Friday, December 13, 2013


Photo Credit: Google Images

I have never been a fan of matchmaking much less Online Match Making. I love to see what I am buying before paying plus I love good things, including my men #winks#. Heheheheh.

Apparently, my friend is not like me. She believes you can find love anyhow and anywhere. Afterall, doesn’t Rihanna’s song say ‘We found Love in a hopeless place’? Hmmmm

So she met this guy through her other friend who never physically met the guy. According to her friend, the guy was cool, handsome, rich, lived in the US and worked with an IT Networking Firm. They exchanged pins, numbers etc and boomed! Relationship started. They got close, my friend would receive calls into the night, he would pay most of her bills, shop boxes of clothes for her, (and hey! Sincerely, I got jealous at some point…shhhh, it is a secret, just between me and you, ok?).

Even I who was skeptical at the beginning just went with the flow cos it was too real to be a lie. Afterall, I could see his handiwork in my friend’s life, and of course in mine too, as I got really cool designer’s #winks#. I could also see cool profile pics and some facial video clips of him, so what else?

But my skepticism returned when my friend started talking about marriage barely three months later. I tried to make her give it some time, but it fell unto deaf ears; she no gree oo. So I had to just support her, I mean, what could I do but to hope for the best?

Long story short, the guy came home. Yay!! For introduction, Engagement and the Wedding. By the way, the guy had wanted a proxy wedding (you know, getting married to a picture), but we all, with our heavy boots kicked against it.

On the day he came to my friend’s house for the first time, I was with her because we were expecting the August visitor. At hearing the knock at the door, we rushed out full of expectations. She got to the door before me. But as I was about to say, ‘Babes let them in na’, (he was supposed to come with his friend, btw) I heard a resounding thud with my friend on the floor almost lifeless. I was confused but tried to help her. I was just trying to lift her when I got a glimpse of what she saw. Jeez, you don’t want to know.

He was a baby with a man’s face. (Now, don’t get me wrong, he was supposed to be a 35 year old. Shhhhh, secret)

We succeeded in resuscitating her.

If you found yourself in this situation, what would you do? Would you leave the guy heartbroken after you made him a promise of marriage? Would you stay with him considering how wonderful a person he was?

And oh! My aso-ebi is still in my closet, don’t even know how to wear it.


  1. mehn... na bad market be dat o.. buh criousli if i were her, i will give excuse upon excuses until the marriage itself becomes an excuse

  2. You can wear d Aso Ebi to my house na. Joking' . But really it shows how lil female minds are .How cld she has fallen that deep. She cld av done more research abt d guy and she shld nt av. Plannned to marry d guy just like dt. However, she. Don buy market na she has got to deal with it by consulting her mind first and asking questions if he can do away with him. It is. Better to walk away now b4 d finally answer.

  3. The contract has not been signed; it can be revoked. It is better to cut it off now.

  4. Looooooooooolz! Sounds like your friend met pawpaw! Nothing wrong with pawpaw by the way! Love covers multitude of sins...not like im saying being short is a sin! As for me I will dump the guy like a hot coal not because of the looks but coz he is deceptive! Gosh!

  5. Serves her right, she shld ve tried to meet d guy physically b4 planning anitin n nt got carried away wit d bliss

  6. I guess she has to live up to his expectation, he found love in a hopeless place... lolxxx

  7. You can still retrace ur step and if u allow jest from neighbor hold u down na u sabi

  8. Hmmm,tot looks dnt really matter since she ws already in love,nd bsides who ws she in-love wit?after all she has his pics,na person say mk she no ask height?she should beta nt break d young man,s heart O!

  9. Lol. If I'm in her shoes I'll dump the man-kid, and just move on.

