Monday, January 6, 2014


Every now and then some male friends come complaining to me about how they have tried so hard to get a girl they love to love them back. Sometimes I feel really bad for them but other times I am like, ‘Hey buddy, if you want a girl out there to fall in love with you, chances are that you'll have to go that extra step to win her over. Capiche!!

Yeah, accepted, there are some girls you do not need to work so hard to get but there are some others that you need to prove to that you are someone they can love back.

How can you do this?

Take care of yourself first
If you want a girl to fall in love with you, you need to show her that you can love yourself first. Practice good hygiene, wear nice clothes (pls, I mean clean clothes and no holes!), and exercise and eat right to keep your body feeling strong and healthy. Also brush your teeth regularly and use deodorants. When you show people that you think you’re worthy of love by loving yourself, they’re much more likely to agree!

 Live your life; Work 
No one wants to get into a serious relationship with someone who just sits around all day. If you want her to fall in love with you, get out there and show her that you live a great life. Go out; do the things that make you happy, fill your life with learning and exploration, and pursue your dreams. Show me a guy who works hard  and I will show you a guy that girls will fall for  in no time.
In a nutshell, follow your dreams and you'll find that girls are attracted to your passion and determination.

Show her your lovable qualities
People don't just decide with whom they want to fall in love. Love happens because the people involved have lovable qualities. Love often develops over time, so your job is to show the girl that you're worth being around (Don’t go arguing with every babe you go out with and expect magic to happen, they will all run away). Let your personality shine through, and give her the chance to see who you really are and what you have to offer.
Goodness, kindness, selflessness etc could do the magic!

Be funny. 
Pleases, get some sense of humor. It's no secret that girls love guys who can crack a joke or be funny. Practice jokes that work because some don’t. This is because when you're alone with a girl, telling a joke can be a great way to break the tension.
If you're not good at jokes, you got to be careful so that you don’t become a joke or ridiculous

Be playful. 
One of the most important things girls look for in a partner is playfulness. Don't take things too seriously. And most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself if need be.

Have confidence
Most girls aren't attracted to people who are constantly putting themselves down. So be confident, but not cocky. What are u good at, know it. Don't brag about it or show off, but put these things into your routine, let them shine every once in awhile.
Feel free to take a jab at yourself if need be, make sure you present it as a joke. It is okay to laugh at your mistakes.

Give her space
This doesn't mean playing hard-to-get, but give the girl control over what happens next. Suffocating her and bullying her into a relationship will do the opposite of what you're hoping for. When you give a girl room to breathe, she will often come to love you on her own terms.
This doesn’t also mean being too distant. Keep calling her regularly and showing her that you're interested.
Note that this is all about showing her how confident you are. What you're basically saying is "I had a great time with you, and I like you, but I'm not going to come on super strong because I'm not desperate." Girls and guys are both attracted to people who are cool and calm, who don't jump the gun, and who aren't desperate.

Take her out on great dates
If you want love to blossom, you're going to have to ask her on a date at some point. There are so many places you can go to, like the movies, an eatery, or any hangout spot. Don’t stay indoors and bore the life out of her. Visiting places together could give her the kind of excitement that could make her fall for you and make you both bond.

This is just  the tip of the iceberg. Stick around as HD brings you more exciting tips in the coming days.


  1. Nice one HD. These are nice tips every guy should know and even ladies too can use it. BUT, incase anyone dont have the patience to adopt these tips here are three things you have to do;
    (a) Give her money
    (b) Take her shopping
    (c) Give her money
    I bet that works like magic, lol.

  2. Cool tips.. But HD, u should have added 'Give her money' @ Angela, I love items A, B & C . correct babe. Guys, y'all better get ready. Nothing good comes easy .

  3. Cool tips.. But HD, u should have added 'Give her money' @ Angela, I love items A, B & C . correct babe. Guys, y'all better get ready. Nothing good comes easy .

  4. Its nt all abt d money or shopping spree, it only makes d guy a Maga

  5. 3 things! Give her money, give her Mooney, give her moooooooney! Do it already and she is yours! I like Angela's alternative shorter route! Loooolz!

  6. 3 things! Give her money, give her Mooney, give her moooooooney! Do it already and she is yours! I like Angela's alternative shorter route! Loooolz!

