Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Sometime ago, a friend of mine whose relationship was already hitting the rocks complained of how his girlfriend was acting funny. According to him, she just started keeping her distance and he did not understand why. While I felt bad for him, I thought, why don't I feature this on HD?

Anyway, I decided to help my friend by writing on the point when you know it is no longer working. Men, if you sense she is done with the relationship, don't be confused like my friend, just check out for the following:

All Communication is Initiated by You
You can't miss this sign except you are in denial. Truth is girls like to talk and so they initiate most of the communicating. In most cases, nothing can get a girl to shut up if she feels like talking. I mean, even when she is mad at you and says she doesn't want to talk, she still talks. Now if the reverse becomes the case and you are doing more of the talking as a guy, she is probably done with you.

She's Not Jealous Anymore
Jealousy means a girl cares.  if she used to display this attribute a lot and then she suddenly stops, you know, she starts letting you hangout with whomever you want, without any sort of protest or comments, well you should start getting worried. She may have found someone else.

 She Flirts with Other Guys In Front of You
 Now this can mean one of two different things. The first possibility is that she's attempting to gain your attention by making you jealous. If this is the case, you're good to go, if you're cool with that. However, the second alternative is she's not trying to make you jealous, she is literally flirting with those guys with every bad intention. This could be her way of saying, 'you can have me'. So beware!

 She Signs Off  Chat Moments After You Start Talking to Her
 Don't kid yourself man, at this point you know she's avoiding you. It doesn't matter what she says. If she logs off every time you attempt to talk to her, regardless of how long she's been online, then she's avoiding you like a bad habit. When it gets to this point, she's tired and you should let her be.

 She Takes Other Men's Calls When You Are Together
A girl who is in love with you will not want to give you any reason to doubt her love or feel disrespected. Usually, women achieve this by not allowing other men call them especially when they are with their lovers. If strange guys never used to call her when you are together and then it just starts happening all of a sudden, she may have started planning on leaving you.

She Becomes Forgetful of Everything You Discuss
If she has lost interest, she will always not remember plans you make together. In this case, it is always advisable you both talk about the situation but if she does not change,  it may just mean that she is over you.

These may not all the ways that you can know if she is done with you but I think they could help. Remember, being caught unawares is very hurting. 

Feel free to add your points please.


  1. good points.. thanks HD

  2. She begins to find faults in you and reacts seriously to very little mistakes, making little things look big n bad

  3. You are right and there are other points such as not taking ur calls and lying to be busy. MtcheewMtcheew, I have been there. I am happy God healed me from that Jazebel's negative effect

