Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hello Readers,

After staying off love talk for a while, I decided to bring you this one today. I hope you like it. 

Anyway, some time ago I shared a post on 'FINALLY MAKE HER FALL FOR YOU!!'. Remember? Ok. If you did not read it, please, here. If you recall, some readers wanted something for the ladies too and I thought 'why not?' So I came up with 'ways you can make a man fall' 'yakata' for you. Trust me, it is as easy as 'ice-cream'. Hmmmm #LOL

Check them out...........

Your Physical Appearance.
Wear clothes that are pretty and wear makeup that enhances the good points of you. Real men want someone who is classy, so don't wear trashy clothes. You can show a little bit of skin when you go out for a date, but don't over do it; by all means avoid looking skanky. Most men do not like too much make up, so I advise you to be subtle with it. Remember it is supposed to enhance you not to completely remove the real you. Don't forget, men are moved by what they see first....

Be Classy, Respectful and Powerful.  
This means you should not allow any man take advantage of you. If you want him to respect you and fall for you, you need to be strong and able to command his respect yourself. Some people think you are more loved by men when you nod at everything they say, it's a big lie. Please, you do not have to be disrespectful, argumentative or controversial but you need them to know that you have opinions too and they should be heard. That's what real men want actually. 

Flirt With Him. 
A good way to do this is to compliment him and to smile at him. This works magic! Always remember to make eye contacts and long gazes with him. Say hi or wave at him whenever you cross paths. If you can, strike up conversations with him when you two are alone. Babes, there is no harm in flipping your hair and gently touching his shoulder when you pass him! Trust me, with this he will want to always see you and that is how it starts.. hehehehe. If you are shy, don't worry, guys actually like shy girls, but you have to make him work for it. You can try not to be too shy though. Laugh at his jokes and try your best to strike up conversations. Tell funny stories you know, it might help you work around things. Careful though, don't do the jokes that only your family and friends laugh at. They may not actually be funny. 

Be Hard to Get. 
Men love to chase after girls and they like girls who are not too forward. Don't jump at date offers. If he
asks you on a date, you could say, "hey, I will think it over'or 'I will give my reply later'. If he says he will call to get the reply, please, don't now be the one calling to give the date info. Because if he feels you are jumpy, you may end up losing him. If you like him and he has not asked you out yet, don't say "I love you so much, will you please go out with me?!". No!! Instead, you could say, "I want to go to this event and none of my friends can go, so would you like to come with me?" Keep him guessing! Don't just give in because you like him. Truth is, lots others will come your way if you do not get to be together.

Be Confident.
Let him be the man; there is no harm in that. If he says something rude to you, stand up for yourself. Men love confident women. Learn to not say bad things about yourself. Once again, confidence! If he can't stand your confidence, then you should not even be interested in him falling for you.

Be Open Always. 
Don't cheat on him! You must date only him and he should date only you also. Being open here does not mean you should play all your cards on the table.If he sees it all, you will fail. So always leave him guessing and wanting more. He will fall head over heels without knowing it. 

Take Your Time.
Take your time, don't get ahead of yourself and think about marriage. Don't conclude he is going to marry you just because you are dating. Make him know you are not desperately looking for marriage too. This will help you control him if he tries to take advantage of your body. If a man knows you are not placing marriage demand on him, he will simply think there are other men trying to have you and he will buckle up and there he is for only you.

Do Not Be forceful. 
A lot of ladies are guilty of this. Men have huge ego and as a result they don't want to be forced to do anything. Be subtle when you want him to do anything. He wants to see that you can submit to him and not you ordering him around. If you can achieve this, then you have him.

Buy Him Gifts.
I am adding this because  most ladies feel that the man should be the only one doing the gift giving. Please, that is the wrong mentality. If a man has the slightest feeling that you are not good at sharing he may be put off. Now this is not saying that you should try to buy him over, as a matter of fact I don't think real men give in to that but you should exhibit some sharing habit because love is sharing. Right?

Let me stop here for now.

As we know, love is not science or mathematics with formulas to work with but there are points that could guide us in our love walk and I think these could. 

Or what do you think about them?  


  1. Hmm. OK. Good points I must say. thanks

  2. Nice one dear.Thanks.

  3. With those lovely eyes of yours, i don't think you need to do much to make fall over and over for you sweetie...xoxox

  4. fill in the blank space .... (me)

  5. oooh lala! have you been a man before? how can you know so well. These are so basic and true. Thanks HD, you are it.

