Friday, July 18, 2014


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A phone conversation I had with my girlfriend a while back inspired this topic, LOL. We were talking about looks and she just said, almost out of fear, "Babe, I no want old o, I want to remain young till I am 70 or 80 sef".

All I could do was just laugh because of the energy with which she was talking about it. But while I was laughing, it dawned on me that even I don't want to go old..heheheheh. Nobody wants to as a matter of fact!
Everybody, especially women desires to stay young and beautiful for a very long period of time, if not for all their life.

Well it is not impossible. I know people who, at 90 could be mistaken for 60 years-olds or even less, WITHOUT SURGERIES. But as the saying goes, "nothing good comes easy". This means, you need to work to achieve the 'forever young status'.

Check out some of the tips that could help you stay young forever...

Eat Healthy and Less Food 
As I always tell my friends and family, "food kills you faster than hunger actually does". Ok, may be I am exaggerating here.
Food is good for our bodies but we need to watch it when we eat. Don't take three people's portion for only yourself at a time.. That's a danger sign because your organs will have to overwork thereby causing aging. It could also lead to poor digestion which will leave your system too busy all the time. Eat healthy foods, include fruits, a lot of water, vegetables and fish in your diet!

Get Into The Gym and Exercise
Not only does exercise help you lose weight, tone muscles, build healthier bones, and boost mood, it helps you to reduce stress and to keep your skin looking healthy and young. I know it is not that easy to take out time from our tight schedule for exercise but staying young forever is impossible without exercise.  According to Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Center on Aging "Walking for just 10 minutes a day lowers your risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent,"
You can see that as little of 10 minutes walk is a lot. Please, don' joke with it.

Stop Stressing Yourself
Friends, except it is really necessary, avoid stress by all means. Don't try to carry the weight of the world on
your head or worry everyday and expect to live young for long. Give yourself a treat every time, not once in awhile.Take life easy, don't exceed your limit. Always stay happy; smile a lot and laugh too. Remember, 'bodi no be firewood'.

Sleep Well
Some folks are so restless that they don't have up to 3 hours of sleep everyday. Not so good! Getting enough sleep can help you boost your energy levels, relieve stress and keep your weight down. On the minimum, you should get 6-7 hours of sleep every night. This works magic and can help you to feel and look a lot younger than your real age! If you miss your night sleep for any reason, make up for it anytime of the day that you are free.

Eat More Fruits
Try as much as possible to ensure your foods contain more fruits and vegetables. This will help a lot with digestion, smooth skin, beauty and youthfulness.

Live and Think Young
Youthfulness is brought about more by the mind than we think. If all you do is think, live and act old, you will soon start looking old. So sometimes, throw caution to the wind and let the free child in you just take the wheel. Embrace your inner child and “wake up” to the excitement and beauty of life! That way, you can help yourself look a lot younger. And always, remember age is just a number. Some people spend a lot of time thinking of how old they have become that they forget to enjoy their lives.

Avoid Smoking
Apart from the fact that smoking can lead to cancer, diabetes and lung disease, it adds years to your looks? So stop it if you want to live young and long.

Feel and Make Love
Apart from being a form of exercise which can boost our systems, great and healthy sex life can also help you to stay beautiful and young for a long time. This is because it produces the "happiness hormone" . According to Mehmet Oz "In fact, doubling your amount of satisfying sex can add up to three years to your life," Again, he says. "Sex gives you the Zen moment you can't find throughout the day otherwise." It has also been proven by researchers that people who have happy relationships and regular satisfying sex life look about 10 years younger than their physical age.

I know there are so many other ways we can stay young forever but I believe these could be included for a better youthfulness.

You could send in other ways you know that we can stay young always

By the way, I try some of these and I think they work for me and I hope to adopt even more as time goes on.

Stay happy and young forever!


1 comment:

  1. Laughter and happiness can also add to our staying young. #Just my thoughts#

