Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Often times I hear office workers say they are putting on so much weight especially on the stomach. Truth is, at some point, you just cannot avoid adding some weight or tummy especially in a country like ours but surely not when you are still in your twenties, thirties, or even forties. No! You should not allow that!

I perfectly understand that you sit behind a desk and/or probably at a position for like 9 hours? Or even more for some people. Yes! this routine could inevitably make you grow fatter and especially rounder in the middle region. But you can deal with it.

Check out how...

Try Exercising In The Mornings. This will  make you feel refreshed and pump you full of energy ready for the day. It does not have to be hectic; it could be a short run or walk, some sit ups, push ups, skips, etc. Just something to help you sweat. Perhaps, you are not a morning exercise person, try organizing a lunch time workout session, or an evening workout session with a Personal Trainer or by yourself.

While at work, get up from your desk every 1 hour  or so, walk around, grab some water, go to the loo or just stand up and have a stretch! Do not sit for the whole of 9 hours because you want to make money because if you continue like that you might end up spending the money in the hospitals later or worse still, you might not even be there to spend that money. I am sorry, but that is the bitter truth!

Get outside at lunch time. Try eating your lunch outside, just go for a walk and get a bit of fresh air, relax your nerves.

Take your own lunch if you can. It saves you some money and helps you eat healthy, at least you know it is fresh and what has been put in it. Then just try and get away from your desk to eat it, even if it’s for 20-30mins, you will feel recharged and be more productive throughout the afternoon. 

From time to time go chat with people, rather than emailing them unless you don’t really want to talk to them! This could help you exercise your body a bit.

Sometimes you could take the stairs if you work in a tall building. Leave the lift alone once in a while; lift yourself with your legs..LOL. Trust me, it is a great cardio workout,  and great for the legs too. Though it might make you a little sweaty but you want to do that from time to time. 

If you happen to live close to work, walk or run, rather than drive. It does magic to your body.

Please eat your breakfast, it will set you up for the day. It is not advisable to start work on an empty stomach.

For those who live in Lagos, the traffic situation may make you get home late. My advise is do not eat anything heavy when it is late. It is a very easy way to develop a big stomach. If you can do veggies and fruits on nights like that, best!

If you can, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits most of the time. Apart from the fact that it helps digestion, it is very light and for someone who sits at a position for a long time, you would be doing yourself a world of good.

Please, let us try these tips and even more that are probably not written here so that we can stay alive to enjoy all the wealth we are acquiring.


  1. Thanks Dr. HD. U sure know a lot about everything.

  2. wow! this is just well done!

  3. This office fitness style is amazing oo,don't worry I would try that acrobatic display in office one day once anybody questions me I would refer them to your blog,how about that?

