Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Alligator drags 2-year-old boy into lagoon at Disney World

A two-year-old boy is missing after he was reportedly dragged into a lagoon by an alligator at a Disney World resort in Orlando, despite his fath er'sfrantic attempts to wrestle his son from the reptile's jaws.

The boy was said to have been dragged into the Seven Seas Lagoon near the upmarket Grand Floridian Resort & Spa around 9.20pm on Tuesday as he paddled in a foot of water with his parents and four-year-old sister despite ‘no swimming’ signs being posted nearby.

Sheriffs say there is little hope of finding the boy alive after his father’s unsuccessful struggle with the seven-foot reptile. According to reports, the mother had to go into the water at some point but was not successful either.

Alligators are a relatively common sight at the Walt Disney World resort but are removed and relocated when they reach four foot and get too near to guest areas.

Search is still on for the little boy.

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