Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I had always thought that money makers and owners were the happiest people until I stumbled on this report which says: 

'Good news for folks whose bedrooms have more activity than their bank accounts: Research shows that sex is better for your happiness than money. Overall, the happiest folks are those getting the most sex: married people, who report 30% more between-the-sheet action than single folks.'

Well, folks, based on this report, if you have been trying to pursue happiness by fattening your accounts, you might need to redirect your energies. Mind you, I did not say you should engage in any bad act. LOL

I trust Nigerians... ROTFL. Everyone I have spoken to on this said it is impossible for s*x to make them happiest. Someone even said, ' What is s*x? Me dey go make my doe jooor'. Hahahaha

Personally, I think it is relative. I mean, for a typical 'moneyless' Nigerian who has been having a lot of s*x and as a result, has ten kids he cannot feed, that finding may be a NO NO. #Justsaying

But seriously, do you really think s*x gives more happiness than money?

Monday, January 27, 2014


On the 6th of January 2014, I published a post on  'YOU WANT HER TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU? SEE HOW' and I promised to bring us more points on the topic. Remember? Ok, if you did not read it please, kindly do so here

I remember some ladies wanted the points to be: 1)  Give Her Money
                                                                          2) Give Her Money
                                                                          3) Take Her shopping
                                                                          4) Give Her Mooooooney   
Hahahahahahaha.... Are men in trouble?! 

Anyway, check out the continuation of that post....

Don't Be Judgmental. Don't judge any girl that you develop feelings for not even if she turns out to be different from who you thought she was. Everyone is unique with their own qualities just like you are. No one is perfect. If she does stuff that you can't even try to understand, then she's just not the girl for you. Capiche!! That doesn't make her a bad person and it’s not a time to show her the lion in you. Hahahah.

Do Not Expect Anything. Love thrives in pressure-free environments. Let go of your expectations. This will not only help you relax but will also make you more appealing to a girl than if you are uptight and worried. Like we know, the less you expect, the less disappointed you get. Teach yourself to expect nothing from the girl so that you do not get disappointed. If she does fall in love with you, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Always have at the back of your mind that there are plenty of fish in the sea. This is in a case where a particular girl doesn’t end up falling for you.

Respect Her Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions. This is not easy but you will have to try and see everything from her point of view. Show her you appreciate and admire her opinions. Better still, don’t stop at ‘seeing’ and ‘appreciating’ her opinions, try to adopt them. You will sure be the most loved in the world! Whew

Always Be Honest and Genuine with Yourself and with Her. Honesty has a way of building trust, so don’t joke with it because you do not want the trust to be broken; it never returns, trust me. Reveal your true heart and soul. Do not be afraid of baring it all. Also, be honest and open about your plans, wants and desires. The worst that will happen is she is not OK with it. But you would have, at least, established a starting point which can then be adjusted in order that you come to know each other more closely.

Listen and Communicate. Listen patiently and passively. This is very important because the understanding that you gain will help to communicate in a caring and helpful way. Also, recognize her wants and needs. Be truly open to her expressions and feelings, both the verbal and the non-verbal.

Accept her Individuality. Everyone has what makes them unique; try to understand hers. Celebrate this uniqueness and all you will ever have is a happy and satisfied woman. And trust me, happy people love happily. LOL

Help Her Achieve Her Dreams. Help her do the things that she wants to do for herself. This means you will have to let her spend time working on the things that she wants to work on, like school or a skill. Doing these things with her is a plus. And in case you did not know this, the moment a girl sees that you are someone who supports her in the things she wants for her life, she will know that you are exactly what she needs.

Show Dedication and Commitment. This means you have to be there for her always both as a friend and a confidant. Be quick to forgive her weaknesses and work to bring the best in her. Similarly, be open to her making you into the best person you can be. Remember, committed love is a partnership, where you both bring out the best in each other. This will get her to fall so hard for you.

I wish you luck guys..
keep making them fall in love!

I hope these tips help. Feel free to send more.

Friday, January 24, 2014


The points below are inspired by the last post about the married man and his maid interestingly. Remember? If you did not read it, please check here

A reader who has seen this happen a lot decided to send me likely reasons men tend to cheat on their wives with their domestic workers i.e maid, cleaners, cooks, nannies etc

Please, check them out....

Lack of Attention
For crying out loud, this woman was fixed on a common soap opera while things were spoiling under her nose. Who knows? It may have been the reason the affair started in the first place. I advise women to pay good attention to the needs of their husbands because this is very important really.  These things happen a lot and the truth is, the reasons are usually almost the same. In a nutshell, we are like babies at heart when it comes to attention but unfortunately people don't really know how much we crave it. Give us attention wives! #Ok

Women Get Relaxed after Marriage
This is more common among African women. They lose their sexiness after marriage and after childbirth by tying wrappers, wearing annoying clothes, wearing unkempt hair, putting on so much weight. Some even go as far as not allowing their husbands get intimate with them. I am not saying there are no ‘dog-men’, I am just saying, do your bit! #Hmm

Creativity in Bed
Some women do not know more than the missionary style which can be boring. I am a man, and I will tell you, men easily get bored. So if you are married and you cannot do other styles during s*x, I am sorry you might have to work on yourself first and then, maybe, put away every woman who lives in your house that is not related to your husband. Because, woe betides you if evil happens and your hubby tests one of those girls who know it better than you. I mean, even if your husband cheats on you, it should not be with your domestic workers because, truth be told, the pain lasts longer!

Let me rest my case here HD. Thanks.

Wow! I am amazed. Seems there are justifications for every wrong doing these days. #LOL. Hey, this is not to say that this HD Reader has nailed it! Because I think there is truth in his points. 

But dear friends, readers etc, what do you think about this fellow's points?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This is a true life story...

A man and his wife were watching a soap opera on a very beautiful evening. The wife who was addicted to the show got carried away and was really concentrating.

About fifteen minutes later, the man asked to be excused and left for the room.

Show ended and the man was still not back. Just then, it dawned on the woman that her hubby had been gone for over forty minutes. She called out to him several times but there was no response. She got agitated and went in search of her husband. First, she went outside and then, she went inside wondering if rapture had taken place in her house.

For a moment, she thought, ‘has God left me behind?’

Out of confusion however, she dashed into their room. There was no one there. She rushed out and ran into their guest room. There her husband was with his pants down while their maid worked the best BJ ever on him.

What do you advise this woman?

Monday, January 20, 2014


I have come to see that in contemporary times, men are more attracted to older women (Cougars as they are called). It is one thing I have been trying to understand in a very long time. I mean, there was a time men would not even go for ladies their age not to talk of older ones. What changed?  Men I have spoken to on this issue even admitted that they actually prefer older ladies.Hmm

Being a very curious person, I decided I was going to find the reasons young men would rather go for women older than them, (and even in some cases, women twice their age).

Some men/boys I spoke to gave me these justifications:

Older women are independent. They have most times tested relationships and so they are not particularly interested in having their men by their sides every minute of the day like puppies. This, according to my interviewees makes such women less likely to be clingy and demanding.

Clear And Straight To The Point.
They tell what they want without mincing words while younger women in their 20s are more likely to waste your time playing hard to get. Younger women also tend to play games which older ladies don’t have time for. Older women’s forthrightness is refreshing; it’s a turn-on. #wow

Deep and Intelligent Conversations.
Younger women lack this! This is because they have little or no experience as compared to the older ladies who have lived longer, seen things, done things, seen places, have more interesting stories and more experience. According to them, conversations are very important in relationships and it will keep a relationship interesting long after the spark of the initial attraction has faded and so they cannot risk it with younger ladies.

Bed Skills.
Older women, because of their experiences over the years display better skills in bed than the younger ones who have probably not been involved before. Trying to teach someone the skills from start can be boring! (Aww!! whatever happened to men wanting virgins?!!)

Relationship Drama.
The younger women are usually drama queens with entanglements of cliques here and there; this is hardly seen around older ladies. For all you care they are too independent and mature that they do not remember to check with every Tom, Dick and Harry before they make plans about their relationship. Besides, older women, over the years, have streamlined their social networks and so, they usually have a few friends, thus, less drama.

Older women have more money. It is not the most important thing in relationships but definitely no one wants to carry all his girlfriend’s responsibilities on his head. As a matter of fact, it’s just a comfort for guys to know they aren’t going to have to pay for every single expense their girls make in the course of the relationship. #wow

What do you think about their points?

For me, I think there is a lot of truth in these justifications. 

But my question is, 'why do the older women like the younger men (Cubs)?'

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Hello Friends!

Welcome back from the Holiday. I hope you had a fab one.

I know it seems like almost everything I post is about relationships but come to think of it, can we ever do anything in this life without a form of relationship? I think the answer is ..NO, Yeah, it is ‘NO’.. LOL.

Heheh..By now you probably know what I am getting at already…Hmmm, preparing your minds for a permission to post something about R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S again. #winks#.. Thanks for granting my permission!!

So, there is an HD Reader in a situation. She is really not knowing which way to go about this right now and she thinks well-meaning friends like you might help out with some pieces of advice.

Her sister’s husband’s nephew is in love with her and wants to marry her. Considering the fact that most relationships she has started are not working out, she is thinking, should she damn whatever the Society feels about such arrangements and go with her in-law’s proposal or should she tell the guy off?

I personally think it is not wrong, after all, there are parts of the world where cousins marry themselves. But what do I know?

Dear Readers, what do you advise her to do in this situation?

Monday, January 13, 2014


Every one, at every point in time has a level of bad breath (Halitosis). Yeah, I know we don't want to admit that but it is true. It might be early hours of the morning or after a particular 'smelly' meal. This smell goes away after brushing, applying a mouth wash, etc.

However, there are some that  are chronic and do not ever go away no matter the amount of brushing or mouthwash. I mean, you open your mouth to speak and a whole crowd is dispersed.

Hey! this could be really embarrassing but not as bad as the many health conditions that it (bad breath/halitosis) might indicate. 

Check out some of the medical conditions ...(I read about them and thought I should share with you.)

Respiratory Tract Infections

You may catch a nasty flu bug, which develops into bronchitis or sinusitis if left untreated. These respiratory tract infections all end up causing bad breath if the sinus, lung, and throat tissues become inflamed and blocked, allowing odorous bacteria and mucus to accumulate.


Indeed, there’s a link between unstable blood sugar levels and chronic bad breath. Doctors often associate a notable fruity-acidic odor on the breath to a condition called, ketoacidosis, which is common in diabetics. When insulin levels are inadequate, the body will often excrete “offensive” acidic ketones. If untreated, ketoacidosis can lead to diabetic coma and death.


Studies draw a direct association between bad breath and being overweight due to diets high in protein and dairy, which causes an overgrowth of foul-smelling bacteria due to excessive amino acids.


We all know that we risk dehydration if we consume too much alcohol. That’s why the day after a night of imbibing; a nasty headache is likely to be your only souvenir.  This is because alcohol acts as a diuretic, depriving your body of water and prompting an unattractive case of dry mouth.

Acid Reflux

Digestive issues and other stomach conditions commonly cause halitosis. In fact, a plethora of digestive woes—including acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) obstruct efficiently digestion, causing it to remain and begin it’s decay in your gut, leaving you with regurgitation, acid indigestion, and smelly breath.

Stomach Ulcers

Another painful digestive woe that occurs on the inside and causes bad breath on the outside is stomach ulcers. Medical researchers claim that the very same bacteria linked to the growth of stomach ulcers, H. pylori bacteria, also causes chronic halitosis.

Kidney Disease

Do you have fishy breath? Did you eat a tuna sandwich recently? If you didn’t, you may be experiencing kidney issues. Because the kidneys filter toxic chemicals from our bodies via urine, once damaged,  they will become inefficient in toxin removal and a fishy, ammonia-scent may be noted in exhalation, indicating kidney failure or renal disease.

Lung Cancer

Bad breath can actually help pathologists diagnose lung cancer. This much cheaper alternative is being used more and more rather than costly and invasive biopsies and ultrasound scans to diagnose patients for lung cancer. Doctors actually scan a patient’s mouth using a pre-programmed “electronic nose,” which can identify volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in respired breath.

Sleep Apnea

We’re all guilty of some pretty evil morning breath. However, if you sleep with your mouth open, saliva production is obstructed during sleep, producing bacteria and severe halitosis. That’s why those prone to chronic snoring, or sleep apnea, will often breathe through the mouth and develop offensive sleeping breath in during deep slumber.

Cardiovascular Disease

Would you believe that a simple breath analysis could detect a heart condition? It turns out breath samples can diagnose several cardiovascular conditions, including a pending heart failure.

Please, let us take care of our health; it is very important. Remember, Health is Wealth. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Dear Friends,
A friend is in a situation and wants to know your opinion. Please read the full story and advise him.

"I grew up in a Christian home. Had my relationship life all planned out, in fact I thought I was going to end up with my first girlfriend as I did not want to have to date different women before settling down. But like the saying goes, 'man proposes, God disposes'.

My first girl whom I loved with my life did not marry me eventually. She had gotten so attached to a guy she called ‘just a friend’ that I could not bear it any more but had to break up.

Did I get involved with another woman? Oh Yes, I did, in fact I got involved with as many as 10 after her. Every one of them seemed to have the same issues; drama, indecision, too many male friends and sometimes, cheating.

I got tired of the whole situation of starting a new a relationship every now and then. My friends got concerned and decided I should look away from the so-called decent girls and try some with a touch of 'wildness', I am sure you know what I mean. At first, I was reluctant but on a second thought, I was like, ‘what a heck, it doesn’t kill, does it?

I decided to follow them to one of the clubs around. They particularly pointed me to the sexiest girl on the dance floor. Immediately I set my eyes on the girl, I started sweating, (please, note that I was not sweating because of the babe’s ‘hot bod’ but because I knew I would die young with that type of woman). She was the complete definition of beauty!

My friends must have pointed to her knowing that I would not want to talk to her but I decided to shock them as I walked up to her. Truth be told, I wished a vulture or some sort of beast would just carry me away as I said my first ‘hello’.

Fast forward to four months later, Anita and I became so close that my friends became jealous of me. I had completely fallen in love and she was all that mattered at some point and for the first time in years, I was in love and at peace.

We started talking about marriage. My parents, (both Pastors) were eager to meet my fancee. My mum was full of questions, one of which was, ‘so Ayo, where did you say you met this your fiancée again?’ looking straight into my eyes.

My heart raced and I just knew there was going to be a problem.

Innocently, I told them why, where and how we met and instantly I saw my both parents transformed into a tiger and tigress. The sweetness of earlier disappeared like dew on the appearance of the sun.

Bottom line is my parents don't want me to marry her because we met in a club.

I don’t want to leave the only woman that has made me happy in years.

Please, what do I do?

Should I ignore my parents and go on with the marriage?

Should I respect my parents and just let her go like that?"

What do you advise this fellow? If you ask me, I would say he should go ahead and marry the girl....

Monday, January 6, 2014


Every now and then some male friends come complaining to me about how they have tried so hard to get a girl they love to love them back. Sometimes I feel really bad for them but other times I am like, ‘Hey buddy, if you want a girl out there to fall in love with you, chances are that you'll have to go that extra step to win her over. Capiche!!

Yeah, accepted, there are some girls you do not need to work so hard to get but there are some others that you need to prove to that you are someone they can love back.

How can you do this?

Take care of yourself first
If you want a girl to fall in love with you, you need to show her that you can love yourself first. Practice good hygiene, wear nice clothes (pls, I mean clean clothes and no holes!), and exercise and eat right to keep your body feeling strong and healthy. Also brush your teeth regularly and use deodorants. When you show people that you think you’re worthy of love by loving yourself, they’re much more likely to agree!

 Live your life; Work 
No one wants to get into a serious relationship with someone who just sits around all day. If you want her to fall in love with you, get out there and show her that you live a great life. Go out; do the things that make you happy, fill your life with learning and exploration, and pursue your dreams. Show me a guy who works hard  and I will show you a guy that girls will fall for  in no time.
In a nutshell, follow your dreams and you'll find that girls are attracted to your passion and determination.

Show her your lovable qualities
People don't just decide with whom they want to fall in love. Love happens because the people involved have lovable qualities. Love often develops over time, so your job is to show the girl that you're worth being around (Don’t go arguing with every babe you go out with and expect magic to happen, they will all run away). Let your personality shine through, and give her the chance to see who you really are and what you have to offer.
Goodness, kindness, selflessness etc could do the magic!

Be funny. 
Pleases, get some sense of humor. It's no secret that girls love guys who can crack a joke or be funny. Practice jokes that work because some don’t. This is because when you're alone with a girl, telling a joke can be a great way to break the tension.
If you're not good at jokes, you got to be careful so that you don’t become a joke or ridiculous

Be playful. 
One of the most important things girls look for in a partner is playfulness. Don't take things too seriously. And most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself if need be.

Have confidence
Most girls aren't attracted to people who are constantly putting themselves down. So be confident, but not cocky. What are u good at, know it. Don't brag about it or show off, but put these things into your routine, let them shine every once in awhile.
Feel free to take a jab at yourself if need be, make sure you present it as a joke. It is okay to laugh at your mistakes.

Give her space
This doesn't mean playing hard-to-get, but give the girl control over what happens next. Suffocating her and bullying her into a relationship will do the opposite of what you're hoping for. When you give a girl room to breathe, she will often come to love you on her own terms.
This doesn’t also mean being too distant. Keep calling her regularly and showing her that you're interested.
Note that this is all about showing her how confident you are. What you're basically saying is "I had a great time with you, and I like you, but I'm not going to come on super strong because I'm not desperate." Girls and guys are both attracted to people who are cool and calm, who don't jump the gun, and who aren't desperate.

Take her out on great dates
If you want love to blossom, you're going to have to ask her on a date at some point. There are so many places you can go to, like the movies, an eatery, or any hangout spot. Don’t stay indoors and bore the life out of her. Visiting places together could give her the kind of excitement that could make her fall for you and make you both bond.

This is just  the tip of the iceberg. Stick around as HD brings you more exciting tips in the coming days.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Some time ago, I met this friend. We clicked so fast and we started talking about life and relationships. Well, we focused more on the latter somehow, you know, ladies love 'gists' #winks#. One thing led to another and she started telling me about the man she was dating at the time. According to her, she had been with the guy for almost a year and he had never for one day told her that he loved her. The situation left her worried.

The guy kept telling her, he felt something strong but didn't know whether it was love or something else. In other words, the guy doesn't know what the feeling of love is. She kept wanting him to say that three-word sentence to her but he didn't. She asked her friends if they were facing the same situation but they all said, ‘Nope, if he loves you, he would tell you’. 

So she started feeling the guy didn't love her…

Long story short, she broke up with him..Awww

A few months later, she met someone else; a really good guy who seems to love her.
But my friend also gets worried because the guy says ‘I Love You’ like fifty times a day. She says the 'I Love You’s' come too often and that she doesn't believe they are real.  

The whole situation kinda gets me thinking….

Should there be a limit to the ‘I Love You’ we tell our lovers?

Do you think saying ‘I Love You’ means Real Love?

Is it right to break up because our partners do not say, ‘I Love You’?

How can we even know when they are true?

Dear Readers, what do you think is wrong and what do you think she can do about the current relationship?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I-Resolution: TIPS YOU WANNA APPLY IN 2014

The Year 2014 is here… Wow Thank God we made it.

A look at my Resolutions for 2014 just made me remember that I did not see those of 2013 to February. Ooops! Did I rob myself? How can I be sure of accomplishing these ones staring at me right now? Oh dear!

Ah Ha!! I think these tips might help me get as far as …hmmm… August? no, maybe November (LOL). However, if you have issues with accomplishing your Re-solution, I suggest you apply them for the year 2014. Who knows? 

Let's check 'em out..

Start small
Make resolutions that you think you can keep. If, for example, your aim is to exercise more frequently, schedule three or four days a week at the gym instead of seven. If you would like to eat healthier, try replacing some foods with the ones you enjoy, like fruit or vegetables, instead of seeing your diet as a form of punishment.

Change one behavior at a time
Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time. Thus, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that you have to reassess everything in your life. Instead, work toward changing one thing at a time.

Talk about it
Share your experiences with family and friends. Consider joining a support group to reach your goals, such as a workout class at your gym or a group of coworkers quitting smoking or some other habit. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with makes your journey to a healthier lifestyle  much easier and less intimidating.

Don’t beat yourself up
Perfection is unattainable. Remember that minor missteps when reaching your goals are completely normal and OK. Don’t give up completely because you took ice cream or a massive bowl of eba and broke your diet, or skipped the gym for a week because you were busy. Everyone has ups and downs; resolve to recover from your mistakes and get back on track.

Ask for support

Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking professional help. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body. They can offer strategies as to how to adjust your goals so that they are attainable, as well as help you change unhealthy behaviors and address emotional issues.

Once in a while you could reward yourself for a job well done.

Hey! Don't be caught in this guy's situation...

Have the most amazing 2014!
