Monday, June 2, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

There are quite a number of misconceptions women have about getting men to commit to them. But I think we should look at the points one at a time so as to get them clearly.

The first one I want us to look at is very common and that is, SEX. Often times I hear ladies say, “If you have sex with him, he will commit” and other times I hear, “if you want him to be serious with you or get committed to you, don’t let him even close to seeing your pant much less having sex with you”.

I overheard a discussion between two girls some time ago. One had just returned from a wedding ceremony and was so excited as she gave the second one the breakdown of the wedding and how the couple met and so on. What caught my attention was the response from the second girl which was, “Ha! My dear friend, I am very happy for them. However, if you want to get yourself a man and be married just like that friend of yours, just close your legs. No Sex! That’s what I have decided to do oo.” 

Ladies, I want to say that this second girl’s resolution could work for her but when we make this kind of decisions, we need to know that people are different! Men are different! Don't ever forget this!

A man who will not commit to you will not, even if you do not sleep with him as our friend in the story resolved to do and vice versa.

Please, let’s not get this wrong, what I am just trying to say is, sex or no sex does not determine if a man is going to commit to you or not. While some men will stay with you even with the bold ‘NO SEX’ sign on your forehead, some will take to their heels on seeing that sign. There is no rule or formula guiding the way it works.

So what I suggest is, understand the man. Reach an agreement. Don't do what you don't want just because you want a man to commit to you. Don't sacrifice your dignity on the altar of commitment!

And always remember that sex or no sex cannot give you a man’s full attention. 

I am also not a supporter of premarital sex... LOL

We'll be bringing more to you. Meanwhile, feel free to send in other misconceptions to us. Let's learn!

I love you all.


  1. Hazon, you are an amazing woman of possess great wisdom. I like the way you present your point; awesome!! This is really helpful

  2. I must say u nailed it. I like d balance . nice job! I can't wait for d others to come.

    1. @Anon, Thanks. More are coming. Just stay with HD

  3. Nice post. i like the way you co-related the two different points together. You've said it all. If the man really loves the woman he'll stay whether he have sex with her or not!

  4. Nice one B. Ladies should try not to compare themselves with others. Different route can lead to a destination, you just to know where you're coming from, where you're heading to, and which road will take you to your destination safely.

