Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

I had just finished one of my pre-Jamb classes, precisely the one before break. I was excited because we had finally ended the long and boring Government class of how the Military seized power and how the Civilians 'unseized' it.

Well, there was nothing much to do for the 30 minutes of break except that I had to go get some snacks and a drink. I was just trying to get some money out of my cheap wallet when I had the urge to look out the window.

I did look out and lo and behold, there was my ‘ex-toaster’ ‘ex-wooer’ looking up at me. I ran back, maybe out of shock or shyness. I don’t know, maybe one or both of the reasons. After some seconds I looked out again and jeez, he was still there. ‘What is he doing here?’ I thought.

Now, Jeffrey or Jeff as he was popularly called was neither a student of the school nor a pre-Jambite. The reason his presence was a bit like an intrusion.

Back to my story.

While I was still wondering why he was around, he waved. Initially I wasn’t sure that was for me so I looked sideways but since no one was standing there except me, I reluctantly waved back at him, waiting for the next action, I guess. Shortly after, he beckoned to me to come downstairs. At first I thought, ‘why should I go down to meet him?’. But on a second thought, I decided to go, after all, I was going to go buy stuff anyway.

Ok, I liked Jeff actually #winks# but I thought he was too old for me because while I was fifteen going on sixteen, he was twenty-nine or thirty. This was the main reason I said ‘NO, to him. Plus the fact that my folks would not hear of it, of course!

By the way, seconds after, I was downstairs. But my friend was nowhere to be found. I got confused and started wondering if I was hallucinating. So I thought, ‘what a heck, let me grab my snacks then’. As I was about crossing to the other side, I looked to my right and there was Jeff, again! He was already a few yards off. He looked, smiled and beckoned to me to keep coming.

Did I follow him? Oh yes, I did. As a matter of fact, I kept following until he entered through a gate not far from the school building. A minute later, we were both in a small but beautiful room apartment with his friend.

Ok, I never thought of any danger until his friend said he was leaving to return soon. Immediately, it was as if my eyes got cleared of whatever was covering them and I remembered I did not tell my cousin where I was going….haba!!

To be contuned…


  1. I hope say this ur follow follow no go land u inside hot soup... can't wait to read the continuation #smiles

  2. Bros sharp sharp,Akpos things.

  3. hahahaha. o boy! If this happened when you were 18, i fr flog you. I am waiting for the end sha

