Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Dear Friends and Readers, please, check out some tips on how we can achieve a more interesting and lasting relationship. I stumbled on them and thought I should share with y'all. 

Schedule “Me” Time
Every relationship needs ‘no-relationship’ time. Spending all your time together because it is a weekend or a Public Holiday. Not good. Sometimes, you need to hit the movies without him or her and do just ‘you’ or sometimes with your friends. Please, this is not a time to go hang out with another man or woman in one corner. #winks#

Give Gifts
Giving a gift to someone not only lets them know you love them, but also that you’ve been thinking of them when they weren’t around. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant or pricey, it just has to be something from the heart that your partner would really enjoy. Even if they tell you that it’s unnecessary and not to buy it, it’s very much necessary for the future health of your relationship and a great way to keep a relationship interesting.

Go on dates
Hey, just because you’ve been dating for a while doesn’t mean you should shirk your duties as a gentleman. And a date doesn't mean you take her to that local joint you always go to. Instead, do some planning and make a reservation someplace affordable, but romantic. Open the door for her, order some wine and dessert and hold her hand if she wants to. Make it a regular thing, weekly or bi-weekly depending on your budget and schedules. It might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll make your relationship stronger and healthier in the long run.

Laugh Together
Laughing is the key to a lot of healthy relationships. Even when you are stressed or frustrated, always try to find something to giggle about. It always pulls us out of a funk. This means that you look for discussion topics or situations that can help you get a good one (laugh)

Let the Compliments Flow…
Develop the habit of always passing compliments. Even if it seems like something insignificant. It just has a way of making relationships better. Please, don’t put your partner down in any way; not by error, not by omission.

Speak Your Mind
Respect each other enough to be honest and up front in your communication at all times. And forget issues already trashed in the past.

Say Those Three Little Words
It is so simple, but tell your partner ‘I love you’ every day—and mean it.

Fight Fair
It's inevitable that if you're in a relationship, you're going to fight, but if you want yours to last, you're going to have to fight fair. This means listening to each other, being open to discussing even the more uncomfortable or frustrating topics and being flexible when things don't go your way. If you can't resolve your arguments in the early stages of a relationship, you aren't going to have much luck doing it as time goes on.

Set goals together
Sit down with your partner and decide where you guys want to be in the long-term -- neighborhood, house, kids, jobs, etc. -- and how to get there. Ask each other for advice about how best to accomplish those goals and once they are accomplished, you can set new ones. There are always ways to better yourself and your relationship, and it’s better to do it together than separately.

Try new things in the bedroom

Trust me, there is always something that you haven’t tried. Let’s face it, if you’ve been with someone for a long time, it inevitably gets a little monotonous in the bedroom with both partners wanting to just get their kicks and go to bed. However, if you really want to give your relationship staying power, give a little extra effort in the bedroom: bring in some sex toys if she wants (or if you want); bring on the whips and chains; or pour some candle wax. These things don’t have to sound appealing to you, but give them a try anyway and you might be surprised. At the very least, you’ll have shared a new experience together. 

Hmmm.... What do you think about them? Do you think we really need all these to have a good relationship? 


  1. Hmmm,sex things. Hmm

  2. You did highlight some kinky points that i like, am sure these points work like magic for most relationships ...

  3. Cool... Sure guarantees a more interesting relationship...

  4. If all this points can be put to practice i guess we will have Paradise on earth! Good Points i appreciate you for taking your time to give us this.

