Monday, May 26, 2014


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I was having a chat with a friend I met sometime in the past. Grace (not real name) and Mark, her boyfriend had been dating for about three years then without a commitment sign from him. I was not close to them enough to know the reason the man was not talking about committing after that long time of dating but I did think he had his ‘reasons’. After all, everyone has a reason for not committing, right? 

Truth is, not many men are ready to commit these days. In fact, in the part of the world where I am from, men want to be boys forever. But I tell you, there are millions of women who have got some men of substance committing to them with all of their being. What this means is, you can get anyone to commit to you no matter the situation.  But now, the question is ‘HOW’? Check out some of the ways, you can get a man to commit to you....

Blow His Mind..
Be better than anyone he has ever had in all aspects of the relationship. There has to be that something that makes him want to say, ‘this is the woman I want for all my life’. Make him want to be with you, enjoy your company and feel awesome around you. This means you have to be at your best. Truth is, when you get to that point, even you will know it.

Some ladies don’t talk about the status of their relationships with their men. You can’t know what plans he has if you don’t talk. So let him know you are ready for a commitment and try to find out if he is too. He is not supposed to be a bully that you can’t face. Freely open up and tell him your fears and ask questions about where your relationship is heading. If you don’t understand the destination, please, give him some time to figure out what he wants. The reason you need this point is because some men don’t know what they want from a relationship.

Go Out Without Him!.
This makes him want to have you around more often. Men, sort of, don’t like to be undermined in any way. Sometimes, when you give him the impression that you are so cool without him, he wants to just buckle up a little, trust me. So, don’t get all clingy like he is your life line, go on dates with girlfriends, your sister(s) or even your female colleagues. Take pictures and show them to him. Let him know that 'you can do bad great, by yourself'.

Assume Your Duty..
In other words, take liberties. Adopt the role of the one and only girlfriend, fiancĂ©e etc. Your man may just assume you two have already started a serious thing. From time to time, pick up groceries for him; ask him to do the same. If you live close to him, pack his work lunch every once in a while and drop it for him on your way to work.  Call him at work and say, " Hey, sorry to bother you, but on the way home, could you buy some milk, fruits and some of those sanitary towels for me?"  If he doesn't refuse your request, it may just mean acceptance. And who knows? It may just mean the start of some sort of commitment.

Hang Out with Your Male Friends..
Men have a problem with their women having guy friends; men with whom women claim to have platonic relationships. In fact, men don't believe there is such a thing as a guy friend, especially when it comes to a girlfriend they care about. Trust me, this could bring you and your guy close enough to a committed relationship. But, you need to be careful here because if not, this could cost you even the relationship.

What do you think about these tips?

Please,send  in your points if you know other ways you can get a man to commit to a woman. Let's learn!


  1. Nice points but these don't always work. I tried these and more in my last relationship and I still got a broken heart..

    1. Thanks @ Anon, you are right. That's why they are just meant to guide you. BTW, I am sorry about your last relationship.

  2. Nice points but these don't always work. I tried these and more in my last relationship and I still got a broken heart..

  3. where is the xxx activity or that is not needed ???

    1. @ Anon, I don't think I get you but if what I am thinking is what you mean, then I will just say it depends on the individuals.

  4. I wouldn't go with 'blowing his mind' thing (striving to be better than anyone he has ever had in all aspects of the relationship) The truth is, in whatever ways u want to go about it, remember to always be YOURSELF (good or bad)..if it's meant to be, it will be! No be by force

  5. LOL @ Omolola.. Ok thanks, just try to work it out anyhow. #winks#

  6. Being yourself is the key. And most of all understanding and patience can go a long way.

  7. Thanks @Hazon, another thing I think ladies could use is cooking their men home-made foods. It goes a long way. Another way is stopping all other romantic engagements with other men. Some girls want a serious relationship while they are jumping from one bed to another. This has a way of working against you without you knowing. So I think! I had a girl who was always craving for commitment but I later found out she wasn't forcing just me to commit to her.

    1. Thanks so much @ Anon for that addition. I am sorry about your girl.

