Monday, May 26, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

I was having a chat with a friend I met sometime in the past. Grace (not real name) and Mark, her boyfriend had been dating for about three years then without a commitment sign from him. I was not close to them enough to know the reason the man was not talking about committing after that long time of dating but I did think he had his ‘reasons’. After all, everyone has a reason for not committing, right? 

Truth is, not many men are ready to commit these days. In fact, in the part of the world where I am from, men want to be boys forever. But I tell you, there are millions of women who have got some men of substance committing to them with all of their being. What this means is, you can get anyone to commit to you no matter the situation.  But now, the question is ‘HOW’? Check out some of the ways, you can get a man to commit to you....

Blow His Mind..
Be better than anyone he has ever had in all aspects of the relationship. There has to be that something that makes him want to say, ‘this is the woman I want for all my life’. Make him want to be with you, enjoy your company and feel awesome around you. This means you have to be at your best. Truth is, when you get to that point, even you will know it.

Some ladies don’t talk about the status of their relationships with their men. You can’t know what plans he has if you don’t talk. So let him know you are ready for a commitment and try to find out if he is too. He is not supposed to be a bully that you can’t face. Freely open up and tell him your fears and ask questions about where your relationship is heading. If you don’t understand the destination, please, give him some time to figure out what he wants. The reason you need this point is because some men don’t know what they want from a relationship.

Go Out Without Him!.
This makes him want to have you around more often. Men, sort of, don’t like to be undermined in any way. Sometimes, when you give him the impression that you are so cool without him, he wants to just buckle up a little, trust me. So, don’t get all clingy like he is your life line, go on dates with girlfriends, your sister(s) or even your female colleagues. Take pictures and show them to him. Let him know that 'you can do bad great, by yourself'.

Assume Your Duty..
In other words, take liberties. Adopt the role of the one and only girlfriend, fiancĂ©e etc. Your man may just assume you two have already started a serious thing. From time to time, pick up groceries for him; ask him to do the same. If you live close to him, pack his work lunch every once in a while and drop it for him on your way to work.  Call him at work and say, " Hey, sorry to bother you, but on the way home, could you buy some milk, fruits and some of those sanitary towels for me?"  If he doesn't refuse your request, it may just mean acceptance. And who knows? It may just mean the start of some sort of commitment.

Hang Out with Your Male Friends..
Men have a problem with their women having guy friends; men with whom women claim to have platonic relationships. In fact, men don't believe there is such a thing as a guy friend, especially when it comes to a girlfriend they care about. Trust me, this could bring you and your guy close enough to a committed relationship. But, you need to be careful here because if not, this could cost you even the relationship.

What do you think about these tips?

Please,send  in your points if you know other ways you can get a man to commit to a woman. Let's learn!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Someone shared this story with me and asked my opinion. Sincerely, I didn't know what to advise her. So I thought I'd share with you, my dear friends. 

Please, read the story and tell her what you feel is best for her right now...

"I am Anie. In the year 2003, I met this man I really loved and who truly loved me back or so I thought. I could give anything for Jake. The connection we felt seemed unbreakable. But since I was quite young, we agreed that we were not going to get intimate until we got married. We did things lovers do except sex and we were happy with each other.

One year passed and we were still good and even more in love until one fateful day. I had visited my boyfriend with the intention of playing computer games as we usually did. Fair enough, we started the game but his sudden change of countenance made me start asking questions as I got worried.

After much 'questioning', he finally opened up and said he was tired of being in a relationship without sex. I got really surprised but started trying to make him understand that I was too young to be having sex at that time. All my pleas fell on deaf ears.

Long story short, I was raped by my supposed boyfriend. A man who claimed to love me so much.

Ten years later, my aunt told me about a colleague of hers who needed to get married and was finding it difficult to get a decent girl. She told him about me and advised that I give him some attention since I wasn't dating. Though I was not the type that gave in to matchmaking, I decided to listen to my aunt for some reason. We started talking, that is, me and the stranger, who was by name, Charly.

We did pretty well. We fell in love in less than one month. I was amazed at how fast I had become so fond of him.

After about a month, it was time for us to meet each other. Though, I was nervous but I was looking forward to it. As a matter of fact, I had one million butterflies in my tummy.

We chose a day, time and place of meeting. It was a Saturday. About thirty minutes before our meeting time, I left the house in order not to be late. I got to the restaurant about 10 minutes early. I decided to get myself a drink while I waited for my date. I had just taken a sip from my drink when I saw Jake!

The drink in my stomach protested followed by every organ in my body. ‘No, no, God, please, don’t let him be my date’ I wished in silence.

I swallowed hard as he waved to me like the world was at peace. I looked at him and looked away. By the time I looked back, he had sit at the other end; about three seats away from mine. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and then after a few seconds, he took the phone close to his ears.

I felt a vibration in my bag and wished so hard that it was not his call my phone was responding to. Fearfully, I took my phone; it was Charly! ‘Hello’ I said, almost inaudibly.

‘I’m there, where are you?’  I heard his question twice; through the phone and just in front of me.

My phone dropped and I wished the earth would open and just swallow me. I had fallen in love with my rapist again! Charly was Jake!

Hmmmm...He came back to beg and ask my hand in marriage.  Truth is, I forgive him but I can't seem to get myself to spend the rest of my life with him. Not after what he did to me!

Do you think I am overreacting?

Please, what do I do?"

I am left with questions myself... I will ask one though

'Do you think Charly knew she was the one all along?

But please, give Anie your advise first.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

I was surfing the net and came across an article which says there are only two reasons men are attracted to women and those reasons are:
1. She is good for his EGO
2. She is good for his WELL-BEING

According to the writer, there are countless more specific reasons that a man is attracted to a woman, but every unique cause of attraction in a man can be categorized into one of these two main reasons.
In making his point clearer he explained that To be good for a man’s ego is to demonstrate qualities that he can “brag to his buddies” about.

On the second reason, he said that To be good for a man’s well-being is to satisfy his needs in some way.

Ok, I know that every man wants to be proud of his partner and of course, be able to show her off somehow. I also do know that men have needs that their partners should satisfy but I never really saw these as men's major standpoint. But what do I know? 

So guys, do you agree with this writer? Do you think he is on point? Are these what really attract you to women??

Monday, May 12, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Ok people, this is the last part of the 'ONCE UPON A RAPIST' Story. I hope everyone has been following. If 'No', please, checkout the beginning parts here and here.

So where were we?

Oh yeah! I was swept back into the room with a kick.......

The thought of my failed escape got me really angry.  In my intense anger, I gave my captor a stern and straight look as I roared in between tears ‘let me go now!’

‘What happens if I don’t let you go now?’ he asked trying not to shout. ‘I don’t know why you are so stubborn, I know a lot of girls who would have given in already’. 

‘I am not those girls, Jeff, and I am never going to be them’, I shouted with my eyes closed and tears trickling down uncontrollably.

‘Bring down your voice’, he commanded. But at this point, I was not going to be hushed, so I kept shouting. In anger, he grabbed my both arms and shook me as he firmly said, ‘shut the h*** up!’. The look on his face left my words hanging in my mouth. I tried to make out the meaning of that look but I couldn't.

He left me and went to sit on the bed that was already looking like two elephants had fought on it. I stood in the middle of the room pitying myself and swearing never to speak to any man again. I was still on the act of self-pity when I heard my captor say something. I hardly heard him so I turned to his direction to hear what he had to say clearly but then he had stopped talking.

I made a confused face at him and asked what he said.  He looked at me for a while and muttered, ‘You can go now’. My mouth went open with surprise. ‘But’, he continued, ‘you would have to kiss me first’.  My stomach stirred with irritation as I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, ‘what is the point in forcing me to kiss you now when you know it means I may never want to see you again’.

‘Beatrice, truth is, you are never going to see me again anyway, I lost that chance three hours ago. But it hurts because I really do love you’, he said. I was thrown off balance by his reply but I managed a few words of admonition, ‘ Next time, don’t force people you love, I mean, you don’t need it’.

After some seconds, he sighed and asked, ‘so you are not going to kiss me?’ ‘No’, I replied with a frown. He stood up, held my hands, walked to door, opened it with a key from his pocket and bid me goodbye.

As I stepped out of that room, all I wanted to do was run before he could change his mind but on a second thought, I decided to walk to the gate. However, I had just taken about three steps when he said, ‘Bee, why didn’t you kiss me, at least?’.

‘No reason that serious except that I am not ready yet’, I replied and walked away with my dignity and my body intact. Hmmm.

What were you expecting the end would be? Hahahahaha

Actually, I didn’t think I was going to escape until I was out of the premises.. LOL

But do you think he really wanted to rape me? Because now, I am thinking he never really wanted to.

What do you think about his claim about loving me? Do you think he freed me because he loved me as he claimed?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hello Friends,

Thank you so much for yesterday. You made my day! 

If I am given the chance to choose my friends again, I will choose all of you over and over and over and over again. You are the bestestest....LOL. Thank you so much for all the love, wishes, prayers on my day. Big hug, Kisses, Love. God will celebrate all of you in Jesus name.. Amen

To show my appreciation further, I have decided to reward you all for the good wishes with a good laugh. There is this hilarious short film I saw over the weekend that really cracked me up and I thought I should share it with you guys.

It is titled Sarahology and it was produced by Olakunle Agboola.

I have seen it like five times since I first I knew about it and I still want to see it. LOL. 

E go make u laugh so te u go forget your name!

Click here to watch....

Monday, May 5, 2014


Hey Friends,

We have another celebrant on HD today.Yay!! She is a beauty, isn't she?

Her name is Beatrice Hazon Obiorah. She works with VAS Consulting.

She is one of the brains behind Hazon's Diaries. You should meet her; she is sweeeet!

 She wishes for greater things .... God, please, grant them unto her. Amen

 Let's celebrate her people; send in your congratulatory messages and prayers.

 Happy Birthday Bebe! You are the bestestestest..... LOL

If you want to be celebrated on your day, just contact us on the email addresses displayed on the side. Stay happy!

