Monday, December 23, 2013


It is Christmas again. I mean it is Jesus’s Birthday. What can we give him for presents? Does anyone here have an idea?

Hmmm…..(thinking). I do know for sure that our moneys don’t mean anything to him because he can get it from the mouth of the fish.... Remember??

Oh yes! I think I can try...

You know that man who sits by your street everyday begging? That man you ignore whenever you pass? Please, do not ignore him this season, drop something in his plate as you pass by. That could be a present for Jesus on his day.

You know that orphanage around your neighbourhood? Don’t just look at it pitifully and pass this season. I am sure you got good clothes you don’t need anymore, try to package them, or even buy some more and send to those kids. You could also get them food stuff such as noodles, garri, rice etc. Anything that can put smiles on their faces could be a present for Jesus. Who knows?

That Hospital on your street has some people who won’t be able to eat rice, salad and chicken this season. You could just spare a minute with one or two of them praying for and playing with them. That could be a present for Jesus this season.

That broken fan in your local church has been there for a while. Fixing it could be a present for Jesus. You could even sweep and clean the church. This could make Jesus happy on his day.

For me, I think these and more are little ways we could give Jesus presents on his day… Feel free, give more tips and let us share love.

Please, share some love this season.


Merry Christmas My Friends


  1. Good thinking are right on!

  2. I blv ,giving. should be an everyday thing ,shouldn't b restrictd to season,,,I think dat is wat we should preach,,

  3. Thanks Bebe, really thoughful & motivating. I'm gonna practice at least one of these suggestions this season. You're the best......Chinedu

  4. True! Tnx Hazon. And @alwajud, I agree 100%. We are to make 'it' a lifestyle....

