Monday, April 7, 2014


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Some men are are straight to the point, they know exactly what they are looking for in their future wives and so when they meet that one woman made from their rib, they just know it. What's more? They head straight for alter and they live happily ever after.

On the other hand, some may need to look, look, search, search and search. Well, you are free to call them 'selective' but I will not blame such men, especially in this age when women just want to be tagged 'married' with the rest not being their business. It is a 'Forever' thing, so please, search well o my bothers.

But, hey if you have done all the searching and you are still confused, you could make your choice based on some of the female attributes listed below. In fact, if you find a woman with some or all of these characteristics, I will advise you take her to mama one time!

Check out the kinds of women you can take home to mama....

The Faithful One
Miss Faithful will not cheat on you neither will she be on the lookout for a "better guy" as women would say. When you are with this one she will keep her attention focused on you, the man in her life. Yeah, she's  most likely going to stick around if times get tough. This woman is a rare gem. If you find her, tie yourself around until she is fully yours and totally wifed.

Miss Low Maintenance
This one is very rare. In fact, she is atypical of modern women. She is not interested in your pocket or what money you have — she just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. In most cases, she is a true feminist who will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find  The Low Maintenance type, hang on to her for dear life until you wife her. Tip: Real men are always in search of this kind, so please, if you get this opportunity, don't mess it up.

The Ever Sweet Woman
She is always positive, content with her life, always upbeat and just fun to be around. She's a genuine person without a bitch bone in her body. She's always truly happy to see you and somehow you find yourself looking forward to spending time with her. These are not usually readily available in the dating market right away, they're pretty rare. But if you can find one, you've got a real treasure on your hands. Don't wait until someone else takes her! Wife her!

The Sexual Woman
You should be so lucky to encounter one of these! Miss Sexual loves men and loves sex — and makes no bones about it. She's not selling it, she is not freaked about it, she's not using it as a tool to manipulate men, she just naturally craves it and she waits to give it to the right person and at the right time. Please, don't confuse her with a nymphomaniac, who suffers from psychological problems. This one does not buy the female general idea of using what you have to get what you want from the highest bidder. Miss sexual should be searched out by every man because in marriage sex is important and with her you are rest assured that you will not be starved in marriage.

The Straightforward
She knows how to communicate. With this woman, there are no games. She is free enough to pick up the phone and ask you out. She keeps her every word, she does not say one thing and do just the opposite. Bad side is that she is blunt at times. But I can bet you'll know where you stand with her and you'll never have to spend hours trying to fix one lady who does not have a mind of her own or who takes ages to make up her mind.

Miss Independent
Go for this woman if you don't have a lot of time to invest in a relationship or you're the type of guy who needs a lot of space. This one is too busy and so has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life. And she certainly isn't looking for men to solve all her problems or blame when things don't go her way. Men who are ready for marriage, should look for this kind. Warning: If you have a complex, don't even say hi to Miss Independent, Reason:  you may take her independent personality for pride.

The One Step At A Time Lady
This woman is not in a rush about getting married. She's happy just to be with you. So you don't get any, "Where is our relationship going?", or 'honey, my friend's boyfriend just gave her an engagement ring' or 'Sweets, there is a  ring store around the corner, I love their rings' etc. Don't get me wrong, this lady may want to get married at some point, but she's in no hurry. She thinks that if it happens, it will just happen naturally. If you get this type, try to stay with her if other sides to her are good. This one will not pressure you into doing anything, trust me. 

The Confident 
This woman accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad. And she feels the same about you, her man. Isn't that beautiful? I mean, she won't even bug you about changing something that people perceive as bad about you. She takes you just as you are. This woman is so secured that she doesn't need constant attention to cover up her sagging ego. She is got a high self-esteem, and confidence in herself and you. wow!!

The Right One For You
Most of the time, guys choose women who are good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster their status among other men or counteract their own insecurities. Don't get me wrong, beautiful women are good  but if you find a woman who makes you happy, regardless of looks, age or social status or what any other guy thinks then you have definitely won at the mating game.
Some time ago, a friend told me about a girl he was dating; very beautiful, he used to show her off, according to him. All his friends used to talk about his girlfriend whenever they went out but he alone knew the girl was a tigress. She used to fight him with knives and other dangerous objects whenever she was angry. Just imagine that!

We can't finish the list but I think these cover a great deal of the attributes or the kinds of women you could make your future plans around. Yeah, it could be difficult knowing the real ones but if you use your head instead of your heart and sexual organ, you will get the real deal. Please, don't forget the number one factor, GOD. Always ask for His guidance. You can't miss it if God is involved.

Friends, feel free to add other kinds or attributes, the comment space is all yours.


1 comment:

  1. oooook. I will start looking out for these now

