Thursday, December 19, 2013


Kate and James are a new couple and friends with Mr and Mrs Bruno and had decided to visit their family friends for the weekend as was the tradition. There had been so many fun things to do such as going to the beach, going shopping, taking care of the kids, cooking etc. It was a busy and fun weekend for both families Friday through Sunday.

By Sunday afternoon, everyone just wanted to relax and probably have some siesta before the visiting couple would leave. So the visitors retired to the guest room where they had occupied since Friday.

One thing led to another and the so-in-love couple decided to give each other some pleasure. They went from one level to another. The atmosphere was so set and the couple was in another world entirely. Both were moaning and getting the best of each other with eyes closed…Wow!! Kate had reached the climax for like a million times.. Awesome!!! The man was good at what he did and obviously was in another planet.

But the wife started having that feeling you get when someone is staring at you and decided to open her eyes. She saw two tiny feet first, then her eyes followed the legs up to the face that was fixed on them. It was their friends’ six years old son. "Holy crap", Kate murmured as the boy's gaze was still fixed on them.

Kate froze. James was still in his world.

She ‘unfroze’ fast enough to bring her husband back from wherever he was. James stammered back from his pleasure world with “wha…I..I what is it? don’t like it?” The wife just pointed at the baby’s direction without looking, covering herself in shame.

James, out of embarrassment was like, “Hey buddy, why are you here?”. The little boy answered and said, “I was here before you got in, I was fixing my toy over there”, pointing to a darker corner of the room. Both adults got more ashamed.“Why were you beating her? Even though, she was crying you never stopped, why?” the little boy asked. The couple was short of words. When he did not get an answer, he walked past them and left the room.

Shortly after, a conversation ensued between the boy and his dad . Of course, Kate and James listened in. Guess what the boy told his dad. “Dad, I saw Uncle J and Aunt K having sex… though I made them think I did not understand what they did” LOL

What happened to K and J will be a gist for another day....

What would you do to this kid if you found yourself in this situation? LMFAO. The world is fast changing indeed...


  1. I go de careful next tym. The world is changing real fast and we have to be up-to-date.

  2. Just have to be

  3. Serious Matter! when u r caught right in the 'X' act...Hmmm!!!

  4. Sum kids are smarter than they look or their age. I just hope the poor kid isn't practicing "Daddy and Mummy" with sum other lil girl... With what he saw ,the boy don sabi finish..lolxxx

    1. My thoughts exactly. LOL... This is a completely different concept and I am loving it . keep it up

    2. My thoughts exactly. LOL... This is a completely different concept and I am loving it . keep it up

  5. Hian! D boy is jus a brat joo

  6. Ds is a serious matter, one have to be very careful ds days with ds kids, they learn and grab things fast enough than one can think. Nice piece Hazon.

  7. Ds kids learn and grab things fast enough than one can think. We have to be cafeful with them. Nice story Hazon

