Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I had always thought that money makers and owners were the happiest people until I stumbled on this report which says: 

'Good news for folks whose bedrooms have more activity than their bank accounts: Research shows that sex is better for your happiness than money. Overall, the happiest folks are those getting the most sex: married people, who report 30% more between-the-sheet action than single folks.'

Well, folks, based on this report, if you have been trying to pursue happiness by fattening your accounts, you might need to redirect your energies. Mind you, I did not say you should engage in any bad act. LOL

I trust Nigerians... ROTFL. Everyone I have spoken to on this said it is impossible for s*x to make them happiest. Someone even said, ' What is s*x? Me dey go make my doe jooor'. Hahahaha

Personally, I think it is relative. I mean, for a typical 'moneyless' Nigerian who has been having a lot of s*x and as a result, has ten kids he cannot feed, that finding may be a NO NO. #Justsaying

But seriously, do you really think s*x gives more happiness than money?


  1. In a typical marital scenario; money and sex go hand-in-hand. The sex life of a couple that are overly concerned about their finances may not induce happiness at all. On the other hand those who are unsatisfied in their sex life and yet have robust account may not be happy. I think one should decide to be happy irrespective of circumstances. It should be "I choose to be happy no matter what" sex and money are fleeting; subjective. It isn't wise to base ones happiness on things that are subject to change...

  2. Of cus the pleasure we derive from sex awesome, second to none. BUT its just for a moment of 5 to twenty mins and then reality sets in. After the short moment of pleasure do you think a broke person is a happy person. On the other hand people with lots of money can derive pleasure from diff means, could be sex, traveling, massage,etc. A rich man in 60s can enjoy sex with a nineteen years old girl while a poor man at that age has even forgotten when last he did it cus even his wife must have lost interest in it. So money is more important.

  3. @ Angela, your point makes sense. It is just as simple...

  4. It is a thing o choice I suppose. But everything should be done they are subject to change as rightly said by some people.

