Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Photo Credit: Google
Hello Friends,
A friend shared this with me and I thought I should ask your opinion. Please, read and tell her what you think she can do about her situation...

I woke up two months ago and saw a man sleeping beside me. “Where am I and who could this
man be?” I wondered. I looked at him straight in the face for about 30 seconds, I could not place him.
So, I gently got up from the bed and looked out through the window. Still the environment looked unfamiliar.  Quietly, I tried to make my way to other parts of the house. When I got to the sitting room, the place was well arranged and beautifully decorated.

But what surprised me were the pictures hanging on the wall around the big television set. There was a large framed wedding picture of me and a man, I presume to be the fellow on the bed.
“Who is this man? Is he my husband? But how come I don’t remember?” I asked myself. In the picture we were both smiling and looked so happy together. In another picture, we were with three lovely children - all boys. We looked good and happy as a family.

As I stood there admiring the pictures, I heard footsteps, it was the same man in the pictures. He walked up to me and said, “Sweetheart good morning. I knew you were going to be up very early today since it’s your sister’s wedding. Don’t worry about the boys; we will take care of ourselves. You better go and start getting dressed. We will meet you at the church.”

“Who are you? You say my sister is wedding today? Which of my sisters are you talking about?” I asked. “Is this a joke or what? Franca of course,” he stressed. “Darling, are you alright?” he asked. Quickly, I said yes. “You have been working too hard as of late. Anyway, I thank God Franca’s wedding is finally here so that you can rest. You are so stressed up,” he emphasized.

He held my hands and took me to the bedroom. I knew something was not right but I had to play along to find out the truth. I took my bath and dressed since it was obvious I had arranged my clothes and accessories on the sofa the previous night but I could not just remember anything. The wedding card was also beside my clutch purse so, somehow, things were made a bit easy for me.

On my way out, a boy of about six years old rushed out and hugged me. “Good morning mum. You’re looking so beautiful. Daddy said we will meet you at aunty Franca’s wedding later,” he said. He asked me how I was feeling since I complained of headache before going to bed the previous night. I told him I felt better. He hugged me and waved goodbye. 

I drove straight to the church and, luckily, I saw my siblings and parents waiting outside the church. They were all excited to see me. “Sade, how are you? What about your husband and the boys?” My mother asked. “They are fine. But mummy please when did I get married?” I asked.

“What sort of stupid question are you asking me Sade? You have been married to Wale for seven years and you people love each other so much,” she revealed. “The truth mummy is that I woke up this morning and realized that I don’t remember anybody in that house,” I explained. My mother told me I was probably sick with fever. She promised that we would talk later in the day when the wedding was over.

I met my best friend, Helen, at the wedding and many other friends as well. At a point, I called Helen and asked her when I got married and if I truly have three children. She affirmed. “Helen, I don’t remember anything about marrying Wale much less having three children with him. What about Sylvester my love?” I enquired. “Sade, you told Sylvester you were over with him when you returned from the hospital. He was so devastated that you left him for another man. However, he got married about a year after you were married to Wale,” she revealed.

I was still not able to remember neither was I convinced. “Ok, Helen how did I meet Wale?”, I asked, rather embarrassed.

“Sade, are you serious about the fact that you don’t remember where you met Wale?”, my friend who was already getting suspicious asked. “I am serious”, I said coldly.

“Well, at the point of your accident eight years ago, Wale was the good Samaritan who took you to the hospital and then somehow, you two got close and started dating and a few months later, you accepted to marry him", Helen explained.

I was frozen on my seat as tears trickled down my cheeks and I just wished I could see everything on a screen for more clarity. “Thanks for the explanation”, I muttered.

“Is anything the problem Sade?” Helen asked gently. “Girlfriend, I think something happened to me at the hospital that my family is not aware of. For Christ's sake, I can’t remember anything about this man I have been married to for seven years. Do you not think there is something wrong?”, I observed firmly.

“ Sincerely, this thought dropped in my head when you gave up Sylvester but somehow, I just waved it off” Helen said thoughtfully.

After the party, I went home with Wale and the boys but I noticed that Wale was a little tensed. When we got home, Junior, my supposed first son said to me, “Mummy, why are you behaving strange? You are too quiet today. You don’t talk and play with us like you used to.”

“Junior, I am sorry if you feel that way. Mummy is just tired but will make it up to you another time, hmm?,” I said as I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and nodded as he ran off shouting “I love you mummy”.

I went to the bedroom and picked our wedding album. I took it and started looking through it. I was all smiles and happy in the pictures. “But why can’t I remember anything?” I murmured.

“Why did I leave Sylvester for Wale? Something must be wrong somewhere,” I thought. “Wale, what happened to me, because everybody and everything in this house look new and strange to me. Please, I need answers,” I pleaded. “Sade, I don’t understand what you are talking about. We have lived together as husband and wife for seven years and we love each other dearly,” he emphasized.

I needed quick answers, so I called my parents that I was coming over to the house. They insisted that I should come with Wale. When I told him about the visit, he agreed to go with me. When we got to my parents’ house, my mother called everyone and pleaded that I repeat all I told her at my sister’s wedding. I did.

“What seems to be the problem Sade? You told us this young man was your life seven years ago despite being engaged to Sylvester. “Why can’t you remember him all of a sudden?” My parents questioned looking lost.

They played the video clips from our engagement and Wedding but none of these made any meaning to me.

“Sade, are you really serious that you cannot remember any of these?” Asked my mother. “No, mother,”
I replied.

It was in the middle of this confusion and questioning that Wale spoke for the first time since we arrived my parents’ house and said, “I can explain what happened”.

“Please, explain”, everybody chorused.

“Sade lost her memory in the accident. Before you were informed about the accident, the Doctor whom I made to believe I was her husband told me the effect of the accident which was temporary memory loss but I begged him not to tell you that I would tell you myself later. When I noticed Sade had started falling in love with me and since I did not want to miss my chance with her, I decided to keep quiet and just marry her and be happy,”. Wale explained as he fiddled with his fingers like a nine year old.

“Please, I am so sorry, forgive me”, he pleaded as tears rolled down his face.

Everybody is angry with Wale but we don’t know what to do with him. Why would he keep something that sensitive from all of us for that long? For his own selfish need?

Truth is, now that I have my memory back, I can’t stand him but what about my sons?

What do I do? Should I continue with the marriage?

If you ask me, I would say she should ... I don't know.. LOL


  1. I think you should enjoy the new life you have woken up to, though it hurts that your husband didn't let u know earlier .... I guess fate got u into this and you fell in love with your husband ... I guess Sylvester didn't show enough care when you were in the hospital.

  2. She has kids already, besides seven years it's no small thing. They have gone too far to go back. She should adjust to the situation at hand.

