Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Masturbation, which has been the latest subject matter on Hazon's Diaries has been quite controversial. You can tell from the comments from readers. LOL. Please, read the previous posts here and here 

While some think it is bad and evil, others feel indifferent about it. An anonymous commenter particularly asked this question.... 

HD, please, is masturbation really wrong? I have someone close to me who masturbates. I have never thought it was wrong but people see it as wrong. So I want your opinion since you wrote about it. thanks

People say it is not bad and it is not good. But do you feel good within yourself doing it? If you do not, then try to stop it. I know it is not going to be that easy but you have to try because the truth is, that statement, 'it is not bad and it is not good' is a lie. Something cannot be bad and good at the same time. This is my opinon!

However, to answer your question further, I have decided to share with you some of the dangers of masturbation. Some of them, with examples. 

Please, check them out..

It could cause you a big embarrassment or public disgrace. If you want to know what I am talking about, go ask the guy who splashed his sperm on a 'bodacious' innocent lady on the NYSC Camp. He wished the earth could open and swallow him up as the lady kept shouting at him and attracting a crowd. But no, the earth refused to open for him because instead of focusing on the Quarter Guard, he had been doing other stuff with someone's butt.

Masturbation causes you a lot of fatigue. It makes you feel tired all the time. Now, no one wants to feel this way always.

It gives you lower back pain. If you keep doing this to yourself, how will you take care of your wife or girl friend?...In bed, I mean.

It thins your hair  and eventually leads to hair loss. This is usually slow and gradual but it does happen. I think this is really a good reason you should fight to stop masturbation. This is especially for the girls. You do not want to start looking like a vulture after some time.

It causes soft / weak erections. This is for the men. If you have lost a very hot chick before because your D cannot stand or even 'do', you want to consider ditching masturbation. Besides, you do not want to be lonely all your life.

Masturbation also causes premature ejaculation. It is not good for anyone. Infact, it is a big turn-off for so many women. If you have this problem, it may have been as a result of you doing your one-eyed snake yourself. My advice here is, seek help and please, stop!, Get a wife, maybe!

It causes fuzzy vision. In fact, it may lead to sight loss. Please, try to help yourself.

Masturbation also causes groin / testicular pain. Guys, you know better.

It could make you a shame and a social outcast. It makes you lonely and on your own. Break the barrier and try to have a normal life. LOL.. Back in school, a girl was in a classroom helping herself in the night. Some two guys who happened to be my friends had walked in on her. They  knew what she was doing the moment they saw her and guess what they said, 'Do you need our help, sister?' Hahahahah. They kept reminding her whenever they saw her around the campus, though indirectly. Shameful!!

I hope these are dangers enough to make you want to stop masturbating. I know it is not easy, but you've got to try. Show love to yourself but do not make love to yourself. #takesabowandleavesthepodium#


  1. Oh boy! This is educating . Lol @ d NYSC guy . that babe too tempt am na.

  2. it also has its good effects on the body.

  3. Nice job! I know people usually say masturbation wasn't mentioned directly in the scriptures. Please don't forget the bible speaks of self-control...avoiding illicit sexual fantasies and all forms of sexual immorality. Hazon thank you for this insight. God bless you.

  4. Nice job! I know people usually say masturbation wasn't mentioned directly in the scriptures. Please don't forget the bible speaks of self-control...avoiding illicit sexual fantasies and all forms of sexual immorality. Hazon thank you for this insight. God bless you.

