Monday, April 14, 2014


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A short lived relationship one of my girlfriends had sometime in the past inspired this writing. Somehow she met this really handsome dude and she was really excited to know him better. So they start hanging out every once in a while. But then she noticed the guy was always talking about himself so much that as at their fourth date, the guy only knew her name and where she lived. Goodness!

I felt kind of bad for her because I knew she really liked this guy but with time the attraction vanished, though gradually. 

Guys, there are so many habits like that that can make women walk away from your life without informing you. Sometimes, we can't easily control them but hey, we can deal with them.

Check some of these habits out...

Guys, making a woman feel you are a good catch is not bad but when it starts looking like you are bragging, ladies get pissed or run off. Oh you have an amazing job, great! You have got so much money in your account, awesomely great!You wear latest designers, oops! You have the latest cars, you live in a 50-room apartment, seriously? Bobos, please, you don't need all that 'bigging' up..Wait a minute, whoever told you that all this bragging will make women overlook the fact that you’re so boring? Oh yes, bragging makes you boring buddy. So stop it! Being egotistical won’t make the ladies stick around. Try employing a tiny bit of modesty and try asking questions about them rather than blabbing about yourself all the time.

Scratching Your Private Parts
Guys, please, do not get caught doing this. It’s definitely a turn-off for women when men shamelessly scratch ‘down there’ without a care in the world. Eww... For crying out loud, it is really dirty. At least get your scratching fixed in the bathroom when you are not in full view of everyone else. Clean up and come out looking all dope.

Guys, ladies do not really expect this perfect, prim and proper guy but not being gentlemanly at all is a huge turn-off. Now you can take a lady on a few dates and treat her like a queen but the day you leave her to find a cab by herself after a date is the day she stops being attracted to you. Women like to be looked after and feel safe when they are with you. Don't make her walk home alone because you want to watch a match. Wrong!! Don't make her open the car door when you can just be a gentleman and do it. Women are fragile, treat them tenderly as gentlemen would. There are so many other things that gentle men do, please, go learn them. Hmm

Lack of Sense of Humour
Every man must possess a good sense of humour to keep women attracted to him. It’s a powerful tool in a conversation, particularly when overcoming awkward moments. So dear guys, not having one makes you seem overly serious and boring. Women want to laugh at something hilarious you have done or said until they can barely breathe. Straight faces keep them away but the guy who is having a laugh with his friends or keeping a cheerful outlook, on the other hand, always looks like a fun person to be around and so women flock around them. Make our ribs hurt, crack us up and we will always be around.

No Ambition
Most women are attracted to men who have a focus in life, and they find it annoying if you have no ambition to achieve anything. It makes it hard for women to respect you if you can’t speak to them about your goals, ideas, and things you want to achieve. No woman wants to settle down with the guy who lazies around on the sofa watching day time television and eating his mother's foods and uploading them on BBM while his mates are working hard to achieve their dreams.  And please, do not be 'empty-brained'; read and build your knowledge so that you can talk with authority as a man. Aim for a quality life. Write down  things you want to achieve in life and start chasing them. No time!

Yes, women  love to feel safe and cared for, but  there’s a fine line between that and being over-protected. Women see over-protectiveness as a sign of insecurity, and no woman likes that. If you are guilty of this habit, try to get rid of it. Women hate it even though they may not tell you. And oh, yes,  it makes you seriously unattractive.

I hope these make sense. Guys, you may not have all of these issues but whichever one you are not handling properly, do well to look into it. Don't lose people who care about you because of habits you are stronger than. It is not worth it!

Feel free to add other habits you feel men need to address. The comment box is all yours.

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