Friday, January 3, 2014


Some time ago, I met this friend. We clicked so fast and we started talking about life and relationships. Well, we focused more on the latter somehow, you know, ladies love 'gists' #winks#. One thing led to another and she started telling me about the man she was dating at the time. According to her, she had been with the guy for almost a year and he had never for one day told her that he loved her. The situation left her worried.

The guy kept telling her, he felt something strong but didn't know whether it was love or something else. In other words, the guy doesn't know what the feeling of love is. She kept wanting him to say that three-word sentence to her but he didn't. She asked her friends if they were facing the same situation but they all said, ‘Nope, if he loves you, he would tell you’. 

So she started feeling the guy didn't love her…

Long story short, she broke up with him..Awww

A few months later, she met someone else; a really good guy who seems to love her.
But my friend also gets worried because the guy says ‘I Love You’ like fifty times a day. She says the 'I Love You’s' come too often and that she doesn't believe they are real.  

The whole situation kinda gets me thinking….

Should there be a limit to the ‘I Love You’ we tell our lovers?

Do you think saying ‘I Love You’ means Real Love?

Is it right to break up because our partners do not say, ‘I Love You’?

How can we even know when they are true?

Dear Readers, what do you think is wrong and what do you think she can do about the current relationship?


  1. One, she doesn't love the current guy, two, she is confused.. That's all

  2. I don't blame the babe ooo.. some people sing 'i love u 'and some times, it can be annoying.. i suggest you watch him closely, if he is true u will def know, if not, u move o

  3. the first guy is an idiot.. used to have a guy like that, I dumped his ass. No be me go dey beg man for 'I love you'. Babes, if u love the first guy, u both should talk and enjoy ur relationship... abeg, no time!!

  4. I hope you girls know that it happens to guys too...Mcheeeewww. bloody sexists... Am outta here.. Dannyboi

  5. Dannyboi it hasn't cme to dat na, take a chill pill abeg...jus their opinion, freely xpress urs too without bin abusive!

  6. Dannyboi it hasn't cme to dat na, take a chill pill abeg...jus their opinion, freely xpress urs too without bin abusive!

  7. I think she needs help,not by telling you.or not that matters is his attitude towards you that counts

  8. I guess we love the wrong people for the right reasons... The first guy will keep having fun without commitment cos he never loved her . It's just sad that she isn't a player like the first guy, the second guy is probably just like her in the first instance ...#SumCrazyWorldWeLiveIn

