Friday, February 28, 2014


The thought of publishing an article about heels brought back a memory of how I struggled with a pair of shoes I wore to church sometime in the past. Hahahahaha.....

My shoe customer had just returned from the UK and had called on me and my shoe-loving friend. Excitedly, we had quickly run to her place so that we could get the best shoes before a lot of people came. We did get the best. As we tried them on, I was already picturing myself in a pair of awesome sandals the next day which was going to be a Sunday.. Hmmm.

Sunday came and the heels were fair enough on my way to church as I was feeling fly and walking with so much grace, but not on my way back.. LOL

I could barely go halfway home before my legs got wobbly from a weakness I could not explain. My graceful walk of earlier suddenly  became disgraceful. The next thing I felt was a profuse sweat. You know that awkward moment when there is no heat but you are just sweating. I became frustrated.

My frustration turned into shame when some laborers and area boys around started laughing and saying, 'Sister, commot the shoe na, you just dey shake like jellyfish, you go fall o, Na by force? Sisi eko. One even said, 'Come, make I help you, ehya, see as her leg just dey bend'.

I got the urge to shut them up but then I thought, 'What if I fell in the process, who would help me stand?

Just then, I wished I hadn't bought those shoes.. #feel free to laugh at me#. Thank goodness, I succeeded in wobbling home but never wore those sandals again. ROTFL

You do not want to be in this situation really. And hey, if it had happened to you before, no big deal. Just learn how to do better next time with these tips......

Wear the Right Size.
Sometimes, because we love some shoes we want to buy them even if they are not perfect size. It could be a big mistake. If it is not your size, please, give it up. Go for perfect size if you want to enjoy your heels. Our shoe sizes change sometimes mostly after child birth. When they do, you should change to your new size.

Know Your Foot Type. 
Your foot type maybe the reason you feel pain or uncomfortable when you wear your heels. So try to know how much your foot is flattening or how high of an arch you have. This could help you make better choices in heels and other shoes.

Go for Platforms or Thicker Heels
Thin soles, most of the time, give you pain on the bottom of your foot and even cause your foot to wobble around which is not worth bargaining for. I know sometimes  dresses call for stilettos but hey, you could just make it occasional or avoid long distance walks in order not to attract unnecessary comments from area boys especially when you are not driving.

Give Your Feet a Break.
From time to time, kick off your shoes and allow your feet some rest and air. Stretch the front of you feet and the ankle. work on your feet in a way that you will get the Achilles’ tendon and the calf muscles more relaxed.

Do Shoes with More Coverage.
These are more comfortable. In fact, you could wear this kind of shoes for the whole day without any form of discomfort. Just know what works for you. 

Shoe Pads Work Magic Too.
These are products that market themselves for high heels. They are called metatarsal or ball of the foot pads. They are oval-shaped pads that go under the ball of the foot, usually made from a silicone gel. They help fight soreness under the ball of the foot especially if it’s made of silicone. It will hold your foot more steady in the shoe so your feet aren’t sliding forward as much. This could protect your toes from friction and blisters.

Leave flats or slippers in your cars or bags for times when your feet cannot take it anymore. It works for me. You can try it.

Please, you may not want to try these though...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Masturbation, which has been the latest subject matter on Hazon's Diaries has been quite controversial. You can tell from the comments from readers. LOL. Please, read the previous posts here and here 

While some think it is bad and evil, others feel indifferent about it. An anonymous commenter particularly asked this question.... 

HD, please, is masturbation really wrong? I have someone close to me who masturbates. I have never thought it was wrong but people see it as wrong. So I want your opinion since you wrote about it. thanks

People say it is not bad and it is not good. But do you feel good within yourself doing it? If you do not, then try to stop it. I know it is not going to be that easy but you have to try because the truth is, that statement, 'it is not bad and it is not good' is a lie. Something cannot be bad and good at the same time. This is my opinon!

However, to answer your question further, I have decided to share with you some of the dangers of masturbation. Some of them, with examples. 

Please, check them out..

It could cause you a big embarrassment or public disgrace. If you want to know what I am talking about, go ask the guy who splashed his sperm on a 'bodacious' innocent lady on the NYSC Camp. He wished the earth could open and swallow him up as the lady kept shouting at him and attracting a crowd. But no, the earth refused to open for him because instead of focusing on the Quarter Guard, he had been doing other stuff with someone's butt.

Masturbation causes you a lot of fatigue. It makes you feel tired all the time. Now, no one wants to feel this way always.

It gives you lower back pain. If you keep doing this to yourself, how will you take care of your wife or girl friend?...In bed, I mean.

It thins your hair  and eventually leads to hair loss. This is usually slow and gradual but it does happen. I think this is really a good reason you should fight to stop masturbation. This is especially for the girls. You do not want to start looking like a vulture after some time.

It causes soft / weak erections. This is for the men. If you have lost a very hot chick before because your D cannot stand or even 'do', you want to consider ditching masturbation. Besides, you do not want to be lonely all your life.

Masturbation also causes premature ejaculation. It is not good for anyone. Infact, it is a big turn-off for so many women. If you have this problem, it may have been as a result of you doing your one-eyed snake yourself. My advice here is, seek help and please, stop!, Get a wife, maybe!

It causes fuzzy vision. In fact, it may lead to sight loss. Please, try to help yourself.

Masturbation also causes groin / testicular pain. Guys, you know better.

It could make you a shame and a social outcast. It makes you lonely and on your own. Break the barrier and try to have a normal life. LOL.. Back in school, a girl was in a classroom helping herself in the night. Some two guys who happened to be my friends had walked in on her. They  knew what she was doing the moment they saw her and guess what they said, 'Do you need our help, sister?' Hahahahah. They kept reminding her whenever they saw her around the campus, though indirectly. Shameful!!

I hope these are dangers enough to make you want to stop masturbating. I know it is not easy, but you've got to try. Show love to yourself but do not make love to yourself. #takesabowandleavesthepodium#

Monday, February 24, 2014


My last post click, some comments and personal messages I received from readers led me to make more research on Masturbation.

I came across so many write ups on it but I could not resist this one from titled 'Facts About Masturbation'. They are people's ideas about the act and I want to know if you subscribe to the these facts?

Please, check them out....

Masturbation is not evil, dirty or harmful - it will not make you go blind, drive you insane, turn you into a pervert, stunt your growth, give you an STD, make you sterile or get you pregnant.

Both guys and girls masturbate, it is a normal and healthy part of sexual development.

Masturbation is a very personal thing and should not be done in public places or around people who are not willing partners (think safer sex activity).

You are normal if you masturbate, normal if you wonder about it but don't do it, and normal if you never give it a second thought and don't do it - it is one of the few things in life that is "normal if you do and normal if you don't".

Masturbation may make sexual intercourse more enjoyable because you will already know what it takes to "please you".

Masturbation alleviates stress and releases endorphens (the pleasure hormones) in to your system making you more relaxed.

Masturbation as exploration of the body is common in children between the ages of 3 and 6, in teens masturbation becomes more sophisticated and sexually motivated.

Surveys have shown that 80% of males and 59% of females have masturbated by age 18.

Many experts believe that masturbation is more prevalent in the teen years due to a strong fluctuation of hormones; masturbation alleviates the strain of this build up and is a necessary part of development.

The only real problems that come with masturbation are psychological and are the result of unhealthy or weary attitudes toward doing it (if you do it but are ashamed) or abnormal practices (for example, public masturbation).

LOL.. Surprised?

What is your take on these points?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Sometime last week I had a think back on some of the events that took place in my life on the Campus of OAU and one experience came vividly in my never forgetting mind. LOL

People think it is funny because when I shared it with my friends, they laughed so hard but for me, it is not. Hmmmm

It happened in the year 2006, I can’t really remember the month now, but it was a beautiful late morning. School was still in session. We had just finished a lecture on Sociology when I decided I was going to use the ladies'.

My girlfriend came along but decided to wait for me while I made my self comfortable inside. I won’t go into details but truth is, I was really being happy in there when suddenly, I caught that feeling you get when someone is looking at you. I ignored it because for all you care, it was just me in the loo. #duh!

But as that perceived presence lingered, I got uncomfortable and started hurrying up. Just as I was shaking off the last droplets, the feeling became stronger. That was when I looked up. Wew!!

What I saw amazed me! A gecko-like guy was hanging on the demarcating wall between the toilet I was in and the other one, watching me with eyes wide open in a suspicious manner.

At first, I was confused and dumbfounded. But in seconds I found myself screaming and running out of the convenience. My surprised friend ran to meet me halfway with so many questions…

In the midst of all this, all I could mutter to her was, ‘Babes, there’s a guy in there’.

We did not leave the place immediately because we wanted to see the guy and probably find out what he was doing staring at me 'peeing'. Initially, we thought he was not going to come out but thank goodness, he did. With his own sperm all over his pants and looking like a lost puppy. OMG! We knew what he was doing at this point…he was spanking the monkey, you know, the one-eyed snake!?, On my b**t…..ish!! #continuingwiththecryingof2006#

On seeing this, all we could say was, ‘shame on you!’ ‘Fine boy, no girlfriend!’.  ‘Ode buruku’, added my friend.

The sicko, of course, did not wait to hear the last insult as he disappeared into thin air. 

Ok, do not get me wrong, an average person gets sexually stimulated and they just want to help themselves. My question is, why should it be in the female toilet and with innocent women's butts? Oh! Shoot!!

Anyway, what would you do if this happened to you? 

Friday, February 14, 2014


Today is that 'Day of Love' everyone has been waiting for. Personally I believe love should happen everyday. This is not to say that Feb 14 is not cool. Infact, it is Supercool and I totally subscribe to it.  You can even send me your gifts #winks# LOL...

Anyway, I just want to wish you all a fab one and to say enjoy the day in all the ways you can but please, do not do these seriously, DO NOT DO THESE....

Don't Talk About An Ex
If you do not want to spoil your Valentine's Day evening, please, do not mention your 'ex' for any reason. Trust me, you don't want your partner to feel you are thinking about another man or woman. Focus!

Don't Overspend
You are not competing with anyone. Keep within your budget and have the nicest evening you can afford. You do not want to look at the pictures taken tonight and realize you have been frowning because your pocket is saying 'Red Alert'. I no dey ooo.

Don't Buy Kitchen Appliances 
Please, try sticking to romantic packages for your partner.Today is not the day you want to buy a washing machine or a blender. NOT ROMANTIC! (#inroborts'voice#). Whatever gift you choose should be nice and out of the ordinary.

Don't Do The Same Thing You Did Last Year
I know you want to say, 'but it worked magic'?  Good thing, you thought of a magical thing last year. Infact, I will say, 'bravo'!. However, try another one this time around. Trust me, magic never finishes. LOL

Don't Put Your Partner Last
Some of us are going to be the ones organizing our friends' gifts to their girlfriends and boyfriends. This is called 'Busy Body'. Please, make your partner happy first before any other person.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hello HD Forum Members,

I really do not know where to start with today's post. So I am just going to say two things; THANK YOU and THANK YOU. You are simply the best!

Ok, maybe you do not know why I am taking this 'Thank You' post serious. Let me break it down.

Hazon's Diaries is just two months old today, the 12th of February, but we have recorded over 2,000 pageviews, over a 100 comments, uncountable shares etc. It's been you, yes, you. You made it happen. I think this is a lot.

Your creative criticisms, your pieces of advice, your support, your love, your posts, your comments, private messages to me have contributed so immensely to this achievement. Please, keep them coming because without them, HD won't be.

Once again, I say
     Thank you

I want to use this medium to tell you that a journey of a thousand miles indeed, starts with a step. So do not ever ignore the days of little beginnings because God can use anything in your hands. #TAKESABOW

Monday, February 10, 2014


How time flies! It is already Valentine's week.

Well, I was thinking of what to post and this question came to mind, ‘What would be a cute and original thing to do for your man/woman for Valentine's day?’

Yes, I sampled people's opinions, you won't believe some fellows' concepts... Hahahahahahaaha

Please, check out some of their responses. 

‘Propose to her with a ring inside ice-cream.’. Hmmm.. Romantic!?

'Throw an engagement party'. Ooooooookay!

'Propose to her inside fire'… Lips sealed on this, I hope this couple lives to see their marriage.

‘Propose to her with a ring inside eba, amala or fufu’… ROTFL. According to him, it should be purely African. Hahahahaha

‘Take her to my village for some experience with village mosquitoes.’ He said that will teach her long suffering in the course of their eventual marriage. Hahahahaha

A lady said she will package garden eggs with groundnut paste in a beautiful bag with a bow. According to her, it is the most original thing to think of. Well, I just hope the man does not break up with this one after receiving the gift tho.

'I will end it all, I mean, I will break up with her because I am tired of buying Brazilian, Mongolian, Indian, Armenian, Egyptian, Namibian and all the 'ian' hairs'. Wow! this bobo is mean!

'I will just be available for my boyfriend'. Babe, this is vague but ermm, I will take it. LOL

Dear Readers, what do you think about these responses and how would you answer this question?

My own response would be umm... I will tell you later. #winks

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Ooook! The post about Agnes and Dan titled "HER HUSBAND HAS STARVED HER FOR FOUR YEARS, SHOULD SHE DIVORCE HIM?" has got some folks arguing. If you did not read it, please, check here.

So some HD Readers argued that it is not possible for a man who married his wife to suddenly stop wanting to have s*x with her. According to them, Agnes has cheated on him or even done a worse thing to him and that is the reason he is keeping away. They further said that Aggy should even count herself lucky that she has a hubby that is considerate because some other men would have thrown her ass out of their home by now. Wow! Hmm

Well, in this case, this Reader may be right oo.

However, I have seen a situation where the man did not catch his wife cheating or anything like that and yet he started hating her and distancing himself until the marriage ended. And I just kept asking, "how did they get to that point?"

Anyway, Dear Readers, what do you think about these fellows' point?
Do you think Aggy actually cheated on him?

Monday, February 3, 2014


For a while now I have been thinking about a story someone shared with me some weeks back. She was actually trying to get my opinion on the situation of a young couple who may be losing their marriage to God-knows-what. I actually did not know what advise to give her, so I thought I should share with you, my most intelligent readers. #bigsigh#

According to her, Agnes and Dan got married in an elaborate wedding setting. The wedding was the talk of town as it was featured in major magazines and blogs. It was like a fairy-tale kind of wedding. For Aggy, as she was fondly called by friends and family, it was a dream come true.

To make their joy even more complete, their bouncing baby boy came a year later. Everyone around them was overwhelmed with joy.

This is the fourth year after their first baby was born. Everyone who is aware she does not want to have just a child,  has been expecting their second child but it does not seem to be coming. Family members and friends are concerned and asking questions. They have even advised her to slow down on her job as stress may be the cause of her inability to conceive again.

However, in her bit to keep her affairs away from the prying eyes of family and friends, she has always just smiled when these pieces of advise came flowing and she has just said, 'Hey guys, my husband and I are trying to space our kids, so no worries.'

But to everyone's shock, Agnes's last phrase, that is, 'so no worries' was met with tears. In confusion, everyone around chorused, 'Aggy, what is the problem?'. She wept and sobbed harder and then said in between sobs, 'my husband has not gone intimate with me for the past four years, that is the reason I have not got pregnant again.' 'The sad thing is, I do not know what I did wrong, so I do not know what to apologise for', she added.

Everyone, especially her mum, froze and for a second, wished they hadn't asked.

Dear Readers, what do you think went wrong with Agnes and Dan?

While some people are thinking she should leave the guy, others are thinking she should stay. But then again this question comes up, 'why would you stay with someone who practically sees you as a stranger?'
