Monday, September 7, 2015

Model gives up sexual pleasure for full lustrous hair

After working with so many international brands, Giorgos Tsetis was not ready to give up his passion for any thing. Not even for his hairline which was seriously receding. Well it was so bad that just at 21, his make-up artist had to cover up his steadily receding hairline. This has always been a problem for models but Giorgos was not ready to lose his career, so he decided he'd take Propecia, a drug that halts baldness, but can cause impotence, loss of interest in sex, or trouble having an orgasm. The drug was taken for 6 years. And this long years, he couldn't perform, a situation that almost cost him his girlfriend.

"It came to a point where not getting laid trumped getting laid off, I'm a positive person in general but not being able to perform takes a toll on you." Giorgos said in an interview.

Giorgos has since switched to a hair growth supplement which helps keep his hair and still affords him sexual pleasure.

See more photos below.....

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