Monday, April 28, 2014


Photo Credit: Google


How are my awesome friends doing today? Did not want to bore you with a long read the last time so I decided to do the story in bits. If you did not get the part 1, please read here

So where were we?

Yes, I remember!

His friend left! And I was left with my friend who would later become my what now…Captor,? Since I was getting uncomfortable, however, I decided I should leave but Jeff calmly said, ‘come on now, you just came and your break is not even close to being over yet, sit and stay with me for a while’. I stupidly nodded my head and sat down on the floor far from the bed. He smiled coyly and said, ‘Are you afraid of me? Sit on the bed na’.  I said ‘No’ and moved to the bedside against my wish and sat at the edge of the bed.

He talked for some minutes and moved closer to the side I was practically perching. By this time, it was 12noon, meaning that my break was over. I heaved a sigh of relief, stood up and made for the door as I announced, ‘my break is over, I need to start going’. But before, I could successfully take three steps, Jeff was in front of me begging me to stay a little while longer.

I frowned and calmly said, ‘Jeff, my break is over, besides, my cousin must have been looking for me’. I need to get out of here’. ‘ I am not ready for you to go yet, he screamed. Realizing he had used the wrong tone, he smiled and apologized.

At this point, I knew I had bitten more than I could chew. My eyes became teary as I started begging for my freedom. Images of girls taken and captured in movies I had seen started flashing through my memory. 
And as we know, in these movies, some or most of these taken girls always have superhero dads, uncles, brothers or even friends. I thought of any superhero I knew, none came to mind.

Don’t get me wrong, my dad is my hero but here was reality. #straightface#, not some movie!

So many ideas flashed in my head but the closest tool I could use at this time was ‘crying’. Did the crying work? Nope. Ok maybe for a while as he begged me to stop and led me back to the bed after he locked the door and took the keys. On seeing him lock the door, I panicked and screamed, ‘I want to be led out of the door not to the bed!' still crying.

He tried to make me sit but I refused. I guess that infuriated him as he pushed me to the bed. I struggled until I fell 'yakata' on the bed. I increased my crying tempo. Meanwhile, my position on the bed after the fall couldn’t be any more tempting. But I was fast enough to coil my legs so tightly together.

Ermm, may I tell you this? I was wearing a skirt....

Anyway, the next fight which was getting me to uncoil my legs started. He struggled to get me to open my legs but all to no avail; it was as if all the energy my body could ever boast of was concentrated on my waist and legs. LOL. After he stopped trying to split the legs that were almost feeling like siamese twins at this time, I launched my second strategy. Prayer.

At first, I was praying in my mind, then I started muttering the prayers out. My eyes were closed so I did not know what he was doing and I did not care. When I finally opened my eyes, he was sitting very close to me, apparently listening in on my conversation with my Father God. I almost smiled seeing the confused look on his face but I had to hold it in. There was no time for that!

‘Are you a pastor’, he asked. I didn’t care to reply.

‘Do you think I want to rape you?’ He asked again. I gave him a long stare without saying a word.

‘Are you a virgin?’. At this point, I was losing it but I knew that would be double ‘wahala’ for deadi body. ‘ I’m only 15, what do you think’, I asked, assuming that answered his question. He laughed and said, ‘Nigerians sha, they like answering questions with questions’.

‘Please, Jeff, let me go.’ I begged. Of course, he refused and moved closer again. This time more aggressively. I did not know when I started wailing. Another round of fighting and trying to uncoil my legs. Did he succeed this time? Hmmm. Yes, he did!

With my lycra skirt up to my waist and both my legs helplessly apart, all I could do was beg him with everything he held dear.

‘I don’t hold any damn thing dear except my mum but bad news for you because she is dead!’ he roared. When I opened my eyes to look at him, all I could see was intense anger through red eyes. There and then I gave up on begging. I blinked and closed my eyes again, imagining me pregnant with this beast’s offspring. 

‘Oh no! what if I get infected’ I thought. Just at this moment, I reignited my will to fight. ‘I am not going to allow this monster destroy my life!’ I thought. But then, what was I going to do? No idea; I was totally blank.
Luckily for me, an idea came!

‘Jeff, please could you allow me go pee?’ I asked in the gentlest manner.

Ok, so you know, the convenience was outside the room and I was aware of that. That means I had to go outside to pee. Smart girl!, you are thinking right? 

‘Ok, you can go pee but I will come with you because I want to also ease myself. 'I think one person should go first', I suggested. My dear Jeff would not hear of that. 

'So as small as you are, you think you are smarter than me abi? 'Come on would you lead the way?' he ordered.

‘This guy is the devil’s son’, I thought and managed a small smile as we went outside together.

I took the first room while he took the second. Before I could say, 'Jack Robinson', he was done and waiting for me. We walked back slowly. Just as we got to the entrance of the room that had been my prison for the past two hours, I stood trying to figure out the best direction to run to.

'Don't even think of it if you know you want to leave here as you came' ordered my captor.

Fear was all I could feel at that moment as I managed to say, ' I am not going back into that room, period!

'So you are giving me orders now right'?. These angry words came with a kick which swept me back into the room I had dreaded so much. Back to square one??


Please, let's round off next time...It's too long but I want you to get all the details.

I love you guys.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

I had just finished one of my pre-Jamb classes, precisely the one before break. I was excited because we had finally ended the long and boring Government class of how the Military seized power and how the Civilians 'unseized' it.

Well, there was nothing much to do for the 30 minutes of break except that I had to go get some snacks and a drink. I was just trying to get some money out of my cheap wallet when I had the urge to look out the window.

I did look out and lo and behold, there was my ‘ex-toaster’ ‘ex-wooer’ looking up at me. I ran back, maybe out of shock or shyness. I don’t know, maybe one or both of the reasons. After some seconds I looked out again and jeez, he was still there. ‘What is he doing here?’ I thought.

Now, Jeffrey or Jeff as he was popularly called was neither a student of the school nor a pre-Jambite. The reason his presence was a bit like an intrusion.

Back to my story.

While I was still wondering why he was around, he waved. Initially I wasn’t sure that was for me so I looked sideways but since no one was standing there except me, I reluctantly waved back at him, waiting for the next action, I guess. Shortly after, he beckoned to me to come downstairs. At first I thought, ‘why should I go down to meet him?’. But on a second thought, I decided to go, after all, I was going to go buy stuff anyway.

Ok, I liked Jeff actually #winks# but I thought he was too old for me because while I was fifteen going on sixteen, he was twenty-nine or thirty. This was the main reason I said ‘NO, to him. Plus the fact that my folks would not hear of it, of course!

By the way, seconds after, I was downstairs. But my friend was nowhere to be found. I got confused and started wondering if I was hallucinating. So I thought, ‘what a heck, let me grab my snacks then’. As I was about crossing to the other side, I looked to my right and there was Jeff, again! He was already a few yards off. He looked, smiled and beckoned to me to keep coming.

Did I follow him? Oh yes, I did. As a matter of fact, I kept following until he entered through a gate not far from the school building. A minute later, we were both in a small but beautiful room apartment with his friend.

Ok, I never thought of any danger until his friend said he was leaving to return soon. Immediately, it was as if my eyes got cleared of whatever was covering them and I remembered I did not tell my cousin where I was going….haba!!

To be contuned…

Thursday, April 17, 2014



Yaaaayyy!! Another HD lover, reader etc is plus one today! Happy Birthday Akinsola. Last week, it was the beautiful Ogechi, read here if you missed it.

His full name is Akinsola Akinwale. He is an excellent Sofware Developer working with VAS Consulting. He is a blogger, Motivational Speaker and Writer. Talk to him if you ever want or need to be motivated. hehehe. He is actually good at a lot of things. In fact, he is an ocean of knowledge. 

Check his blog out here

He wishes to be better next year, doing greater things and reaching greater heights. Awww

God will grant your wishes and may He grant you more years in health, wealth and prosperity.

Happy! Happy!! Happy!!! Birthday

Come on People, let's show a brother some love. 

See more photos below, he is also a photo lover..#winks#LOL


We mean it here when we say we want to celebrate you. Send your details a day before you birthday. Check 'Birthdays' page for more information on celebrating you.

Give Akinsola a shout out!!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

A short lived relationship one of my girlfriends had sometime in the past inspired this writing. Somehow she met this really handsome dude and she was really excited to know him better. So they start hanging out every once in a while. But then she noticed the guy was always talking about himself so much that as at their fourth date, the guy only knew her name and where she lived. Goodness!

I felt kind of bad for her because I knew she really liked this guy but with time the attraction vanished, though gradually. 

Guys, there are so many habits like that that can make women walk away from your life without informing you. Sometimes, we can't easily control them but hey, we can deal with them.

Check some of these habits out...

Guys, making a woman feel you are a good catch is not bad but when it starts looking like you are bragging, ladies get pissed or run off. Oh you have an amazing job, great! You have got so much money in your account, awesomely great!You wear latest designers, oops! You have the latest cars, you live in a 50-room apartment, seriously? Bobos, please, you don't need all that 'bigging' up..Wait a minute, whoever told you that all this bragging will make women overlook the fact that you’re so boring? Oh yes, bragging makes you boring buddy. So stop it! Being egotistical won’t make the ladies stick around. Try employing a tiny bit of modesty and try asking questions about them rather than blabbing about yourself all the time.

Scratching Your Private Parts
Guys, please, do not get caught doing this. It’s definitely a turn-off for women when men shamelessly scratch ‘down there’ without a care in the world. Eww... For crying out loud, it is really dirty. At least get your scratching fixed in the bathroom when you are not in full view of everyone else. Clean up and come out looking all dope.

Guys, ladies do not really expect this perfect, prim and proper guy but not being gentlemanly at all is a huge turn-off. Now you can take a lady on a few dates and treat her like a queen but the day you leave her to find a cab by herself after a date is the day she stops being attracted to you. Women like to be looked after and feel safe when they are with you. Don't make her walk home alone because you want to watch a match. Wrong!! Don't make her open the car door when you can just be a gentleman and do it. Women are fragile, treat them tenderly as gentlemen would. There are so many other things that gentle men do, please, go learn them. Hmm

Lack of Sense of Humour
Every man must possess a good sense of humour to keep women attracted to him. It’s a powerful tool in a conversation, particularly when overcoming awkward moments. So dear guys, not having one makes you seem overly serious and boring. Women want to laugh at something hilarious you have done or said until they can barely breathe. Straight faces keep them away but the guy who is having a laugh with his friends or keeping a cheerful outlook, on the other hand, always looks like a fun person to be around and so women flock around them. Make our ribs hurt, crack us up and we will always be around.

No Ambition
Most women are attracted to men who have a focus in life, and they find it annoying if you have no ambition to achieve anything. It makes it hard for women to respect you if you can’t speak to them about your goals, ideas, and things you want to achieve. No woman wants to settle down with the guy who lazies around on the sofa watching day time television and eating his mother's foods and uploading them on BBM while his mates are working hard to achieve their dreams.  And please, do not be 'empty-brained'; read and build your knowledge so that you can talk with authority as a man. Aim for a quality life. Write down  things you want to achieve in life and start chasing them. No time!

Yes, women  love to feel safe and cared for, but  there’s a fine line between that and being over-protected. Women see over-protectiveness as a sign of insecurity, and no woman likes that. If you are guilty of this habit, try to get rid of it. Women hate it even though they may not tell you. And oh, yes,  it makes you seriously unattractive.

I hope these make sense. Guys, you may not have all of these issues but whichever one you are not handling properly, do well to look into it. Don't lose people who care about you because of habits you are stronger than. It is not worth it!

Feel free to add other habits you feel men need to address. The comment box is all yours.

If you want to be celebrated, just check that page tagged 'Birthdays'... or click here

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Hey Friends, 

This beautiful lady is the first in line for Celebration. It is her birthday! Yay! 

Her name is Ogechi, she works as a Nutrition Manager at True Link Integrated. She is a reader of Hazon's Diaries. She wishes to celebrate more years. 

Wow! By God's grace you will celebrate more years in health and prosperity. 

Let's show her some love by dropping our birthday wishes for her in the comment box.

More Pictures below

Happy Birthday Dear!

We want to celebrate you friends, so if you want to be featured, email your details to or Please, check our 'birthdays' page for more details.



Photo Credit

We love our readers, so we celebrate them whenever we get the chance to! You don't get? This page has been created specially for all of you who have kept this blog going since its inception. Yay!!

Is it your birthday or your friend's, child's, parents' birthday? Do you want to share your beautiful day with HD Readers?

Simply send your details, that is,
Your name, 
Your birth date, 
What you do and 
Your birthday wish/wishes 
to or

Please, ensure these details get to us latest a day before your birthday.

Let's celebrate you! Let's be happy!!

NB: E-mail Subject : CELEBRATE ME!

Monday, April 7, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Some men are are straight to the point, they know exactly what they are looking for in their future wives and so when they meet that one woman made from their rib, they just know it. What's more? They head straight for alter and they live happily ever after.

On the other hand, some may need to look, look, search, search and search. Well, you are free to call them 'selective' but I will not blame such men, especially in this age when women just want to be tagged 'married' with the rest not being their business. It is a 'Forever' thing, so please, search well o my bothers.

But, hey if you have done all the searching and you are still confused, you could make your choice based on some of the female attributes listed below. In fact, if you find a woman with some or all of these characteristics, I will advise you take her to mama one time!

Check out the kinds of women you can take home to mama....

The Faithful One
Miss Faithful will not cheat on you neither will she be on the lookout for a "better guy" as women would say. When you are with this one she will keep her attention focused on you, the man in her life. Yeah, she's  most likely going to stick around if times get tough. This woman is a rare gem. If you find her, tie yourself around until she is fully yours and totally wifed.

Miss Low Maintenance
This one is very rare. In fact, she is atypical of modern women. She is not interested in your pocket or what money you have — she just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. In most cases, she is a true feminist who will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find  The Low Maintenance type, hang on to her for dear life until you wife her. Tip: Real men are always in search of this kind, so please, if you get this opportunity, don't mess it up.

The Ever Sweet Woman
She is always positive, content with her life, always upbeat and just fun to be around. She's a genuine person without a bitch bone in her body. She's always truly happy to see you and somehow you find yourself looking forward to spending time with her. These are not usually readily available in the dating market right away, they're pretty rare. But if you can find one, you've got a real treasure on your hands. Don't wait until someone else takes her! Wife her!

The Sexual Woman
You should be so lucky to encounter one of these! Miss Sexual loves men and loves sex — and makes no bones about it. She's not selling it, she is not freaked about it, she's not using it as a tool to manipulate men, she just naturally craves it and she waits to give it to the right person and at the right time. Please, don't confuse her with a nymphomaniac, who suffers from psychological problems. This one does not buy the female general idea of using what you have to get what you want from the highest bidder. Miss sexual should be searched out by every man because in marriage sex is important and with her you are rest assured that you will not be starved in marriage.

The Straightforward
She knows how to communicate. With this woman, there are no games. She is free enough to pick up the phone and ask you out. She keeps her every word, she does not say one thing and do just the opposite. Bad side is that she is blunt at times. But I can bet you'll know where you stand with her and you'll never have to spend hours trying to fix one lady who does not have a mind of her own or who takes ages to make up her mind.

Miss Independent
Go for this woman if you don't have a lot of time to invest in a relationship or you're the type of guy who needs a lot of space. This one is too busy and so has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life. And she certainly isn't looking for men to solve all her problems or blame when things don't go her way. Men who are ready for marriage, should look for this kind. Warning: If you have a complex, don't even say hi to Miss Independent, Reason:  you may take her independent personality for pride.

The One Step At A Time Lady
This woman is not in a rush about getting married. She's happy just to be with you. So you don't get any, "Where is our relationship going?", or 'honey, my friend's boyfriend just gave her an engagement ring' or 'Sweets, there is a  ring store around the corner, I love their rings' etc. Don't get me wrong, this lady may want to get married at some point, but she's in no hurry. She thinks that if it happens, it will just happen naturally. If you get this type, try to stay with her if other sides to her are good. This one will not pressure you into doing anything, trust me. 

The Confident 
This woman accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad. And she feels the same about you, her man. Isn't that beautiful? I mean, she won't even bug you about changing something that people perceive as bad about you. She takes you just as you are. This woman is so secured that she doesn't need constant attention to cover up her sagging ego. She is got a high self-esteem, and confidence in herself and you. wow!!

The Right One For You
Most of the time, guys choose women who are good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster their status among other men or counteract their own insecurities. Don't get me wrong, beautiful women are good  but if you find a woman who makes you happy, regardless of looks, age or social status or what any other guy thinks then you have definitely won at the mating game.
Some time ago, a friend told me about a girl he was dating; very beautiful, he used to show her off, according to him. All his friends used to talk about his girlfriend whenever they went out but he alone knew the girl was a tigress. She used to fight him with knives and other dangerous objects whenever she was angry. Just imagine that!

We can't finish the list but I think these cover a great deal of the attributes or the kinds of women you could make your future plans around. Yeah, it could be difficult knowing the real ones but if you use your head instead of your heart and sexual organ, you will get the real deal. Please, don't forget the number one factor, GOD. Always ask for His guidance. You can't miss it if God is involved.

Friends, feel free to add other kinds or attributes, the comment space is all yours.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Sometimes we are not able to control the people that come into our lives. But we do have control over the kind of people we allow stay in our lives. Ladies, if you have any of the under listed men in your life, you may have to let them go. No time! (except in cases where you know you can work things out, of course).

Check them out...

This is the guy who has no job and no plans on ever getting one. What's worse is that he wants to get the best of everything and so he knows how to manipulate his way into your wallet to support the lavish lifestyle he desperately wants. He might seem like a super nice guy who is going through some tough times, but he's only concerned about what you can do for him. Don't let this guy charm his way into your heart or your wallet!

While seemingly a normal, possibly timid guy, things can go extremely wrong when he finds out your true feelings. Men like this aren't mature enough to handle relationships and commitments, so they avoid them at all costs. For example, he may show signs of sharing your infatuation, but when talk of commitment comes up, he acts as if you've never even met. If this man comes into your life, don’t beat yourself up over his sudden change of heart. He’s simply a scared little boy, not the man of your dreams. So run as fast as you can!

We’ve all met a flirt. Also known as the 'player'. He has dozens of women on his list and possesses a constant hunger to string more along to fulfill his insecure mindset. He is mostly very charming, rich and dope looking. When you see this man, don’t let him get to you. You can bet those charms and suave winks have been used many times before to his advantage. You’ll always be an option, but never a priority. You are going to be on his list probably, forever. Run!

This type of men can be extra caring, hot looking boyfriend. They can be very volatile too. You will never know what changes his mood. It just changes in very drastic manner and you are left wondering why on earth he is behaving the way he is doing or what you did wrong. But do not worry, it is not you; it is him.
Unless you can deal with his anger and sudden mood change, he is not the guy you are looking for. But, if you can work around things, you may do well with him and maybe you won't have to run.

This type freaks out if you show up five minutes late to a date. You can be sure he’ll fan every little disagreement into a full-blown argument. It’s not worth the stress babes. This type sure can’t handle sarcasm very well because most of the times, their serious attitudes tend to translate intended humor very literally.

This type of man has a need for control  over you, and everything else in his life. If he starts ordering you around or trying to manipulate you in any way, get out of this relationship. He’ll only continue to build power by wearing you down. In order for a relationship to happily function, both sides need to share authority. He isn’t the boss of you; you control your own life. One dangerous thing about this one is that he could easily hit you when he has the chance. So run!

This type points out every flaw in people. He doesn't not believe the saying 'No one is perfect'. His specialization is pointing out wrongs. all he sees is evil. He is incredibly shallow and doesn't have the capacity to dig deep and really get to know anyone out of the ordinary. You don’t want to date a mean, un-understanding man. So, find someone who can accept people for who they are and is secure with himself.

I love a man who is close to his family, but if he can't make any decisions without his mother's opinion, it's a deal breaker. Please, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about consulting his mother on life-altering decisions here. I am talking about a guy who seeks his mom's advice on clothes to wear, his job, car, even what he eats! Take a pass on this type of man. Truth is, he will not use the convenience without informing his mama.

While some women run away from guys who are married, there are some who aren't aware of their relationship status or they find out after they've already fallen for them. Ladies, in either case, don't get caught up with the married guy. Open your eyes! If he's obviously unable to stay faithful to the woman he made a vow to be with, he is definitely not going to be different with you. Do not let him lead you to believe that he's trapped in a loveless marriage and that he's going to eventually leave his wife and children for you because it's a big fat lie. 

Relationships are supposed to help us be better people.
It is supposed to add a glow to our lives as a result of the happiness from within.
It supposed to make us not break us.
The list is endless.
So friends, be wise. think before you leap.

Guys, if you fall under any of these categories, no hard feelings. All I can say is, 'Upgrade Bro'.
