Monday, February 2, 2015

Meet the woman who says she hasn't smiled for 40 years so she doesn't get wrinkles

Tess Christian, 50, (pictured above) has lived without laughing or smiling for the past 40 years so as to have a wrinkle-free face. She has perfected the act so well that nothing, no matter how funny, makes her smile much less laugh...On outings, her friends are always the giggly and laughing ones while she is always stone-faced..

Tess and her friend when she was 19

In a statement, she said..

‘I don’t have wrinkles because I have trained myself to control my facial muscles. Everyone asks if I’ve had Botox, but I haven’t, and I know that it’s thanks to the fact I haven’t laughed or smiled since I was a teenager. My dedication has paid off, I don’t have a single line on my face.Yes, I am vain and want to remain youthful. My strategy is more natural than Botox and more effective than any expensive beauty cream or facial.’

Tess is 50 and has not got a wrinkle on her face... Has not smiling paid off for her?? 

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