Monday, March 31, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

'I love you' is one line everyone who is genuinely in love wants to hear from their partners. It is one of the engines that propel the ship of relationship.

If you love someone you should profess it. And hey, if you ever feel 'I love you' has become boring, here is some good news for you, you could use some more interesting alternatives. Trust me, they give the same feeling. I mean, they work magic.

Check out the alternatives

You are my one and only.

You are the sweetest.

Ife mi.

You are the 'bestest' lover in the whole world.

You take my breath away.

I am lovingly yours forever.

Oh baby, i di too much.

With you, forever won't be too long.

You are the world's best wife/Husband!

When I see you, I think "Good job, God!"

You are the love of my life!

It's awesome to spend my life with you!

I dey go gaga lik Ogaga for you, Chei!

Loving you everyday, sweetheart!

I treasure you.

You were sent to me from Heaven.

I adore you.

Sweetheart, you stir my soul!

Oh baby, you be my tomato Jos

I'm head over heels for you.

I cherish you.

Life is incomplete without you.

We were made for each other!

You're my soul-mate and the love of my life.

You're one hot babe/guy!

I can't imagine life without you my heart.

You are my heartthrob

You dey make my heart go .....

I don love you finish.. Kai


Ok..You may not need to use all the different alternatives given above but you sure need to spice up your relationship. You know what I am saying. Remember, variety is the spice of life.

Keep making it work, be creative, let it be playful sometimes....#winks

Please, feel free to add more because I know the list is endless.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Sometime ago, a friend of mine whose relationship was already hitting the rocks complained of how his girlfriend was acting funny. According to him, she just started keeping her distance and he did not understand why. While I felt bad for him, I thought, why don't I feature this on HD?

Anyway, I decided to help my friend by writing on the point when you know it is no longer working. Men, if you sense she is done with the relationship, don't be confused like my friend, just check out for the following:

All Communication is Initiated by You
You can't miss this sign except you are in denial. Truth is girls like to talk and so they initiate most of the communicating. In most cases, nothing can get a girl to shut up if she feels like talking. I mean, even when she is mad at you and says she doesn't want to talk, she still talks. Now if the reverse becomes the case and you are doing more of the talking as a guy, she is probably done with you.

She's Not Jealous Anymore
Jealousy means a girl cares.  if she used to display this attribute a lot and then she suddenly stops, you know, she starts letting you hangout with whomever you want, without any sort of protest or comments, well you should start getting worried. She may have found someone else.

 She Flirts with Other Guys In Front of You
 Now this can mean one of two different things. The first possibility is that she's attempting to gain your attention by making you jealous. If this is the case, you're good to go, if you're cool with that. However, the second alternative is she's not trying to make you jealous, she is literally flirting with those guys with every bad intention. This could be her way of saying, 'you can have me'. So beware!

 She Signs Off  Chat Moments After You Start Talking to Her
 Don't kid yourself man, at this point you know she's avoiding you. It doesn't matter what she says. If she logs off every time you attempt to talk to her, regardless of how long she's been online, then she's avoiding you like a bad habit. When it gets to this point, she's tired and you should let her be.

 She Takes Other Men's Calls When You Are Together
A girl who is in love with you will not want to give you any reason to doubt her love or feel disrespected. Usually, women achieve this by not allowing other men call them especially when they are with their lovers. If strange guys never used to call her when you are together and then it just starts happening all of a sudden, she may have started planning on leaving you.

She Becomes Forgetful of Everything You Discuss
If she has lost interest, she will always not remember plans you make together. In this case, it is always advisable you both talk about the situation but if she does not change,  it may just mean that she is over you.

These may not all the ways that you can know if she is done with you but I think they could help. Remember, being caught unawares is very hurting. 

Feel free to add your points please.

Monday, March 24, 2014


There are certain qualities in men that women absolutely dig.They are not about being tall, dark and handsome but you just have to have them to get women admiring you. In fact, some women would rather these points than the looks.

Check them out....

Being Well groomed
Believe ye me, tall and handsome is great but the reality is that height is really not as important a factor as how you present yourself. Just like guys like women who are well turned out, women too dig guys who ensure that they are perfectly groomed. To these women there is this belief that if you are careful enough to take care of yourself, they can trust you to take care of them. So, remember guys, sloppy dressing, uncombed hair, dirty nails, smelly socks, stained shirts or jeans and the likes are an absolute no-no when you are trying to make that all important impression on someone from the opposite sex. 

Having a Sense of Style
When I talk about this, I don’t mean you should spend all your earnings on pricey clothes or have one million clothes in your closet. So, even if they are just few and not so expensive, make sure you adopt a certain classy and stylish look and maintain it. Please, keep yourself updated on the latest trends, women love it. Don’t wear 1960 trends in 2014. Also, know that office type dressers bore the life out of women. Let your fashion taste be versatile.

Having a Sense of Humour
One of the most important traits that woman dig is a sense of humour. Women have more than enough problems to deal with and don't really need the company of another equally depressed soul. Yes, I do understand you have your bad days, but it does go a long way if you have a good sense of humour, and clean humour at that. Know that constantly putting others down does not really spell fun for women. You should also be able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes, women love it.

Showing  Care
Women like to know that you love and care for them. Acts like holding their hand while walking down the road, watching the sunset, an occasional hug and peck on the cheeks and making sure that they cross the road safely mean that you are proud to be seen with them and care for them. Remember, not displaying your affection openly is a sign that you are ashamed of who you are with. However, careful not to be crass while displaying your affections.

Woman are known to be harrowed and frenzied. Yes, they do tend to get hyper very easily and that is the precise reason why you need to be the calming factor in their lives. It really doesn't help if you too get stressed out or fly off the handle at any and every incident. Your sex appeal lies as much in your looks as it does in your attitude - women dig guys with a cool and peaceful attitude, the one who is able to calm them down and reassure them that all is well.

Ability to Protect
Women love to be protected. So show in more ways than one to prove that you will be her saviour should your damsel land in distress! Women are always in awe of men who can step up in times of conflicts. Be sure you grab every opportunity that situation throws at you. Some men, when there is distress, they fly away first and then later they are like, 'Baby, I was looking everywhere for you'. Nope!. You should be ready to save her first. You know, like in Titanic!. LOL. Don't die though.

Your Smell 
You should wear good fragrances if you must attract the right women. Choose a deodorant that suits you.  Know what smells best on you because what smells heavenly on your friend might stink on your skin!  Everything depends on your body odour. When you spray perfume on your body, what you smell like is a combination of the spray and your body odour. Please, don't put your lady through the stress of having to tell you, 'Dear, I don't know, errm, what what, you know, what kind of perfume do you use?'.  Please, the mouth should be taken care of here too. You can't easily impress any woman with bad breath. I am sorry but that is just it.

Perfect Body 
You may not be so handsome or very tall but you can build your body to the point of having six or eight pack abs. Girls love men with well-toned bodies. I can tell you that big tummies and soft bodies are big turn-offs for most ladies. So get into the habit of regular workout so you can make heads turn!

Live, be happy, get the best, take care of yourself....
I know life is not all about the body but you gonna need to take care of it so as to attract wonderful people who will eventually stay, complement your life and make it worth living.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hello Readers,

After staying off love talk for a while, I decided to bring you this one today. I hope you like it. 

Anyway, some time ago I shared a post on 'FINALLY MAKE HER FALL FOR YOU!!'. Remember? Ok. If you did not read it, please, here. If you recall, some readers wanted something for the ladies too and I thought 'why not?' So I came up with 'ways you can make a man fall' 'yakata' for you. Trust me, it is as easy as 'ice-cream'. Hmmmm #LOL

Check them out...........

Your Physical Appearance.
Wear clothes that are pretty and wear makeup that enhances the good points of you. Real men want someone who is classy, so don't wear trashy clothes. You can show a little bit of skin when you go out for a date, but don't over do it; by all means avoid looking skanky. Most men do not like too much make up, so I advise you to be subtle with it. Remember it is supposed to enhance you not to completely remove the real you. Don't forget, men are moved by what they see first....

Be Classy, Respectful and Powerful.  
This means you should not allow any man take advantage of you. If you want him to respect you and fall for you, you need to be strong and able to command his respect yourself. Some people think you are more loved by men when you nod at everything they say, it's a big lie. Please, you do not have to be disrespectful, argumentative or controversial but you need them to know that you have opinions too and they should be heard. That's what real men want actually. 

Flirt With Him. 
A good way to do this is to compliment him and to smile at him. This works magic! Always remember to make eye contacts and long gazes with him. Say hi or wave at him whenever you cross paths. If you can, strike up conversations with him when you two are alone. Babes, there is no harm in flipping your hair and gently touching his shoulder when you pass him! Trust me, with this he will want to always see you and that is how it starts.. hehehehe. If you are shy, don't worry, guys actually like shy girls, but you have to make him work for it. You can try not to be too shy though. Laugh at his jokes and try your best to strike up conversations. Tell funny stories you know, it might help you work around things. Careful though, don't do the jokes that only your family and friends laugh at. They may not actually be funny. 

Be Hard to Get. 
Men love to chase after girls and they like girls who are not too forward. Don't jump at date offers. If he
asks you on a date, you could say, "hey, I will think it over'or 'I will give my reply later'. If he says he will call to get the reply, please, don't now be the one calling to give the date info. Because if he feels you are jumpy, you may end up losing him. If you like him and he has not asked you out yet, don't say "I love you so much, will you please go out with me?!". No!! Instead, you could say, "I want to go to this event and none of my friends can go, so would you like to come with me?" Keep him guessing! Don't just give in because you like him. Truth is, lots others will come your way if you do not get to be together.

Be Confident.
Let him be the man; there is no harm in that. If he says something rude to you, stand up for yourself. Men love confident women. Learn to not say bad things about yourself. Once again, confidence! If he can't stand your confidence, then you should not even be interested in him falling for you.

Be Open Always. 
Don't cheat on him! You must date only him and he should date only you also. Being open here does not mean you should play all your cards on the table.If he sees it all, you will fail. So always leave him guessing and wanting more. He will fall head over heels without knowing it. 

Take Your Time.
Take your time, don't get ahead of yourself and think about marriage. Don't conclude he is going to marry you just because you are dating. Make him know you are not desperately looking for marriage too. This will help you control him if he tries to take advantage of your body. If a man knows you are not placing marriage demand on him, he will simply think there are other men trying to have you and he will buckle up and there he is for only you.

Do Not Be forceful. 
A lot of ladies are guilty of this. Men have huge ego and as a result they don't want to be forced to do anything. Be subtle when you want him to do anything. He wants to see that you can submit to him and not you ordering him around. If you can achieve this, then you have him.

Buy Him Gifts.
I am adding this because  most ladies feel that the man should be the only one doing the gift giving. Please, that is the wrong mentality. If a man has the slightest feeling that you are not good at sharing he may be put off. Now this is not saying that you should try to buy him over, as a matter of fact I don't think real men give in to that but you should exhibit some sharing habit because love is sharing. Right?

Let me stop here for now.

As we know, love is not science or mathematics with formulas to work with but there are points that could guide us in our love walk and I think these could. 

Or what do you think about them?  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Often times I hear office workers say they are putting on so much weight especially on the stomach. Truth is, at some point, you just cannot avoid adding some weight or tummy especially in a country like ours but surely not when you are still in your twenties, thirties, or even forties. No! You should not allow that!

I perfectly understand that you sit behind a desk and/or probably at a position for like 9 hours? Or even more for some people. Yes! this routine could inevitably make you grow fatter and especially rounder in the middle region. But you can deal with it.

Check out how...

Try Exercising In The Mornings. This will  make you feel refreshed and pump you full of energy ready for the day. It does not have to be hectic; it could be a short run or walk, some sit ups, push ups, skips, etc. Just something to help you sweat. Perhaps, you are not a morning exercise person, try organizing a lunch time workout session, or an evening workout session with a Personal Trainer or by yourself.

While at work, get up from your desk every 1 hour  or so, walk around, grab some water, go to the loo or just stand up and have a stretch! Do not sit for the whole of 9 hours because you want to make money because if you continue like that you might end up spending the money in the hospitals later or worse still, you might not even be there to spend that money. I am sorry, but that is the bitter truth!

Get outside at lunch time. Try eating your lunch outside, just go for a walk and get a bit of fresh air, relax your nerves.

Take your own lunch if you can. It saves you some money and helps you eat healthy, at least you know it is fresh and what has been put in it. Then just try and get away from your desk to eat it, even if it’s for 20-30mins, you will feel recharged and be more productive throughout the afternoon. 

From time to time go chat with people, rather than emailing them unless you don’t really want to talk to them! This could help you exercise your body a bit.

Sometimes you could take the stairs if you work in a tall building. Leave the lift alone once in a while; lift yourself with your legs..LOL. Trust me, it is a great cardio workout,  and great for the legs too. Though it might make you a little sweaty but you want to do that from time to time. 

If you happen to live close to work, walk or run, rather than drive. It does magic to your body.

Please eat your breakfast, it will set you up for the day. It is not advisable to start work on an empty stomach.

For those who live in Lagos, the traffic situation may make you get home late. My advise is do not eat anything heavy when it is late. It is a very easy way to develop a big stomach. If you can do veggies and fruits on nights like that, best!

If you can, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits most of the time. Apart from the fact that it helps digestion, it is very light and for someone who sits at a position for a long time, you would be doing yourself a world of good.

Please, let us try these tips and even more that are probably not written here so that we can stay alive to enjoy all the wealth we are acquiring.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Ever wondered why some female folks will not hear about the word 'Marriage, especially in a setting like ours in this era?

I have, on several occasions infact. But I have discovered that the more I try to understand, the more confused I get about some ladies' decision not to ever get married. You would not blame me, would you? For all we know, it is only a few decades back when women were all about settling down and having kids. But come to to think of it, what has changed?

Anyway, in a bid to help myself and some other people like me understand reasons for the craze about staying single, I decided to get people's opinions on their 'Spinsterhood Forever' idea.

Here are some of their reasons...

The Independent Life
They say it is more fulfilling to live their lives on their own and as they want. This way no one will order them around. They want to be as free as birds.. Hmmm

I Want My Own Career
Some say they are staying single because they find fulfillment through work, and are focusing on their ambitious career goals..To them, if men can focus on careers before romance, why can't women do the same thing and may be get really rewarded for their hard work?

Waiting for Mr. Right
Another lady wants to stay single until she meets someone she's truly in love with beacuse she doesn’t want to settle for the wrong guy just because she feels anxious about not being married. Ok, this is good, right?
Afterall, she has not totally ruled marriage out. I wish you luck in your wait.

I Want To Stay Single Because I Can!
This lady said she can afford to stay single and she is doing just that. 'There is nothing any man wants to give me that I cannot give myself!'

I Am Scared of Getting Hurt and Failing.
This one said it  is scary enough that she has to take the big leap; what if she fails or what if the marriage fails?She said she rather stays single than getting married and not making it.

 I Can Enjoy Sex With Anyone I Choose
According to this person, you're not stuck with the same sex partner for the rest of your life. I never have to wrestle with sexual boredom or lack of variety which is what most married ladies crave after a few years of marriage.

Men Are Cheats
This person thinks men even start cheating from their wedding nights and that she is not ready to be the housewife who will never be appreciated because her husband is busy with girlfriends outside.

Are you shocked? There are ladies who think like this. 
But do you agree with their points?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


 This week has been a very frustrating one for Lagosians, especially those around the Lekki-Ajah environs.

The first two days of the week, it was a  terrible traffic situation (or what we can call, 'cars on slow motion') as a result of the fuel scarcity which led to unending queues at the few fuel stations that were selling.

Today, it was a total gridlock/roadblock. For me, it was a case of 'double wahala for deadi bodi... According to an eye witness, protesters had blocked the road because an elderly woman had been hit and killed by a vehicle.

I feel so sorry for her family; I pray her soul rests in peace.

But is it right for thousands of other innocent road users to suffer because of this? Is it even right for 'area boys' to just block the government road because a man killed someone?

See more photos of the situation after the cut..

In these photos, people are walking to their places of work. 

I really do not know, what do you think about this situation?
