Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

I was surfing the net and came across an article which says there are only two reasons men are attracted to women and those reasons are:
1. She is good for his EGO
2. She is good for his WELL-BEING

According to the writer, there are countless more specific reasons that a man is attracted to a woman, but every unique cause of attraction in a man can be categorized into one of these two main reasons.
In making his point clearer he explained that To be good for a man’s ego is to demonstrate qualities that he can “brag to his buddies” about.

On the second reason, he said that To be good for a man’s well-being is to satisfy his needs in some way.

Ok, I know that every man wants to be proud of his partner and of course, be able to show her off somehow. I also do know that men have needs that their partners should satisfy but I never really saw these as men's major standpoint. But what do I know? 

So guys, do you agree with this writer? Do you think he is on point? Are these what really attract you to women??


  1. well, I am not a man but i think it is true. Let's tell ourselves the truth, what else do men want? so I think the guy is right. If you think otherwise, prove it!

    1. Hmmm. ok. Seems like the girls are vexing. Thanks

  2. This is somewhat hard to admit but I think the writer is right. An average man just needs those two points basically. A beautiful and sexy woman to always look at and feel proud about or show off and who can understand his needs and satisfy them. Yes, that is it.

  3. Anyway men and women love matter have always been as matter of conditions, believe me if you remove some conditions which may even been hidden to your very self Love won't exist amongst humans.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I completely disagree, especially with point 1. The problem with these types of claims is that they are generalizations. This is saying "all men are the same", which isn't true. This may be true of some, maybe even many, but not all. Point 2 I don't have much of a problem with because this is true of both men and women and should be part of any healthy relationship

    1. Thank you @ Leo for the information, Guys take your cue

