Monday, June 30, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Recently my friends were talking about office relationships and then I remembered an incident in my former work place. 

It happened that one of the bosses was involved in a sizzling hot romance with a younger colleague. They were doing good until a new set of hot girls were employed.

Well I can’t say now if the man was getting interested in one of the new employees but the lady was probably becoming insecure at the way her boyfriend was looking at the new girls. Maybe. You know, girls and jealousy. Just thinking..

Long story short, one beautiful morning came and I had just stepped in the office earlier than I usually did when I heard two people shouting at each other. I could not easily make out their lines but those tantrums were not friendly at all.  

Of course, the first feeling was to go find out what was wrong and probably help them calm down.

I was shocked when I found out it was these two love-birds everyone knew in the office. I tried to tiptoe back to my cubicle but it was too late as the man who was also my boss had already seen me. I clumsily managed a “good morning sir” to the boss and a “hi” to the lady as I made back to my seat feeling like an eavesdropper. LOL

I did not hear so much but I am sure I heard the lady say, “so you are done with me now right? You are going unto the new girl now huh? So this is it?”

Ok, here is the thing. We can find love anywhere, even in our offices. In fact, at some point our work places might be the most likely places to find love. I mean that is like the only place you go every day. and yeah, I know married couples who met in their offices. Good thing right?

So it is not bad. In fact, it could be fun, however, try using these tips when you are starting an office romance...
Prepare to lose your job!
This is usually when you go for your supervisor or direct boss. Personally, this should be a no-no because office romance is a 50-50 chance. If it does not work, you might start detesting that person thereby leading to rebellion which could lead to your exit.
Looking at it from dating colleagues on the same level with you, we all know that everyone who has experienced a heartbreak knows that proximity to an ex can be unbearable.

Oh! I did not tell you. That lady from my office left! She could not cope at some point because they broke up. 

Pause before you plunge!
Yeah, every relationship requires that both parties think carefully before starting but I think starting a romance with a colleague even requires more thinking. Because, you will see this person every day. In fact, you will hardly have your ‘you-time’. Your temperaments might not match. Worst still, it could just be lust, not love.

Try dating someone outside your department.
There is a chance that you will see him or her less often as compared to if you were in the same unit or department.

Avoid PDAs in the office.
Try keeping your relationship from every Tom, Dick and Harry by avoiding public display of affection and the likes.

Go Public.
You don’t need to inform everyone. The reason you need to tell the Human Resources Department is so that you can have job security. Additionally, it will help protect the company from a sexual harassment suit if the consensual nature of the romance is placed on record early.

Don’t use office e-mail system.
Those IT guys in your office see everything you send from your work computer under the company’s email system. So watch it!

I hope these help. As I always say, it's no science; no formulas. These are just guidelines which could help.

Stay Happy!! And Remember, we find love in hopeless places sometimes.


  1. Gorgeous piece with a friendly word of advice. It happens everyday in offices. I believe that any guy that falls for a girl in office (especially if he is married or in a genuine relationship) has serious issues.

  2. I don't encourage it....speaking from experience.

  3. Sometimes it works out fine but sometimes it's a mess.... I believe there's a chance when there's a mutual understanding btw the peeps involved. Love can be strange sometimes and happens in strange places most times...

  4. I think it is not a bad idea to be in love with a colleague. Yes these tips will come handy if u decide to go about it however. I don't rereally buy d idea of telling d HR dept tho. #my opinion ###

  5. I think it is not a bad idea to be in love with a colleague. Yes these tips will come handy if u decide to go about it however. I don't rereally buy d idea of telling d HR dept tho. #my opinion ###

