Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hey Friends! How did your Christmas Celebration go? Mine was awesome and fun-filled #winks# Don't bother about the details... Hehehehe

So I was just thinking about how some things were done in the past and how they have really changed over the years.

Do you remember those days when girls used to be referred to as roses and flowers when there was a marriage intention or proposal? When the man's parents and kinsmen would come to the girl's family and say lines like:
   "We are from Okoye's Compound, we saw a beautiful flower in your house and we have come to pluck it" LOL..( I can't imagine being plucked though, whoa!!)

The age of innocence, when the flowers were kept and watered diligently until they were blossoming. Hmmm .Such a wonderful time right?

Today, the flowers go around by themselves announcing to everyone who cares to know that they are ready to be toasted plucked... hahaahaha. Babes dey vex!!

Infact, a lady was like, "I got to water myself and show the men that I am here ooo, no dulling".

Interestingly men seem to prefer the self-announcing flowers. According to some guys, the Old School style is 'LOOOONG THIIIIING'.

But you, my friends, readers etc, which do you prefer? Do you prefer having to go with all your kinsmen before you start  running things or do you prefer the flowers come to announce themselves?

Monday, December 23, 2013


It is Christmas again. I mean it is Jesus’s Birthday. What can we give him for presents? Does anyone here have an idea?

Hmmm…..(thinking). I do know for sure that our moneys don’t mean anything to him because he can get it from the mouth of the fish.... Remember??

Oh yes! I think I can try...

You know that man who sits by your street everyday begging? That man you ignore whenever you pass? Please, do not ignore him this season, drop something in his plate as you pass by. That could be a present for Jesus on his day.

You know that orphanage around your neighbourhood? Don’t just look at it pitifully and pass this season. I am sure you got good clothes you don’t need anymore, try to package them, or even buy some more and send to those kids. You could also get them food stuff such as noodles, garri, rice etc. Anything that can put smiles on their faces could be a present for Jesus. Who knows?

That Hospital on your street has some people who won’t be able to eat rice, salad and chicken this season. You could just spare a minute with one or two of them praying for and playing with them. That could be a present for Jesus this season.

That broken fan in your local church has been there for a while. Fixing it could be a present for Jesus. You could even sweep and clean the church. This could make Jesus happy on his day.

For me, I think these and more are little ways we could give Jesus presents on his day… Feel free, give more tips and let us share love.

Please, share some love this season.


Merry Christmas My Friends

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Kate and James are a new couple and friends with Mr and Mrs Bruno and had decided to visit their family friends for the weekend as was the tradition. There had been so many fun things to do such as going to the beach, going shopping, taking care of the kids, cooking etc. It was a busy and fun weekend for both families Friday through Sunday.

By Sunday afternoon, everyone just wanted to relax and probably have some siesta before the visiting couple would leave. So the visitors retired to the guest room where they had occupied since Friday.

One thing led to another and the so-in-love couple decided to give each other some pleasure. They went from one level to another. The atmosphere was so set and the couple was in another world entirely. Both were moaning and getting the best of each other with eyes closed…Wow!! Kate had reached the climax for like a million times.. Awesome!!! The man was good at what he did and obviously was in another planet.

But the wife started having that feeling you get when someone is staring at you and decided to open her eyes. She saw two tiny feet first, then her eyes followed the legs up to the face that was fixed on them. It was their friends’ six years old son. "Holy crap", Kate murmured as the boy's gaze was still fixed on them.

Kate froze. James was still in his world.

She ‘unfroze’ fast enough to bring her husband back from wherever he was. James stammered back from his pleasure world with “wha…I..I what is it? don’t like it?” The wife just pointed at the baby’s direction without looking, covering herself in shame.

James, out of embarrassment was like, “Hey buddy, why are you here?”. The little boy answered and said, “I was here before you got in, I was fixing my toy over there”, pointing to a darker corner of the room. Both adults got more ashamed.“Why were you beating her? Even though, she was crying you never stopped, why?” the little boy asked. The couple was short of words. When he did not get an answer, he walked past them and left the room.

Shortly after, a conversation ensued between the boy and his dad . Of course, Kate and James listened in. Guess what the boy told his dad. “Dad, I saw Uncle J and Aunt K having sex… though I made them think I did not understand what they did” LOL

What happened to K and J will be a gist for another day....

What would you do to this kid if you found yourself in this situation? LMFAO. The world is fast changing indeed...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Dear Friends and Readers, please, check out some tips on how we can achieve a more interesting and lasting relationship. I stumbled on them and thought I should share with y'all. 

Schedule “Me” Time
Every relationship needs ‘no-relationship’ time. Spending all your time together because it is a weekend or a Public Holiday. Not good. Sometimes, you need to hit the movies without him or her and do just ‘you’ or sometimes with your friends. Please, this is not a time to go hang out with another man or woman in one corner. #winks#

Give Gifts
Giving a gift to someone not only lets them know you love them, but also that you’ve been thinking of them when they weren’t around. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant or pricey, it just has to be something from the heart that your partner would really enjoy. Even if they tell you that it’s unnecessary and not to buy it, it’s very much necessary for the future health of your relationship and a great way to keep a relationship interesting.

Go on dates
Hey, just because you’ve been dating for a while doesn’t mean you should shirk your duties as a gentleman. And a date doesn't mean you take her to that local joint you always go to. Instead, do some planning and make a reservation someplace affordable, but romantic. Open the door for her, order some wine and dessert and hold her hand if she wants to. Make it a regular thing, weekly or bi-weekly depending on your budget and schedules. It might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll make your relationship stronger and healthier in the long run.

Laugh Together
Laughing is the key to a lot of healthy relationships. Even when you are stressed or frustrated, always try to find something to giggle about. It always pulls us out of a funk. This means that you look for discussion topics or situations that can help you get a good one (laugh)

Let the Compliments Flow…
Develop the habit of always passing compliments. Even if it seems like something insignificant. It just has a way of making relationships better. Please, don’t put your partner down in any way; not by error, not by omission.

Speak Your Mind
Respect each other enough to be honest and up front in your communication at all times. And forget issues already trashed in the past.

Say Those Three Little Words
It is so simple, but tell your partner ‘I love you’ every day—and mean it.

Fight Fair
It's inevitable that if you're in a relationship, you're going to fight, but if you want yours to last, you're going to have to fight fair. This means listening to each other, being open to discussing even the more uncomfortable or frustrating topics and being flexible when things don't go your way. If you can't resolve your arguments in the early stages of a relationship, you aren't going to have much luck doing it as time goes on.

Set goals together
Sit down with your partner and decide where you guys want to be in the long-term -- neighborhood, house, kids, jobs, etc. -- and how to get there. Ask each other for advice about how best to accomplish those goals and once they are accomplished, you can set new ones. There are always ways to better yourself and your relationship, and it’s better to do it together than separately.

Try new things in the bedroom

Trust me, there is always something that you haven’t tried. Let’s face it, if you’ve been with someone for a long time, it inevitably gets a little monotonous in the bedroom with both partners wanting to just get their kicks and go to bed. However, if you really want to give your relationship staying power, give a little extra effort in the bedroom: bring in some sex toys if she wants (or if you want); bring on the whips and chains; or pour some candle wax. These things don’t have to sound appealing to you, but give them a try anyway and you might be surprised. At the very least, you’ll have shared a new experience together. 

Hmmm.... What do you think about them? Do you think we really need all these to have a good relationship? 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Photo Credit: Google Images

I have never been a fan of matchmaking much less Online Match Making. I love to see what I am buying before paying plus I love good things, including my men #winks#. Heheheheh.

Apparently, my friend is not like me. She believes you can find love anyhow and anywhere. Afterall, doesn’t Rihanna’s song say ‘We found Love in a hopeless place’? Hmmmm

So she met this guy through her other friend who never physically met the guy. According to her friend, the guy was cool, handsome, rich, lived in the US and worked with an IT Networking Firm. They exchanged pins, numbers etc and boomed! Relationship started. They got close, my friend would receive calls into the night, he would pay most of her bills, shop boxes of clothes for her, (and hey! Sincerely, I got jealous at some point…shhhh, it is a secret, just between me and you, ok?).

Even I who was skeptical at the beginning just went with the flow cos it was too real to be a lie. Afterall, I could see his handiwork in my friend’s life, and of course in mine too, as I got really cool designer’s #winks#. I could also see cool profile pics and some facial video clips of him, so what else?

But my skepticism returned when my friend started talking about marriage barely three months later. I tried to make her give it some time, but it fell unto deaf ears; she no gree oo. So I had to just support her, I mean, what could I do but to hope for the best?

Long story short, the guy came home. Yay!! For introduction, Engagement and the Wedding. By the way, the guy had wanted a proxy wedding (you know, getting married to a picture), but we all, with our heavy boots kicked against it.

On the day he came to my friend’s house for the first time, I was with her because we were expecting the August visitor. At hearing the knock at the door, we rushed out full of expectations. She got to the door before me. But as I was about to say, ‘Babes let them in na’, (he was supposed to come with his friend, btw) I heard a resounding thud with my friend on the floor almost lifeless. I was confused but tried to help her. I was just trying to lift her when I got a glimpse of what she saw. Jeez, you don’t want to know.

He was a baby with a man’s face. (Now, don’t get me wrong, he was supposed to be a 35 year old. Shhhhh, secret)

We succeeded in resuscitating her.

If you found yourself in this situation, what would you do? Would you leave the guy heartbroken after you made him a promise of marriage? Would you stay with him considering how wonderful a person he was?

And oh! My aso-ebi is still in my closet, don’t even know how to wear it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I met a guy who shared with me a story that left me asking questions. I decided to share it with you. Please, read and tell him what to do….

"I was dating a really lovely girl whom I fought so hard to eventually get. At first the going was good as we really were in love. Peeps around could feel the chemistry between us. I loved her to the moon and back. Until one faithful day when I met Jenny who, no doubt, was a very pretty lady. Truth be told, she was more beautiful than my girl but I never had eyes for her because for me, I had found it all in Tinu.

I wanted to just be just friends with Jenny but she had her plans.

One faithful day, Jenny who lived around my neighborhood saw me going into my house and called my attention and was like, ‘Hey, aren’t you gonna invite me in?’ You know, like in Vampire movies. I was both surprised and confused but my ego wouldn’t allow me turn her down. So I told her to come in. We talked and saw movies after which she left. I was happy to be relieved of her.

Two days later, I heard a knock on my door. Since I was expecting Tinu, I just opened the door without asking. And before me stood the ever surprising Jenny. Holy crap!! I muttered under my breath, opening the door and interrogating her about coming without pre-informing me at the same time. And then she was like, ‘Can’t a sister check on a brother without questions?’ rolling her eyes and pushing past me. I felt bad a bit and told her I was sorry.

Her visits became more frequent and we got closer until it happened and my life changed. She was wild and crazy and could do anything in bed. I wanted to see her more often and that was what messed up my relationship.

Tinu never suspected anything until one Sunday afternoon when she visited without informing me. She caught me with Jenny right on top of me and I felt like a piece of shit. Then, my eyes were clear but Tinu had left me. 

I hated Jenny because she caused me my beautiful love life. I apologized to Tinu like a zillion times but she never took me back. I still love and want her. Jenny, on the other hand, wants me but I can’t stand her. Please, what do I do???"

He said he can't move on.. What do you advise? Should he keep begging Tinu and hopes that maybe, someday she forgives him or should he remain single for life? 

As for me, I think he should try dating someone else… Or maybe, get it rolling with Jenny (LOL) who knows??? 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Sometimes we suffer from this thing called PROCRASTINATION (Which I call ‘Thief of Time’). I have had a personal experience with it on several occasions. As a matter of fact, this blog is almost a year old but this is the first post on it #LOL#. Mind you, I am the only person permitted to laugh at me on this #winks..
Do not want to bore you but hey, today I decided to break the barrier and so I posted this little piece on the long abandoned and lone blog, yay!!!
I must tell ya, I did not plan this. It just happened after I stumbled on the quote below:

“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.”
― Denis Waitley

Wow!! Nice quote I must say.
Infact, for me, this is inspiring and I think this can help us put ‘the thief of time’ away from us

Let’s inspire others by sending in more quotes, it could be by you or other authors.
