Monday, January 27, 2014


On the 6th of January 2014, I published a post on  'YOU WANT HER TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU? SEE HOW' and I promised to bring us more points on the topic. Remember? Ok, if you did not read it please, kindly do so here

I remember some ladies wanted the points to be: 1)  Give Her Money
                                                                          2) Give Her Money
                                                                          3) Take Her shopping
                                                                          4) Give Her Mooooooney   
Hahahahahahaha.... Are men in trouble?! 

Anyway, check out the continuation of that post....

Don't Be Judgmental. Don't judge any girl that you develop feelings for not even if she turns out to be different from who you thought she was. Everyone is unique with their own qualities just like you are. No one is perfect. If she does stuff that you can't even try to understand, then she's just not the girl for you. Capiche!! That doesn't make her a bad person and it’s not a time to show her the lion in you. Hahahah.

Do Not Expect Anything. Love thrives in pressure-free environments. Let go of your expectations. This will not only help you relax but will also make you more appealing to a girl than if you are uptight and worried. Like we know, the less you expect, the less disappointed you get. Teach yourself to expect nothing from the girl so that you do not get disappointed. If she does fall in love with you, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Always have at the back of your mind that there are plenty of fish in the sea. This is in a case where a particular girl doesn’t end up falling for you.

Respect Her Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions. This is not easy but you will have to try and see everything from her point of view. Show her you appreciate and admire her opinions. Better still, don’t stop at ‘seeing’ and ‘appreciating’ her opinions, try to adopt them. You will sure be the most loved in the world! Whew

Always Be Honest and Genuine with Yourself and with Her. Honesty has a way of building trust, so don’t joke with it because you do not want the trust to be broken; it never returns, trust me. Reveal your true heart and soul. Do not be afraid of baring it all. Also, be honest and open about your plans, wants and desires. The worst that will happen is she is not OK with it. But you would have, at least, established a starting point which can then be adjusted in order that you come to know each other more closely.

Listen and Communicate. Listen patiently and passively. This is very important because the understanding that you gain will help to communicate in a caring and helpful way. Also, recognize her wants and needs. Be truly open to her expressions and feelings, both the verbal and the non-verbal.

Accept her Individuality. Everyone has what makes them unique; try to understand hers. Celebrate this uniqueness and all you will ever have is a happy and satisfied woman. And trust me, happy people love happily. LOL

Help Her Achieve Her Dreams. Help her do the things that she wants to do for herself. This means you will have to let her spend time working on the things that she wants to work on, like school or a skill. Doing these things with her is a plus. And in case you did not know this, the moment a girl sees that you are someone who supports her in the things she wants for her life, she will know that you are exactly what she needs.

Show Dedication and Commitment. This means you have to be there for her always both as a friend and a confidant. Be quick to forgive her weaknesses and work to bring the best in her. Similarly, be open to her making you into the best person you can be. Remember, committed love is a partnership, where you both bring out the best in each other. This will get her to fall so hard for you.

I wish you luck guys..
keep making them fall in love!

I hope these tips help. Feel free to send more.


  1. Dnt let us be feminist ojare, what abt hw to make him fall in love? lol

    1. Thanks for that tip or suggestion, thanks for your support... I am always working to ensure your satisfaction, so I am going to work on that. But Please, feel free to send your points on how we can get a man fall in love . Thanks once again.

    2. @Anonymous: my reply is to the anonymous person who wants to know "how to make him fall in love" I think same principles apply. Like the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,"

  2. Nice one dear. But miss anonymous is right, I think women need points on how to get the male folks to fall for them. That seem to be a bigger challenge lately.

    1. Noted! I am going to bring that to us shortly. Thanks for your support and please, keep visiting, reading and commenting. #hugs

  3. Trust me,there ar some girls dat ar jst impossible,if u like apply all d algebraic formula u knw...

  4. Thanks HD. This is a lot, its like a 5-year course in the university...but for me its worth it cos ive got the best chick in the world...Chinedu

  5. @Anonymous: my reply is to the anonymous person who wants to know "how to make him fall in love" I think same principles apply. Like the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

