Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Ooook! The post about Agnes and Dan titled "HER HUSBAND HAS STARVED HER FOR FOUR YEARS, SHOULD SHE DIVORCE HIM?" has got some folks arguing. If you did not read it, please, check here.

So some HD Readers argued that it is not possible for a man who married his wife to suddenly stop wanting to have s*x with her. According to them, Agnes has cheated on him or even done a worse thing to him and that is the reason he is keeping away. They further said that Aggy should even count herself lucky that she has a hubby that is considerate because some other men would have thrown her ass out of their home by now. Wow! Hmm

Well, in this case, this Reader may be right oo.

However, I have seen a situation where the man did not catch his wife cheating or anything like that and yet he started hating her and distancing himself until the marriage ended. And I just kept asking, "how did they get to that point?"

Anyway, Dear Readers, what do you think about these fellows' point?
Do you think Aggy actually cheated on him?

1 comment:

  1. well, it is possible. I also thought the cause could be cheating..ehya

