the wrong guy just because she feels anxious about not being married. Ok, this is good, right?
Afterall, she has not totally ruled marriage out. I wish you luck in your wait.

I Want To Stay Single Because I Can!
This lady said she can afford to stay single and she is doing just that. 'There is nothing any man wants to give me that I cannot give myself!'

I Am Scared of Getting Hurt and Failing.
This one said it  is scary enough that she has to take the big leap; what if she fails or what if the marriage fails?She said she rather stays single than getting married and not making it.

 I Can Enjoy Sex With Anyone I Choose
According to this person, you're not stuck with the same sex partner for the rest of your life. I never have to wrestle with sexual boredom or lack of variety which is what most married ladies crave after a few years of marriage.

Men Are Cheats
This person thinks men even start cheating from their wedding nights and that she is not ready to be the housewife who will never be appreciated because her husband is busy with girlfriends outside.

Are you shocked? There are ladies who think like this. 
But do you agree with their points?


  1. I agree with their points.. What changed is that men don't respect marriage anymore. How do you expect women to keep wanting to be married where men feel free to sleep with other womanwomen when ever they like?

  2. Sorry about my typos jare ' women'

  3. I agree with their points.. What changed is that men don't respect marriage anymore. How do you expect women to keep wanting to be married where men feel free to sleep with other womanwomen when ever they like?

  4. These are not reason enough for a woman to say she will never marry. It opens u up to temptations of adultery and fornication. Its my opinion

  5. These are not reason enough for a woman to say she will never marry. It opens u up to temptations of adultery and fornication. Its my opinion

  6. These are not reason enough for a woman to say she will never marry. It opens u up to temptations of adultery and fornication. Its my opinion

  7. mtcheeeeewww + Iranu = Oshisco

