Monday, July 14, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hello Readers,

Someone sent this to me asking for my advice. Please, read and tell her what to do...

I have been dating my boyfriend for a couple of years. When we first started, we were like Romeo and Juliet. But lately, it's like I don't know him. He is slipping through my fingers and I can't say why.

A few weeks ago, I visited him for the weekend. We had fun, went places and talked about so many things. We were looking good before I left. But just as I was leaving, he called me back and said, "Babe, are you not taking your things?".

Sincerely, I was both shocked and embarrassed by his question but I managed to explain to him that I had taken practically everything except a top and some undies I left in the closet.

Even though he was not convinced by my explanation  I just ignored him and left.

Three weeks later, we agreed that I should come spend the weekend. He was not back from work when I got there but since I had a key, I let myself in.

Well, first thing I made dinner, then decided to arrange his things. But as I arranged, it suddenly came to my notice that my top and undies were not anywhere in the closet. I checked again, no sign of them. At first I panicked and got the urge to call him but I decided otherwise and continued with the chores.

Just as I was about laying the bed, I noticed a slightly raised part of the mattress. I lifted the bed and there were my undies and top carefully hidden under the mattress.

Honestly, I knew I was not the only one in his life but I did not expect him to hide my things from whoever.

What do I do.. should I confront him or should I just let him be?. Do you think he is cheating on me?

For me, this guy has a skeleton in his cupboard. But what do I know? Friends, what do you think and what do you advise her??


  1. Am surprised u are asking. Please, he's cheating! Dump his ass and move on. U are better than such a cheap liar.

  2. Am surprised u are asking. Please, he's cheating! Dump his ass and move on. U are better than such a cheap liar.

  3. I suggest you repeat the incident again and see how it goes. If it's the same, then you know something is wrong and i think you should carefully ask him why.

  4. He was not cheating just been smart...

