Monday, May 12, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Ok people, this is the last part of the 'ONCE UPON A RAPIST' Story. I hope everyone has been following. If 'No', please, checkout the beginning parts here and here.

So where were we?

Oh yeah! I was swept back into the room with a kick.......

The thought of my failed escape got me really angry.  In my intense anger, I gave my captor a stern and straight look as I roared in between tears ‘let me go now!’

‘What happens if I don’t let you go now?’ he asked trying not to shout. ‘I don’t know why you are so stubborn, I know a lot of girls who would have given in already’. 

‘I am not those girls, Jeff, and I am never going to be them’, I shouted with my eyes closed and tears trickling down uncontrollably.

‘Bring down your voice’, he commanded. But at this point, I was not going to be hushed, so I kept shouting. In anger, he grabbed my both arms and shook me as he firmly said, ‘shut the h*** up!’. The look on his face left my words hanging in my mouth. I tried to make out the meaning of that look but I couldn't.

He left me and went to sit on the bed that was already looking like two elephants had fought on it. I stood in the middle of the room pitying myself and swearing never to speak to any man again. I was still on the act of self-pity when I heard my captor say something. I hardly heard him so I turned to his direction to hear what he had to say clearly but then he had stopped talking.

I made a confused face at him and asked what he said.  He looked at me for a while and muttered, ‘You can go now’. My mouth went open with surprise. ‘But’, he continued, ‘you would have to kiss me first’.  My stomach stirred with irritation as I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, ‘what is the point in forcing me to kiss you now when you know it means I may never want to see you again’.

‘Beatrice, truth is, you are never going to see me again anyway, I lost that chance three hours ago. But it hurts because I really do love you’, he said. I was thrown off balance by his reply but I managed a few words of admonition, ‘ Next time, don’t force people you love, I mean, you don’t need it’.

After some seconds, he sighed and asked, ‘so you are not going to kiss me?’ ‘No’, I replied with a frown. He stood up, held my hands, walked to door, opened it with a key from his pocket and bid me goodbye.

As I stepped out of that room, all I wanted to do was run before he could change his mind but on a second thought, I decided to walk to the gate. However, I had just taken about three steps when he said, ‘Bee, why didn’t you kiss me, at least?’.

‘No reason that serious except that I am not ready yet’, I replied and walked away with my dignity and my body intact. Hmmm.

What were you expecting the end would be? Hahahahaha

Actually, I didn’t think I was going to escape until I was out of the premises.. LOL

But do you think he really wanted to rape me? Because now, I am thinking he never really wanted to.

What do you think about his claim about loving me? Do you think he freed me because he loved me as he claimed?


  1. were lucky o and as for the love part, yeah, he clearly loved you taht was why he let you go. Good writing style though

  2. Well If you had obliged he would have, but any man can claim they love you for sex but what happens afterwards is what would tell. The best is what you have done cause the same guy would think of you or call you wayaward afterwards.

