Monday, August 25, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

It was a beautiful Saturday evening. My girlfriends and I had just returned from a shopping spree from which we all were half broke. Girls and shopping, huh. Yeah, it is kind of one of my best activities.

Well, the evening was going so fast and so were we. After our newly acquired properties were neatly hung in and arranged, we decided to do an “all girl” hangout. In minutes, we were cruising off in my Toyota Avalon and in just half an hour, we were in this cool hangout spot we had randomly entered with hot dance hall songs blasting off. “Oooh la lacious!!”, I said to myself.

“Cool place”, all three of us chorused like it was a song, as we took our seats with satisfactory smiles.
Just as we were settling in, a handsome young man came closer and took our orders. ‘So fast??, What a good service?!’ I thought.

Shortly after we were sipping on our drinks as we watched the live band perform and entertain us with their beautiful voices and dance steps. My girlfriends joined the dancers as they did the azonto, etighi and all the rest. I preferred to watch them ‘whine am well’ and wiggle my own waist on the chair and those, I did. #winking#

A few minutes later, my concentration was interrupted by the presence of someone standing beside me. I looked up with the intention of telling the waiter that we did not need any more drink, but saw a different person entirely. I felt a mixture of shock and fear seeing the different face and figure standing and staring at me. My eyes were fixed on him like there was some form of glue binding them to him. Suddenly the fear in my heart became love as my heart beat so hard and fast. “Careful, not so fast!”, my inner self warned. Well, a warning I could hardly hear much less heed.

OMG, this creature beside me was like a Greek god. He was tall, dark and beautiful in a very unique way. And his eyes? They could shoot down a plane.

His scent was to die for. I breathed him in several times and just wanted to drown in him. I swallowed hard as I waited for him to say something. ‘SAY SOMETHING’, my heart screamed in capital letters.

As I managed to take my eyes away to stop him from reading me, he finally spoke, “Good evening, please, may I have a little of your time?”. “YES”, “YES”, my already annoying heart screamed again. But I managed to stabilize myself and pretentiously said a bland “OK, No Problem”.

I mean, who wouldn't give such a perfect gentleman attention?? 

He carefully sat, introduced himself and asked for my name. We got along so fast. Maybe because of his approach or because I was already in love with him? Well, I can't really say now. We had just spoken for like five minutes when my friends returned. They too were dazed at how a man can be that clean and beautiful. 

That meeting sparked up something beautiful and sweet. We soon became lovebirds, going places together, having all the fun. Life was so beautiful with Jade.

Some months into the relationship, I was woken up by a call from an unknown number.  “Who on God’s earth is this?, I said, almost inaudibly.

As I took the call, I was welcomed by barbaric insults and abuses. Of course, my sleepy eyes got cleared by the harshness from the other end as confusion overwhelmed me. “Hello, I think you called the wrong number”, I managed to explain to the apparently vicious creature at the other end.

“Shut the h**l up Barbie”, she attacked. “Ok, she knows me; this is not a mistaken call after all”, I told myself as I tried to find the best words to use.  “Hello, don’t you have anything to say, whore?”, she questioned angrily.

At this point, I was already saturated with anger. “ Firstly, I am not a whore and that is no way to address anyone, secondly, who on God’s earth are you and why are you being so nasty to me?” I demanded in anger and in a rather loud voice.

“Ok, let me explain”, her voice came calmly this time. “You have my property, his name is Jade!, she added.  My heart skipped on hearing 'Jade' “I pay his every bill, I cleaned him up, in fact, all the trips he has been taking you on have all happened on my hard earned money. So I beg you, stay away from him;  I have bought him, he is my sugar boy, MY GIGOLO”, She explained further, hissed and hung up.

I sat on my bed in awe and amazement as the harsh voice from the other end replayed again and again.

“I told ya, he was too good to be real”, my heart accused me. I shut it up and cried rivers…


  1. Wow!! nice piece , nice idea and concept

  2. Hahahahaha @ cried rivers though. I like

