Monday, March 24, 2014


There are certain qualities in men that women absolutely dig.They are not about being tall, dark and handsome but you just have to have them to get women admiring you. In fact, some women would rather these points than the looks.

Check them out....

Being Well groomed
Believe ye me, tall and handsome is great but the reality is that height is really not as important a factor as how you present yourself. Just like guys like women who are well turned out, women too dig guys who ensure that they are perfectly groomed. To these women there is this belief that if you are careful enough to take care of yourself, they can trust you to take care of them. So, remember guys, sloppy dressing, uncombed hair, dirty nails, smelly socks, stained shirts or jeans and the likes are an absolute no-no when you are trying to make that all important impression on someone from the opposite sex. 

Having a Sense of Style
When I talk about this, I don’t mean you should spend all your earnings on pricey clothes or have one million clothes in your closet. So, even if they are just few and not so expensive, make sure you adopt a certain classy and stylish look and maintain it. Please, keep yourself updated on the latest trends, women love it. Don’t wear 1960 trends in 2014. Also, know that office type dressers bore the life out of women. Let your fashion taste be versatile.

Having a Sense of Humour
One of the most important traits that woman dig is a sense of humour. Women have more than enough problems to deal with and don't really need the company of another equally depressed soul. Yes, I do understand you have your bad days, but it does go a long way if you have a good sense of humour, and clean humour at that. Know that constantly putting others down does not really spell fun for women. You should also be able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes, women love it.

Showing  Care
Women like to know that you love and care for them. Acts like holding their hand while walking down the road, watching the sunset, an occasional hug and peck on the cheeks and making sure that they cross the road safely mean that you are proud to be seen with them and care for them. Remember, not displaying your affection openly is a sign that you are ashamed of who you are with. However, careful not to be crass while displaying your affections.

Woman are known to be harrowed and frenzied. Yes, they do tend to get hyper very easily and that is the precise reason why you need to be the calming factor in their lives. It really doesn't help if you too get stressed out or fly off the handle at any and every incident. Your sex appeal lies as much in your looks as it does in your attitude - women dig guys with a cool and peaceful attitude, the one who is able to calm them down and reassure them that all is well.

Ability to Protect
Women love to be protected. So show in more ways than one to prove that you will be her saviour should your damsel land in distress! Women are always in awe of men who can step up in times of conflicts. Be sure you grab every opportunity that situation throws at you. Some men, when there is distress, they fly away first and then later they are like, 'Baby, I was looking everywhere for you'. Nope!. You should be ready to save her first. You know, like in Titanic!. LOL. Don't die though.

Your Smell 
You should wear good fragrances if you must attract the right women. Choose a deodorant that suits you.  Know what smells best on you because what smells heavenly on your friend might stink on your skin!  Everything depends on your body odour. When you spray perfume on your body, what you smell like is a combination of the spray and your body odour. Please, don't put your lady through the stress of having to tell you, 'Dear, I don't know, errm, what what, you know, what kind of perfume do you use?'.  Please, the mouth should be taken care of here too. You can't easily impress any woman with bad breath. I am sorry but that is just it.

Perfect Body 
You may not be so handsome or very tall but you can build your body to the point of having six or eight pack abs. Girls love men with well-toned bodies. I can tell you that big tummies and soft bodies are big turn-offs for most ladies. So get into the habit of regular workout so you can make heads turn!

Live, be happy, get the best, take care of yourself....
I know life is not all about the body but you gonna need to take care of it so as to attract wonderful people who will eventually stay, complement your life and make it worth living.

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