Sunday, September 20, 2015

Novelist Jackie Collins dies of breast cancer at age 77

The best-selling author died yesterday, Saturday the 19th of September after battling breast cancer for 6 years. Her death was made known to the world through a statement passed by her family as below..

"It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today,"
"She lived a wonderfully full life and was adored by her family, friends and the millions of readers who she has been entertaining for over 4 decades.She was a true inspiration, a trail blazer for women in fiction and a creative force. She will live on through her characters but we already miss her beyond words."

She died aged 77 and in high spirits as she was said to still be speaking about future plans days before her death.

According reports, she sold more than 500 million novels over her career with her 32 novels being translated into 40 languages.

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