Monday, April 28, 2014


Photo Credit: Google


How are my awesome friends doing today? Did not want to bore you with a long read the last time so I decided to do the story in bits. If you did not get the part 1, please read here

So where were we?

Yes, I remember!

His friend left! And I was left with my friend who would later become my what now…Captor,? Since I was getting uncomfortable, however, I decided I should leave but Jeff calmly said, ‘come on now, you just came and your break is not even close to being over yet, sit and stay with me for a while’. I stupidly nodded my head and sat down on the floor far from the bed. He smiled coyly and said, ‘Are you afraid of me? Sit on the bed na’.  I said ‘No’ and moved to the bedside against my wish and sat at the edge of the bed.

He talked for some minutes and moved closer to the side I was practically perching. By this time, it was 12noon, meaning that my break was over. I heaved a sigh of relief, stood up and made for the door as I announced, ‘my break is over, I need to start going’. But before, I could successfully take three steps, Jeff was in front of me begging me to stay a little while longer.

I frowned and calmly said, ‘Jeff, my break is over, besides, my cousin must have been looking for me’. I need to get out of here’. ‘ I am not ready for you to go yet, he screamed. Realizing he had used the wrong tone, he smiled and apologized.

At this point, I knew I had bitten more than I could chew. My eyes became teary as I started begging for my freedom. Images of girls taken and captured in movies I had seen started flashing through my memory. 
And as we know, in these movies, some or most of these taken girls always have superhero dads, uncles, brothers or even friends. I thought of any superhero I knew, none came to mind.

Don’t get me wrong, my dad is my hero but here was reality. #straightface#, not some movie!

So many ideas flashed in my head but the closest tool I could use at this time was ‘crying’. Did the crying work? Nope. Ok maybe for a while as he begged me to stop and led me back to the bed after he locked the door and took the keys. On seeing him lock the door, I panicked and screamed, ‘I want to be led out of the door not to the bed!' still crying.

He tried to make me sit but I refused. I guess that infuriated him as he pushed me to the bed. I struggled until I fell 'yakata' on the bed. I increased my crying tempo. Meanwhile, my position on the bed after the fall couldn’t be any more tempting. But I was fast enough to coil my legs so tightly together.

Ermm, may I tell you this? I was wearing a skirt....

Anyway, the next fight which was getting me to uncoil my legs started. He struggled to get me to open my legs but all to no avail; it was as if all the energy my body could ever boast of was concentrated on my waist and legs. LOL. After he stopped trying to split the legs that were almost feeling like siamese twins at this time, I launched my second strategy. Prayer.

At first, I was praying in my mind, then I started muttering the prayers out. My eyes were closed so I did not know what he was doing and I did not care. When I finally opened my eyes, he was sitting very close to me, apparently listening in on my conversation with my Father God. I almost smiled seeing the confused look on his face but I had to hold it in. There was no time for that!

‘Are you a pastor’, he asked. I didn’t care to reply.

‘Do you think I want to rape you?’ He asked again. I gave him a long stare without saying a word.

‘Are you a virgin?’. At this point, I was losing it but I knew that would be double ‘wahala’ for deadi body. ‘ I’m only 15, what do you think’, I asked, assuming that answered his question. He laughed and said, ‘Nigerians sha, they like answering questions with questions’.

‘Please, Jeff, let me go.’ I begged. Of course, he refused and moved closer again. This time more aggressively. I did not know when I started wailing. Another round of fighting and trying to uncoil my legs. Did he succeed this time? Hmmm. Yes, he did!

With my lycra skirt up to my waist and both my legs helplessly apart, all I could do was beg him with everything he held dear.

‘I don’t hold any damn thing dear except my mum but bad news for you because she is dead!’ he roared. When I opened my eyes to look at him, all I could see was intense anger through red eyes. There and then I gave up on begging. I blinked and closed my eyes again, imagining me pregnant with this beast’s offspring. 

‘Oh no! what if I get infected’ I thought. Just at this moment, I reignited my will to fight. ‘I am not going to allow this monster destroy my life!’ I thought. But then, what was I going to do? No idea; I was totally blank.
Luckily for me, an idea came!

‘Jeff, please could you allow me go pee?’ I asked in the gentlest manner.

Ok, so you know, the convenience was outside the room and I was aware of that. That means I had to go outside to pee. Smart girl!, you are thinking right? 

‘Ok, you can go pee but I will come with you because I want to also ease myself. 'I think one person should go first', I suggested. My dear Jeff would not hear of that. 

'So as small as you are, you think you are smarter than me abi? 'Come on would you lead the way?' he ordered.

‘This guy is the devil’s son’, I thought and managed a small smile as we went outside together.

I took the first room while he took the second. Before I could say, 'Jack Robinson', he was done and waiting for me. We walked back slowly. Just as we got to the entrance of the room that had been my prison for the past two hours, I stood trying to figure out the best direction to run to.

'Don't even think of it if you know you want to leave here as you came' ordered my captor.

Fear was all I could feel at that moment as I managed to say, ' I am not going back into that room, period!

'So you are giving me orders now right'?. These angry words came with a kick which swept me back into the room I had dreaded so much. Back to square one??


Please, let's round off next time...It's too long but I want you to get all the details.

I love you guys.


  1. hmmm this broz fit feature in 'The Captor' part 10. Give us the full gist ooo,did he.....,cause I can't wait ooo

  2. LOL.. I am sure he will do a better job. Don't worry, full gist will come soon. I thought it won't be good to make you read a very long story.

  3. Woow! You really worth the most brilliant babe in our secondary school.. plz I can't wait to finish this story

  4. hahahahaha.. thank you. You will definitely get the finish

