Saturday, October 18, 2014


In a recent interview, the Legendary singer, Innocent Idibia, popularly known as Tu Face, gave some expose' on how he handles female fans who unnecessarily try to  be familiar.
"When I meet a female fan who is being unnecessarily familiar with me, I just greet her and move on with my life. If she is still being persistent, I would tell her that what she is looking for she cannot have. Then I introduce her to any of my single friends that is around,” he said.
On his children and marriage, he said:
“Three of my children are already showing signs of being good singers without my interference. I would say I am a natural coach. Marriage has made me calm and helped balance my life. I don’t do some certain things anymore because I am married.” 
He also talked about his father's passing and how he cried knowing he would never see him again.
“The last time I cried was when my father died. When the doctor told me that he was dead, I could not believe it. It was then it dawned on me that I would not see him again,” 
He also talked about his career adding that if he had not been a musician, he probably would have been a goalkeeper.
Aww, so sweet, marriage really changes people.
Married men, take a cue...

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