Monday, September 15, 2014


Hello Friends,

Some two weeks ago, I made a post on butt pads titled 'BUTT PADS: DETAILS'. If you did not see it, please, check here.

Any way, my mention of  'PENIS PADS' led some readers to requesting that I talk more on the ones for the men.

One of the readers who sent a private message, asked, "Is there penis pad, cos you talked about it....Please, can I see what it looks like?" Another said, "Are you serious about this penis pad thing?" And a lot other questions. Funny ones actually.. LOL

To answer your questions, Yes,  there are penis pads/enhancers for guys just like we have butt and hips pads for ladies but while those for the women are strictly for fashion and boosting confidence, the men's are not necessarily for same purpose. Don't get me wrong, there are some men who use them for fashion and confidence just like the ladies do but there are others who use them for other purposes such as health, sports, etc

Below are some of the reasons men wear padded pants...

On Fashion/Confidence

As a Bulge Enhancer

This is mostly worn by underwear models and maybe sometimes, by men who are not that endowed down there but want ladies to think otherwise. 'Synthetic testicular elephantiasis' as Cracked put it could also be worn for confidence at occasions like pool parties, underwear parties etc.

See images below...

This could have side effects like tightness and lack of breathing space for your D. So careful.

On Sports...
As A Crotch Protection During Sports
This usually comes to mind when you think of boxing, wrestling, football and all the other very rough sports we engage in. Players' pants, especially the crotch areas are padded for these games. 

On health....
As A Drip Collector

This is a small pocket of absorbent padding with a waterproof backside. The drip collector is worn over the penis. It is held in place by close-fitting underwear. This works well for men who constantly leak just a little.

As Condom Catheter

You place this product over your penis like you would put on a condom. It has a tube on the end that connects with a collection bag tied to your leg. This can handle small or large amounts of urine. It has little odor, doesn't irritate your skin, and is easy to use.

Cunningham Clamp

This device is placed over the penis. This clamp gently keeps the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body) closed. Whenever you want to empty your bladder, you simply release the clamp. It can be uncomfortable at first, but most men adjust to it. It is reusable, so it can be less expensive than other options.

I intended this post to be only about the fashion aspect but somehow, there was a little diversion. I hope it was worth it.

Live good, look good.


1 comment:

  1. Men do wear pads as women do! Interesting.....

