Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Sometimes we are not able to control the people that come into our lives. But we do have control over the kind of people we allow stay in our lives. Ladies, if you have any of the under listed men in your life, you may have to let them go. No time! (except in cases where you know you can work things out, of course).

Check them out...

This is the guy who has no job and no plans on ever getting one. What's worse is that he wants to get the best of everything and so he knows how to manipulate his way into your wallet to support the lavish lifestyle he desperately wants. He might seem like a super nice guy who is going through some tough times, but he's only concerned about what you can do for him. Don't let this guy charm his way into your heart or your wallet!

While seemingly a normal, possibly timid guy, things can go extremely wrong when he finds out your true feelings. Men like this aren't mature enough to handle relationships and commitments, so they avoid them at all costs. For example, he may show signs of sharing your infatuation, but when talk of commitment comes up, he acts as if you've never even met. If this man comes into your life, don’t beat yourself up over his sudden change of heart. He’s simply a scared little boy, not the man of your dreams. So run as fast as you can!

We’ve all met a flirt. Also known as the 'player'. He has dozens of women on his list and possesses a constant hunger to string more along to fulfill his insecure mindset. He is mostly very charming, rich and dope looking. When you see this man, don’t let him get to you. You can bet those charms and suave winks have been used many times before to his advantage. You’ll always be an option, but never a priority. You are going to be on his list probably, forever. Run!

This type of men can be extra caring, hot looking boyfriend. They can be very volatile too. You will never know what changes his mood. It just changes in very drastic manner and you are left wondering why on earth he is behaving the way he is doing or what you did wrong. But do not worry, it is not you; it is him.
Unless you can deal with his anger and sudden mood change, he is not the guy you are looking for. But, if you can work around things, you may do well with him and maybe you won't have to run.

This type freaks out if you show up five minutes late to a date. You can be sure he’ll fan every little disagreement into a full-blown argument. It’s not worth the stress babes. This type sure can’t handle sarcasm very well because most of the times, their serious attitudes tend to translate intended humor very literally.

This type of man has a need for control  over you, and everything else in his life. If he starts ordering you around or trying to manipulate you in any way, get out of this relationship. He’ll only continue to build power by wearing you down. In order for a relationship to happily function, both sides need to share authority. He isn’t the boss of you; you control your own life. One dangerous thing about this one is that he could easily hit you when he has the chance. So run!

This type points out every flaw in people. He doesn't not believe the saying 'No one is perfect'. His specialization is pointing out wrongs. all he sees is evil. He is incredibly shallow and doesn't have the capacity to dig deep and really get to know anyone out of the ordinary. You don’t want to date a mean, un-understanding man. So, find someone who can accept people for who they are and is secure with himself.

I love a man who is close to his family, but if he can't make any decisions without his mother's opinion, it's a deal breaker. Please, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about consulting his mother on life-altering decisions here. I am talking about a guy who seeks his mom's advice on clothes to wear, his job, car, even what he eats! Take a pass on this type of man. Truth is, he will not use the convenience without informing his mama.

While some women run away from guys who are married, there are some who aren't aware of their relationship status or they find out after they've already fallen for them. Ladies, in either case, don't get caught up with the married guy. Open your eyes! If he's obviously unable to stay faithful to the woman he made a vow to be with, he is definitely not going to be different with you. Do not let him lead you to believe that he's trapped in a loveless marriage and that he's going to eventually leave his wife and children for you because it's a big fat lie. 

Relationships are supposed to help us be better people.
It is supposed to add a glow to our lives as a result of the happiness from within.
It supposed to make us not break us.
The list is endless.
So friends, be wise. think before you leap.

Guys, if you fall under any of these categories, no hard feelings. All I can say is, 'Upgrade Bro'.

1 comment:

  1. True talk dear,God bless you real good.

