Monday, May 19, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Someone shared this story with me and asked my opinion. Sincerely, I didn't know what to advise her. So I thought I'd share with you, my dear friends. 

Please, read the story and tell her what you feel is best for her right now...

"I am Anie. In the year 2003, I met this man I really loved and who truly loved me back or so I thought. I could give anything for Jake. The connection we felt seemed unbreakable. But since I was quite young, we agreed that we were not going to get intimate until we got married. We did things lovers do except sex and we were happy with each other.

One year passed and we were still good and even more in love until one fateful day. I had visited my boyfriend with the intention of playing computer games as we usually did. Fair enough, we started the game but his sudden change of countenance made me start asking questions as I got worried.

After much 'questioning', he finally opened up and said he was tired of being in a relationship without sex. I got really surprised but started trying to make him understand that I was too young to be having sex at that time. All my pleas fell on deaf ears.

Long story short, I was raped by my supposed boyfriend. A man who claimed to love me so much.

Ten years later, my aunt told me about a colleague of hers who needed to get married and was finding it difficult to get a decent girl. She told him about me and advised that I give him some attention since I wasn't dating. Though I was not the type that gave in to matchmaking, I decided to listen to my aunt for some reason. We started talking, that is, me and the stranger, who was by name, Charly.

We did pretty well. We fell in love in less than one month. I was amazed at how fast I had become so fond of him.

After about a month, it was time for us to meet each other. Though, I was nervous but I was looking forward to it. As a matter of fact, I had one million butterflies in my tummy.

We chose a day, time and place of meeting. It was a Saturday. About thirty minutes before our meeting time, I left the house in order not to be late. I got to the restaurant about 10 minutes early. I decided to get myself a drink while I waited for my date. I had just taken a sip from my drink when I saw Jake!

The drink in my stomach protested followed by every organ in my body. ‘No, no, God, please, don’t let him be my date’ I wished in silence.

I swallowed hard as he waved to me like the world was at peace. I looked at him and looked away. By the time I looked back, he had sit at the other end; about three seats away from mine. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and then after a few seconds, he took the phone close to his ears.

I felt a vibration in my bag and wished so hard that it was not his call my phone was responding to. Fearfully, I took my phone; it was Charly! ‘Hello’ I said, almost inaudibly.

‘I’m there, where are you?’  I heard his question twice; through the phone and just in front of me.

My phone dropped and I wished the earth would open and just swallow me. I had fallen in love with my rapist again! Charly was Jake!

Hmmmm...He came back to beg and ask my hand in marriage.  Truth is, I forgive him but I can't seem to get myself to spend the rest of my life with him. Not after what he did to me!

Do you think I am overreacting?

Please, what do I do?"

I am left with questions myself... I will ask one though

'Do you think Charly knew she was the one all along?

But please, give Anie your advise first.


  1. Wen I saw d caption,it didn't look like her boyfriend raped b frank,she shouldn't be so hard on herself like d guy raped her like she never knew him. How many girls do u think freely give in to sex?the 1st experience for most pple is like rape, even if wit their boyfriend or husband. Getting intimate with any guy wen u r not ready for sex is a very bad thing,cos it will someday lead to unwanted sex for d girl. Anyway, she shud forgive hersef,forgive him and love him again. Probably,she is destined to be wit him for life.

  2. Wen I saw d caption,it didn't look like her boyfriend raped b frank,she shouldn't be so hard on herself like d guy raped her like she never knew him. How many girls do u think freely give in to sex?the 1st experience for most pple is like rape, even if wit their boyfriend or husband. Getting intimate with any guy wen u r not ready for sex is a very bad thing,cos it will someday lead to unwanted sex for d girl. Anyway, she shud forgive hersef,forgive him and love him again. Probably,she is destined to be wit him for life.

  3. If you can handle it, then go with him but if u can't, just run because you don't want to resent ur husband for the rest of ur life. I know someone a similar thing happened to, she stayed far away from him. For some people it is best that way. bye

  4. Babe, just assume that u had a normal sex. forgive him and go with him. how many men will come back after raping u? Coincidence or no coincidence, God allowed it for a reason.. Thats my opinion sha o.

