Monday, June 30, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Recently my friends were talking about office relationships and then I remembered an incident in my former work place. 

It happened that one of the bosses was involved in a sizzling hot romance with a younger colleague. They were doing good until a new set of hot girls were employed.

Well I can’t say now if the man was getting interested in one of the new employees but the lady was probably becoming insecure at the way her boyfriend was looking at the new girls. Maybe. You know, girls and jealousy. Just thinking..

Long story short, one beautiful morning came and I had just stepped in the office earlier than I usually did when I heard two people shouting at each other. I could not easily make out their lines but those tantrums were not friendly at all.  

Of course, the first feeling was to go find out what was wrong and probably help them calm down.

I was shocked when I found out it was these two love-birds everyone knew in the office. I tried to tiptoe back to my cubicle but it was too late as the man who was also my boss had already seen me. I clumsily managed a “good morning sir” to the boss and a “hi” to the lady as I made back to my seat feeling like an eavesdropper. LOL

I did not hear so much but I am sure I heard the lady say, “so you are done with me now right? You are going unto the new girl now huh? So this is it?”

Ok, here is the thing. We can find love anywhere, even in our offices. In fact, at some point our work places might be the most likely places to find love. I mean that is like the only place you go every day. and yeah, I know married couples who met in their offices. Good thing right?

So it is not bad. In fact, it could be fun, however, try using these tips when you are starting an office romance...
Prepare to lose your job!
This is usually when you go for your supervisor or direct boss. Personally, this should be a no-no because office romance is a 50-50 chance. If it does not work, you might start detesting that person thereby leading to rebellion which could lead to your exit.
Looking at it from dating colleagues on the same level with you, we all know that everyone who has experienced a heartbreak knows that proximity to an ex can be unbearable.

Oh! I did not tell you. That lady from my office left! She could not cope at some point because they broke up. 

Pause before you plunge!
Yeah, every relationship requires that both parties think carefully before starting but I think starting a romance with a colleague even requires more thinking. Because, you will see this person every day. In fact, you will hardly have your ‘you-time’. Your temperaments might not match. Worst still, it could just be lust, not love.

Try dating someone outside your department.
There is a chance that you will see him or her less often as compared to if you were in the same unit or department.

Avoid PDAs in the office.
Try keeping your relationship from every Tom, Dick and Harry by avoiding public display of affection and the likes.

Go Public.
You don’t need to inform everyone. The reason you need to tell the Human Resources Department is so that you can have job security. Additionally, it will help protect the company from a sexual harassment suit if the consensual nature of the romance is placed on record early.

Don’t use office e-mail system.
Those IT guys in your office see everything you send from your work computer under the company’s email system. So watch it!

I hope these help. As I always say, it's no science; no formulas. These are just guidelines which could help.

Stay Happy!! And Remember, we find love in hopeless places sometimes.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hello Friends,
I was surfing the internet and came across this article on Dear Abby. Actually, the title caught my attention first. So I thought I'd share it with you.
Someone is in a situation and wants you to tell her what to do... Please, read below:
"I fell in love with a boy when I was 12, deeply in love. We met at our county fair. We grew up together and have remained friends for 30 years. He married and had children, as did I. I am now divorced, but he's still married.
Recently our friendship has grown into something more. He wants our relationship to continue, but he's afraid to leave his wife because of the kids. They have been together for 20 years.
What do I do? He's the love of my life. Any time I have with him is better than none. It's not that I don't know I deserve better, but he is unhappy, and I am miserable without him. What do I do?"
Friends, what do you advise this lady?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Another HD reader is plus one today! 

Happy Birthday Tochi

His name is Tochi Lotanna Anene

He works with Guarantee Trust Bank..

If you need to borrow money anytime, talk to this handsome man here.. Please, make sure you have your collateral ready before you contact him though.. hehehe. Nothing goes for nothing!

He wishes for God's blessings and protection. May God Almighty overshadow you with His blessings and envelop you with His protection. Amen

Once again, Happy Birthday Tochi!

Please, let's celebrate him; send in your birthday wishes.


Monday, June 16, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hey friends, this is quite a long read but you need to read it... Enjoy!

Mrs Adewale and I worked in the same organization. Being a good woman and my direct boss, we kind of grew close. She told me so much about her family; how she lost her husband and how she had to raise three kids alone. I also told her so much about myself. In fact, somehow, she became like a mother figure as I don’t have one and so I was always having to tell her practically everything about me. And yes, she favored me a lot at work that other staff sometimes got jealous.

One day she said, “Hey Adedayo dear, why don’t you pay us a visit this weekend? We are having a family dinner”.

Her offer came as a surprise as I was not expecting it. “Thank you, Ma’am, I would make out time”, I responded trying so hard to not allow her notice the surprised look on my face.

Weekend came. I got my best shirt ready; I didn’t want to look like the hungry one. LOL. I guess I was being a little vain though. A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do right?

I got to the Adewale Family house about five minutes late. Everyone was excited to see me which shocked me a bit. “Has this woman told her family that much about me?” I thought.

As I tried to sit, my attention was caught by a pretty damsel whom I would learn was Mrs Adewale’s only daughter, Adebimpe. She was a beauty! And I could not resist her charming smile. I composed myself, sat like a good boy and had a good meal.

After dinner we got chatty over dessert. I was introduced to all three of my boss’s children. Adebimpe and I had a lot to talk about. We connected and bonded so fast. In fact, I would say we fell in love there and then. We exchanged contacts. For a while I thought, “Is this what it has been about all this while; to match-make me and her daughter?”.

I was brought back from my reverie with Adebimpe’s voice. Then I looked at her and smiled thinking to myself again, “This is sure going to be the best match-making ever!” as I held her hands and squeezed them gently.

I got to my apartment at some minutes past 9 pm. I lay in my bed thinking about the night and especially the girl who awakened something that had been long dead in me until I slept off.

My relationship with Adebimpe was the sweetest thing I had had in a long time. We were so in love and happy.

Five months later, we got married, had our honey moon and I returned to work. I was always beaming with smiles as I returned home to a beautiful wife and good, home-made foods.

On the sixth month of our marriage, I thought of a fun thing I could surprise my wife with; I got her a present and decided to leave work early so that we could go out. 

But I was shocked to my bone when I got home and saw my wife with wrapped weeds. At first I thought it missed its way into our living room. But I found out I thought wrong when my dear wife staggered up, winked at me and walked towards the bedroom. Her eyes were blood shot. Apparently, She had been drinking too.

“Sweetheart, ain’t you going to even say hello?” I quietly asked. “Hello”, She roared as she stumbled against the sofa and was almost falling. The protective side of me quickly reached for her so that she did not fall. But she hit and kicked me off as she shouted, “Don’t you dare touch me again!”. I quickly left her and stepped aside.

I was in serious shock. I sat for a while thinking of what went wrong. But I couldn’t remember anything. I cleared the weeds off the table and went into the room to meet her and may be talk things over. As I stepped into the room, I saw my Adebimpe with loads of drugs and syringes. “God, please, this is too much for one day, take this away”, I prayed silently as I approached her. “Bimpe, you do drugs too?” I asked what seemed like a rhetoric question.

“What does it look like to you?” She answered my question with a question almost slurring her words, to my surprise.

I didn’t know when I started crying. I begged her to tell me what happened. A plea I didn’t think she heard as she had passed out or slept off. I checked for her pulse and thanked goodness that she was still alive.

I managed to drink some water and slept off after thinking and crying my eyes out for hours.

The next morning I woke up a little later than I usually did. I went to the room to check on her after doing some chores. Surprisingly, she was awake and staring at the ceiling.

I told her I was going for a meeting and she just nodded. I felt a little bit like my wife was returning to me. So I gave the other information which was that I made her breakfast. She smiled and said, “Thanks”.

A few hours later I returned. The house was open. I shrugged, entered and went straight to the dining area first for a glass of water.  As I gulped the water, I heard voices and sounds from the direction of our bedroom. I walked towards the room, this time the voices were louder.

My heart beat fast as I moved closer. “What is it this time?”, I thought. When I got into the room, I froze at what I saw. My wife was with two hefty men in our matrimonial bed having a ‘threesome’.  She was not just cheating on me with a man but with two men at the same time?

After gathering some courage, I ordered the men to disappear from my sight. They made for their clothes and ran off with one of them saying, “hey lady, you did not tell us you were married”.

“Get out!” I shouted.

My wife, without any atom of remorse lay in our bed, naked.

I took my phone and called Mrs Adewale and told her everything that had been happening, I mean, the drugs, the weeds and now the men.

My wife’s mother heaved a sigh and quietly said “Adedayo, I wanted you to marry my daughter because I knew you were the only man who could manage her. Before you, she had been married twice. In fact, she killed both men from her previous marriages. Please, try and bear with her and be careful with her because she could lose it with you too.

The call ended.

My hands began to shake. I stared at my phone and at the naked woman on my bed smiling at me. Then my eyes opened and I could only see the devil.

Dear friends and readers, what do you advise Adedayo? Should he continue with the marriage or should he walk away?


Monday, June 9, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Another misconception women have about men's commitment to them is in the aspect of finances and spending.

There are two common statements about relationships that I grew up hearing people make. They are "if he loves you, he should spend his money for you" and "if you ask him for money, he will run away".

Because of these twisted statements, a lot of ladies begin to think that men who do not give them money, take them on overseas trips, buy them the best cars, take them shopping every once in a month, are probably not the serious ones. Or that if they request for money from their men, the man will leave them. Ladies, please, this is a big lie!

There is no doubt about the fact that when you love or care about someone, you want to support them in all ways including financially. But this gesture does not say that the man doing this for you is totally yours.

Then again, trying to be so modest and turning down every offer of financial assistance your boyfriend gives you cannot make him commit to you.

##There was this girl was who was so careful and not wanting to ask her boyfriend for anything except for his time. The man liked her for it. Who would not like such a girl? But do you know that he did not marry her? He went for the second girlfriend who was so extravagant, barely had his time and was always asking for money.

This story can also happen the other way round.

Do not take a man's generosity for seriousness in a relationship. Some men can give you half of their estate and still not commit to you. And there are some who would not give their girl money but are truly going for the real thing. In either case, watch out for where his heart is. For the first guy, if your hearts are not saying the same thing, be grateful for his generosity and look else where. However, if your heart beats for the second, then hold onto him.

What I am trying to say here is, don't base your judgment of a man's seriousness in a relation on his ability to spend money on you. And don't conclude a man is not serious because he is not giving you money. You might miss it. Not everyone knows how to throw money on people's faces.

Remember people are different! Different men use different tactics to woo their women..#winks# They also look out for different things...

Remember, you are not a commodity! Money should not buy you.

So just be yourself, balance things up and ensure you are happy!


Thursday, June 5, 2014


Birthday! Birthday!! Birthday!!!.. Yay!

I am officially beginning to believe that there are more 'Juners' in the world. What do you think?

Any way, this is another HD reader clocking another year today.

Happy Birthday Omoefe!

He is Omoefe Edeghagba. 

He is a Pastor and yes, he visits Hazon's Diaries. 

So, if you need a Pastor, Friend, Counsellor, prayer partner, etc, he is the right man. #smiling#

His wish and I quote, "I just want God to use me more...particularly in reaching young folks; helping them 

to be more focused and devoted to God". Awww

God sees your heart and I believe he will grant this awesome wish unto you. Amen

What are we waiting for people? Let's shout out to him.

Friends, send your prayers and wishes to Omoefe...

Happy Birthday Again!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Another Birthday, Yaaay!! This HD reader is plus one today.

Happy Birthday Oluwaseun 

If you missed yesterday's celebrant, please, read here.

His name is Oluwaseun Ponmile.  

He lives, breathes... Guitar. 

What that means is, he is a guitarist you want to hear play in your lifetime. No one does it better. I am sure you can see that from the pictures.. hehehe

He wishes himself the very best. Hmmm. God will grant you the best of everything in this new year of your life. Amen

Once again, Happy Birthday Oluwaseun!

Please, celebrate him; send in your birthday wishes..

Stay happy friends!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Celebration in the house!! Yaaay!! Another HD lover, reader etc is plus one today! 

Happy Birthday Olakunle!!. 

The last celebrant was the beautiful Beatrice Hazon, read here if you missed it.

His name is Olakunle Agboola. He is an excellent Writer, Producer, Film Maker, etc. 

He is the owner of Circle Media, a fast rising production house.

Remember that 'Sarahology' I shared some weeks back? Ok, see it here if you missed it. This guy produced it and so many others.

He can produce you if you become a movie. hehehehe. 

He wishes for more wisdom from God to give to his world. Wow! May God Almighty grant your wish. Amen

Once again, Happy Birthday Olakunle.

Let's celebrate him; send in your birthday wishes..

Friends, if you want to be celebrated on your day, just contact us on the email addresses displayed on the side or you could go to the 'Birthdays' page for more details.

Stay happy!

I love you all.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

There are quite a number of misconceptions women have about getting men to commit to them. But I think we should look at the points one at a time so as to get them clearly.

The first one I want us to look at is very common and that is, SEX. Often times I hear ladies say, “If you have sex with him, he will commit” and other times I hear, “if you want him to be serious with you or get committed to you, don’t let him even close to seeing your pant much less having sex with you”.

I overheard a discussion between two girls some time ago. One had just returned from a wedding ceremony and was so excited as she gave the second one the breakdown of the wedding and how the couple met and so on. What caught my attention was the response from the second girl which was, “Ha! My dear friend, I am very happy for them. However, if you want to get yourself a man and be married just like that friend of yours, just close your legs. No Sex! That’s what I have decided to do oo.” 

Ladies, I want to say that this second girl’s resolution could work for her but when we make this kind of decisions, we need to know that people are different! Men are different! Don't ever forget this!

A man who will not commit to you will not, even if you do not sleep with him as our friend in the story resolved to do and vice versa.

Please, let’s not get this wrong, what I am just trying to say is, sex or no sex does not determine if a man is going to commit to you or not. While some men will stay with you even with the bold ‘NO SEX’ sign on your forehead, some will take to their heels on seeing that sign. There is no rule or formula guiding the way it works.

So what I suggest is, understand the man. Reach an agreement. Don't do what you don't want just because you want a man to commit to you. Don't sacrifice your dignity on the altar of commitment!

And always remember that sex or no sex cannot give you a man’s full attention. 

I am also not a supporter of premarital sex... LOL

We'll be bringing more to you. Meanwhile, feel free to send in other misconceptions to us. Let's learn!

I love you all.
