Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hey Friends,

I came across this article on what men crave in bed on Cosmopolitan and I thought I'd share with you. Since I am not a guy I really don't know how true these points are. So I ask, guys, are these really what you crave in bed? Would you stay with your woman forever if she gave all these??

Check out the cravings....

1. We Want You To Talk Dirty.
 It’s not like you need to narrate everything that’s happening, but you’d be surprised what a few well-placed dirty words can do to a guy. Not everyone is comfortable doing this, but there’s no need to venture too far out of your comfort zone. Words and phrases like “wet,” “feels so good,” and “harder” can still work wonders. Just don’t get too clinical: “I can confirm your penis is inside my vagina” isn’t going to do it for anyone.

2. We Want You to Take Control Sometimes.
 There are few things hotter than a girl who knows what she wants, and there’s a lot of different ways to communicate that to a guy. It doesn’t mean you have to bust out whips and leather restraints and boss us around (but you could). It could be something as simple as pushing us down on the bed and pinning our arms down over our heads while you’re on top. Taking control of which position we’re moving to next can also be really hot.  Just like talking dirty, this doesn’t have to be anything too complicated or filthy.

3. We Want You To Initiate New Positions.
We really like it when you throw us a curveball. If there’s a new position you’ve found that you want to try, please go for it. It can be some hugely creative, elaborate sex circus that involves a Jacuzzi, whipped cream and bananas but introducing a modification to old standbys like doggy or missionary can also work. Don’t even worry about whether or not the position ends up “working” for the two of you. It’s a turn-on just knowing we’re doing something you want to try.

4. We Want To Be Surprised.
I’ll admit, some guys can be intimidated if you start pulling out vibrators out from underneath the mattress in the middle of sex. But throwing some new things in there to shake up your lovemaking is really never a bad idea. You can even make the sex itself a surprise: jump your significant other in the hallway or on the stairs and just turn it into a sex session. Moments like that, where you can’t control yourself and just have to have us are always appreciated. Introducing some costumes, his-and-her lubricants, toys, and role-playing can also work. Just keep in mind that some of this stuff is outside of people’s comfort zones. Make sure you know what your guy likes before you bust out the latex nun outfit and rubber fist.

5. We Want To Watch You.
Visual stimulation really gets guys going. Choosing positions like cowgirl or reverse cowgirl where we can really get a view of what’s happening is hugely arousing. Alternatively, any position can benefit from a well-placed mirror where we can get a full view of the action. If you’re feeling really courageous, let your man watch you while you touch yourself. If you really want to drive him crazy, don’t let him touch or kiss you during the session, so he gets really worked up. This also has the added benefit of showing him what turns you on because he can see how you get yourself off.

6. We Want You to Mix Things Up. 
Repetition can make once-hot sack sessions seem ho-hum. So be open to varying things in bed. Any change in speed, pressure, or position will make the act more interesting and pleasurable. "Variety keeps him in a heightened state of arousal because he never knows what to expect," says Block.
During foreplay, wrap your fist around his member (with lube!), moving it up and down with long, smooth strokes. Then add your other hand, and gently twist both hands in opposing directions. When you get to intercourse, start off slowly in missionary. Next, rest your feet on his shoulders for deeper thrusting. Finally, roll over, and let him enter you from behind.

7. We Want To Take You.
The best way to bring out the sexy beast in your guy? Initiate some take-me-I'm-yours action. "He'd love to be raw and animalistic with you, but he needs to know you want it too," says Brame. "Kiss him seductively and then pull away, saying that if he wants more, he can come and get it." During the act, you can also tell him "harder" or "faster" if you feel like he's handling you with kid gloves.
 Dave, 24, was totally psyched when a woman asked to be ravaged. "An ex-girlfriend lay down on the bed and begged me to rip off her clothes, which I did. The sex was great, but letting me tear her shirt in half was the best part because it was passionate and intense."

Wow!! Ladies can you handle these? If yes, then fasten your seat belts..Hahahahaha

Monday, July 21, 2014


Another awesome reader to celebrate! This time it was a celebration of the journey to "wifehood" LOL.
Yeah, This beautiful damsel is getting married in days and her good friends thought it greeeeaaaat to treat her to a surprise Bridal Shower. Don't you wish you had her kind of friends? Hmmm

She is the lady with the crown and she is Miss Hannah Ohiare, soon to become Mrs ......
Hannah, as you prepare to go into marriage, may God go with you and make your home the happiest home ever. Amen

See more photos below:

Oh, I almost forgot! My bad!
Check out the hunk that kept these sexy ladies entertained. #winks#

Please, send your prayers to this beautiful bride and her husband-to-be. #August2#2014#


Friday, July 18, 2014


Photo Credit:Google

A phone conversation I had with my girlfriend a while back inspired this topic, LOL. We were talking about looks and she just said, almost out of fear, "Babe, I no want old o, I want to remain young till I am 70 or 80 sef".

All I could do was just laugh because of the energy with which she was talking about it. But while I was laughing, it dawned on me that even I don't want to go old..heheheheh. Nobody wants to as a matter of fact!
Everybody, especially women desires to stay young and beautiful for a very long period of time, if not for all their life.

Well it is not impossible. I know people who, at 90 could be mistaken for 60 years-olds or even less, WITHOUT SURGERIES. But as the saying goes, "nothing good comes easy". This means, you need to work to achieve the 'forever young status'.

Check out some of the tips that could help you stay young forever...

Eat Healthy and Less Food 
As I always tell my friends and family, "food kills you faster than hunger actually does". Ok, may be I am exaggerating here.
Food is good for our bodies but we need to watch it when we eat. Don't take three people's portion for only yourself at a time.. That's a danger sign because your organs will have to overwork thereby causing aging. It could also lead to poor digestion which will leave your system too busy all the time. Eat healthy foods, include fruits, a lot of water, vegetables and fish in your diet!

Get Into The Gym and Exercise
Not only does exercise help you lose weight, tone muscles, build healthier bones, and boost mood, it helps you to reduce stress and to keep your skin looking healthy and young. I know it is not that easy to take out time from our tight schedule for exercise but staying young forever is impossible without exercise.  According to Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Center on Aging "Walking for just 10 minutes a day lowers your risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent,"
You can see that as little of 10 minutes walk is a lot. Please, don' joke with it.

Stop Stressing Yourself
Friends, except it is really necessary, avoid stress by all means. Don't try to carry the weight of the world on
your head or worry everyday and expect to live young for long. Give yourself a treat every time, not once in awhile.Take life easy, don't exceed your limit. Always stay happy; smile a lot and laugh too. Remember, 'bodi no be firewood'.

Sleep Well
Some folks are so restless that they don't have up to 3 hours of sleep everyday. Not so good! Getting enough sleep can help you boost your energy levels, relieve stress and keep your weight down. On the minimum, you should get 6-7 hours of sleep every night. This works magic and can help you to feel and look a lot younger than your real age! If you miss your night sleep for any reason, make up for it anytime of the day that you are free.

Eat More Fruits
Try as much as possible to ensure your foods contain more fruits and vegetables. This will help a lot with digestion, smooth skin, beauty and youthfulness.

Live and Think Young
Youthfulness is brought about more by the mind than we think. If all you do is think, live and act old, you will soon start looking old. So sometimes, throw caution to the wind and let the free child in you just take the wheel. Embrace your inner child and “wake up” to the excitement and beauty of life! That way, you can help yourself look a lot younger. And always, remember age is just a number. Some people spend a lot of time thinking of how old they have become that they forget to enjoy their lives.

Avoid Smoking
Apart from the fact that smoking can lead to cancer, diabetes and lung disease, it adds years to your looks? So stop it if you want to live young and long.

Feel and Make Love
Apart from being a form of exercise which can boost our systems, great and healthy sex life can also help you to stay beautiful and young for a long time. This is because it produces the "happiness hormone" . According to Mehmet Oz "In fact, doubling your amount of satisfying sex can add up to three years to your life," Again, he says. "Sex gives you the Zen moment you can't find throughout the day otherwise." It has also been proven by researchers that people who have happy relationships and regular satisfying sex life look about 10 years younger than their physical age.

I know there are so many other ways we can stay young forever but I believe these could be included for a better youthfulness.

You could send in other ways you know that we can stay young always

By the way, I try some of these and I think they work for me and I hope to adopt even more as time goes on.

Stay happy and young forever!


Monday, July 14, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hello Readers,

Someone sent this to me asking for my advice. Please, read and tell her what to do...

I have been dating my boyfriend for a couple of years. When we first started, we were like Romeo and Juliet. But lately, it's like I don't know him. He is slipping through my fingers and I can't say why.

A few weeks ago, I visited him for the weekend. We had fun, went places and talked about so many things. We were looking good before I left. But just as I was leaving, he called me back and said, "Babe, are you not taking your things?".

Sincerely, I was both shocked and embarrassed by his question but I managed to explain to him that I had taken practically everything except a top and some undies I left in the closet.

Even though he was not convinced by my explanation  I just ignored him and left.

Three weeks later, we agreed that I should come spend the weekend. He was not back from work when I got there but since I had a key, I let myself in.

Well, first thing I made dinner, then decided to arrange his things. But as I arranged, it suddenly came to my notice that my top and undies were not anywhere in the closet. I checked again, no sign of them. At first I panicked and got the urge to call him but I decided otherwise and continued with the chores.

Just as I was about laying the bed, I noticed a slightly raised part of the mattress. I lifted the bed and there were my undies and top carefully hidden under the mattress.

Honestly, I knew I was not the only one in his life but I did not expect him to hide my things from whoever.

What do I do.. should I confront him or should I just let him be?. Do you think he is cheating on me?

For me, this guy has a skeleton in his cupboard. But what do I know? Friends, what do you think and what do you advise her??

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Photo Credit: Google
Hello Friends,
A friend shared this with me and I thought I should ask your opinion. Please, read and tell her what you think she can do about her situation...

I woke up two months ago and saw a man sleeping beside me. “Where am I and who could this
man be?” I wondered. I looked at him straight in the face for about 30 seconds, I could not place him.
So, I gently got up from the bed and looked out through the window. Still the environment looked unfamiliar.  Quietly, I tried to make my way to other parts of the house. When I got to the sitting room, the place was well arranged and beautifully decorated.

But what surprised me were the pictures hanging on the wall around the big television set. There was a large framed wedding picture of me and a man, I presume to be the fellow on the bed.
“Who is this man? Is he my husband? But how come I don’t remember?” I asked myself. In the picture we were both smiling and looked so happy together. In another picture, we were with three lovely children - all boys. We looked good and happy as a family.

As I stood there admiring the pictures, I heard footsteps, it was the same man in the pictures. He walked up to me and said, “Sweetheart good morning. I knew you were going to be up very early today since it’s your sister’s wedding. Don’t worry about the boys; we will take care of ourselves. You better go and start getting dressed. We will meet you at the church.”

“Who are you? You say my sister is wedding today? Which of my sisters are you talking about?” I asked. “Is this a joke or what? Franca of course,” he stressed. “Darling, are you alright?” he asked. Quickly, I said yes. “You have been working too hard as of late. Anyway, I thank God Franca’s wedding is finally here so that you can rest. You are so stressed up,” he emphasized.

He held my hands and took me to the bedroom. I knew something was not right but I had to play along to find out the truth. I took my bath and dressed since it was obvious I had arranged my clothes and accessories on the sofa the previous night but I could not just remember anything. The wedding card was also beside my clutch purse so, somehow, things were made a bit easy for me.

On my way out, a boy of about six years old rushed out and hugged me. “Good morning mum. You’re looking so beautiful. Daddy said we will meet you at aunty Franca’s wedding later,” he said. He asked me how I was feeling since I complained of headache before going to bed the previous night. I told him I felt better. He hugged me and waved goodbye. 

I drove straight to the church and, luckily, I saw my siblings and parents waiting outside the church. They were all excited to see me. “Sade, how are you? What about your husband and the boys?” My mother asked. “They are fine. But mummy please when did I get married?” I asked.

“What sort of stupid question are you asking me Sade? You have been married to Wale for seven years and you people love each other so much,” she revealed. “The truth mummy is that I woke up this morning and realized that I don’t remember anybody in that house,” I explained. My mother told me I was probably sick with fever. She promised that we would talk later in the day when the wedding was over.

I met my best friend, Helen, at the wedding and many other friends as well. At a point, I called Helen and asked her when I got married and if I truly have three children. She affirmed. “Helen, I don’t remember anything about marrying Wale much less having three children with him. What about Sylvester my love?” I enquired. “Sade, you told Sylvester you were over with him when you returned from the hospital. He was so devastated that you left him for another man. However, he got married about a year after you were married to Wale,” she revealed.

I was still not able to remember neither was I convinced. “Ok, Helen how did I meet Wale?”, I asked, rather embarrassed.

“Sade, are you serious about the fact that you don’t remember where you met Wale?”, my friend who was already getting suspicious asked. “I am serious”, I said coldly.

“Well, at the point of your accident eight years ago, Wale was the good Samaritan who took you to the hospital and then somehow, you two got close and started dating and a few months later, you accepted to marry him", Helen explained.

I was frozen on my seat as tears trickled down my cheeks and I just wished I could see everything on a screen for more clarity. “Thanks for the explanation”, I muttered.

“Is anything the problem Sade?” Helen asked gently. “Girlfriend, I think something happened to me at the hospital that my family is not aware of. For Christ's sake, I can’t remember anything about this man I have been married to for seven years. Do you not think there is something wrong?”, I observed firmly.

“ Sincerely, this thought dropped in my head when you gave up Sylvester but somehow, I just waved it off” Helen said thoughtfully.

After the party, I went home with Wale and the boys but I noticed that Wale was a little tensed. When we got home, Junior, my supposed first son said to me, “Mummy, why are you behaving strange? You are too quiet today. You don’t talk and play with us like you used to.”

“Junior, I am sorry if you feel that way. Mummy is just tired but will make it up to you another time, hmm?,” I said as I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and nodded as he ran off shouting “I love you mummy”.

I went to the bedroom and picked our wedding album. I took it and started looking through it. I was all smiles and happy in the pictures. “But why can’t I remember anything?” I murmured.

“Why did I leave Sylvester for Wale? Something must be wrong somewhere,” I thought. “Wale, what happened to me, because everybody and everything in this house look new and strange to me. Please, I need answers,” I pleaded. “Sade, I don’t understand what you are talking about. We have lived together as husband and wife for seven years and we love each other dearly,” he emphasized.

I needed quick answers, so I called my parents that I was coming over to the house. They insisted that I should come with Wale. When I told him about the visit, he agreed to go with me. When we got to my parents’ house, my mother called everyone and pleaded that I repeat all I told her at my sister’s wedding. I did.

“What seems to be the problem Sade? You told us this young man was your life seven years ago despite being engaged to Sylvester. “Why can’t you remember him all of a sudden?” My parents questioned looking lost.

They played the video clips from our engagement and Wedding but none of these made any meaning to me.

“Sade, are you really serious that you cannot remember any of these?” Asked my mother. “No, mother,”
I replied.

It was in the middle of this confusion and questioning that Wale spoke for the first time since we arrived my parents’ house and said, “I can explain what happened”.

“Please, explain”, everybody chorused.

“Sade lost her memory in the accident. Before you were informed about the accident, the Doctor whom I made to believe I was her husband told me the effect of the accident which was temporary memory loss but I begged him not to tell you that I would tell you myself later. When I noticed Sade had started falling in love with me and since I did not want to miss my chance with her, I decided to keep quiet and just marry her and be happy,”. Wale explained as he fiddled with his fingers like a nine year old.

“Please, I am so sorry, forgive me”, he pleaded as tears rolled down his face.

Everybody is angry with Wale but we don’t know what to do with him. Why would he keep something that sensitive from all of us for that long? For his own selfish need?

Truth is, now that I have my memory back, I can’t stand him but what about my sons?

What do I do? Should I continue with the marriage?

If you ask me, I would say she should ... I don't know.. LOL

Friday, July 4, 2014


Life is to be celebrated!! 
HD is celebrating another awesome reader in the house today. Yaaay!!!. Happy Birthday Faith.

This beautiful lady is Faith Uju Nwokolo. 

She is an International Freight Forwarder, a business woman, a beautician. Her skills are endless.. You can contact her for any of these deals with your money.. hehehehehe

She wishes for increase and the enlargement of her coast/business. Hmmm... God will grant your wishes in his faithfulness. Amen

More photos ... She likes pictures #winks

Beautiful lady...Yeah??

Happy Birthday once again Faith!

Friends, let's send our wishes, prayers and shoutouts to her

#Remember the 'Birthday' page is about you readers, if you want to be celebrated on your special day, just reach us via the e-mail addresses displayed on the side bar or simply check the birthday page.

Stay Happy! Cheers

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing humans on the earth. She is a HD reader, supporter, adviser etc
Happy Birthday Angel!!

She is Mrs Angela Akhator...
Apart from being a beauty queen, she is a business tycoon. Meet her for advise on doing business. hehehe

Isn't she beautiful???? #winking#

See more photos

She wishes for greater things in this new year of her life.. God will grant her wish. Amen

She and her handsome husband below. Cute couple!! Yeah??

Happy Birthday Angel!!. Be happy and celebrate!!

Guys, please, let's send our shoutouts, prayers and best wishes to her.

