Monday, August 25, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

It was a beautiful Saturday evening. My girlfriends and I had just returned from a shopping spree from which we all were half broke. Girls and shopping, huh. Yeah, it is kind of one of my best activities.

Well, the evening was going so fast and so were we. After our newly acquired properties were neatly hung in and arranged, we decided to do an “all girl” hangout. In minutes, we were cruising off in my Toyota Avalon and in just half an hour, we were in this cool hangout spot we had randomly entered with hot dance hall songs blasting off. “Oooh la lacious!!”, I said to myself.

“Cool place”, all three of us chorused like it was a song, as we took our seats with satisfactory smiles.
Just as we were settling in, a handsome young man came closer and took our orders. ‘So fast??, What a good service?!’ I thought.

Shortly after we were sipping on our drinks as we watched the live band perform and entertain us with their beautiful voices and dance steps. My girlfriends joined the dancers as they did the azonto, etighi and all the rest. I preferred to watch them ‘whine am well’ and wiggle my own waist on the chair and those, I did. #winking#

A few minutes later, my concentration was interrupted by the presence of someone standing beside me. I looked up with the intention of telling the waiter that we did not need any more drink, but saw a different person entirely. I felt a mixture of shock and fear seeing the different face and figure standing and staring at me. My eyes were fixed on him like there was some form of glue binding them to him. Suddenly the fear in my heart became love as my heart beat so hard and fast. “Careful, not so fast!”, my inner self warned. Well, a warning I could hardly hear much less heed.

OMG, this creature beside me was like a Greek god. He was tall, dark and beautiful in a very unique way. And his eyes? They could shoot down a plane.

His scent was to die for. I breathed him in several times and just wanted to drown in him. I swallowed hard as I waited for him to say something. ‘SAY SOMETHING’, my heart screamed in capital letters.

As I managed to take my eyes away to stop him from reading me, he finally spoke, “Good evening, please, may I have a little of your time?”. “YES”, “YES”, my already annoying heart screamed again. But I managed to stabilize myself and pretentiously said a bland “OK, No Problem”.

I mean, who wouldn't give such a perfect gentleman attention?? 

He carefully sat, introduced himself and asked for my name. We got along so fast. Maybe because of his approach or because I was already in love with him? Well, I can't really say now. We had just spoken for like five minutes when my friends returned. They too were dazed at how a man can be that clean and beautiful. 

That meeting sparked up something beautiful and sweet. We soon became lovebirds, going places together, having all the fun. Life was so beautiful with Jade.

Some months into the relationship, I was woken up by a call from an unknown number.  “Who on God’s earth is this?, I said, almost inaudibly.

As I took the call, I was welcomed by barbaric insults and abuses. Of course, my sleepy eyes got cleared by the harshness from the other end as confusion overwhelmed me. “Hello, I think you called the wrong number”, I managed to explain to the apparently vicious creature at the other end.

“Shut the h**l up Barbie”, she attacked. “Ok, she knows me; this is not a mistaken call after all”, I told myself as I tried to find the best words to use.  “Hello, don’t you have anything to say, whore?”, she questioned angrily.

At this point, I was already saturated with anger. “ Firstly, I am not a whore and that is no way to address anyone, secondly, who on God’s earth are you and why are you being so nasty to me?” I demanded in anger and in a rather loud voice.

“Ok, let me explain”, her voice came calmly this time. “You have my property, his name is Jade!, she added.  My heart skipped on hearing 'Jade' “I pay his every bill, I cleaned him up, in fact, all the trips he has been taking you on have all happened on my hard earned money. So I beg you, stay away from him;  I have bought him, he is my sugar boy, MY GIGOLO”, She explained further, hissed and hung up.

I sat on my bed in awe and amazement as the harsh voice from the other end replayed again and again.

“I told ya, he was too good to be real”, my heart accused me. I shut it up and cried rivers…

Monday, August 18, 2014


Something awesome happened last weekend. Yay!! An amazing and beautiful blog reader, lover etc got married to her heartthrob. Awww, love in the air.

 This beautiful bride is Oluwatobi Oke now Mrs Oluwatobi Ologs. They look so sweet together. I love weddings. Happy Married life Mr and Mrs Ologs.

The Happy Groom and his Bride

May God shower His love and peace on this beautiful couple. May He bless this Union. Amen

Couple and friends
 Congratulations Mr and Mrs Ologs!!

If you missed the wedding, check out more photos below..

The Beautiful Bride

The Couple that dances together

The New Mrs 
Happy Couple

African Couple

Still more photos.......

The Veiled Beauty

Wow!! Once again, Congratulations Tobi and Tope

Friends, let's send our prayers, wishes and shout outs to Tobi and her husband. #Godblesstheirunion#

Stay happy!!


Photo Credit: Google Images
I saw this post by Alexis Meads on Huffington Post and  I thought I'd share with you my friends. Please, read to the end and tell me what you feel about her points....

Do you ever wonder why some relationships fail while others are totally rocking it?

I know that I have for a long time. And still do.
Now that I'm married, this quest seems more compelling than ever. Having been through the divorce of my parents and many of those around me, this question has burned in my mind.
So, I sought answers from the relationships of my friends and clients, extensive research and most importantly, my heart.
I've put together a list below of the 10 essential qualities of people who are great at relationships. Maybe you can add your own.
The good news is that these qualities don't need to come naturally, they are skills that can be learned.
1. They are able to release the past without allowing it to define their current relationship.
Breakups happen. And sometimes they suck. But the most important thing is to realize they don't have to define you and your relationships going forward. People who are great at relationships have been able to wish their past lover well and move on. When things come up in their new relationship, they are conscious that this person is not the same as their ex, and they treat the situation fairly without placing past blame onto it.
2. They understand the balance of give and take.
They know that any solid relationship has an equal balance of give and take. For a long time, I had trouble giving much of myself. I expected to receive from my partner, but thought that if I gave too much, I'd get exploited or hurt. My husband now, on the other hand, was the opposite. In his past relationships he did nothing but give, hoping to win over love and not feeling worthy of receiving. Maybe this is why we were drawn towards one another, but are conscious of this challenge and make an effort to have give and take.
3. They know when they need some space.
Some people disappear when they enter into their relationship. I'm sure you know a person like this or maybe you've been there yourself. They enter a relationship and stop hanging out with friends, family or doing things they love. I've been there. But here's the thing, a healthy relationship requires space between the togetherness. It's OK to do something by yourself to recharge your batteries. Just make sure you give your partner the same freedom.
4. They learn how to communicate authentically.
Authentic communication is a skill that needs to be practiced, over and over again. It may not come easily to people who never felt heard as a child or are afraid to speak up for themselves and say how they really feel. The key to authentic communication is creating a safe, loving environment within your relationship where you can both feel heard. Saying what you need to say can be scary, but not nearly as scary as bottling everything up.
5. They discover their partner's love language and use it regularly.
Have you read the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman? I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to improve their relationships. Basically, he argues that there are five primary love languages: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service and Gift Giving. When you understand your primary language and that of your partner, you can make sure you're both getting your needs met.
6. They make each other laugh.
Sometimes, it's best to just let your walls down and share a good laugh. Often, when my husband and I are in a fight and I'm being particularly pouty, he'll crack a joke until I find myself in fits of laughter. Suddenly, whatever seemed so serious just a minute ago has completely dissolved.
7. They release false expectations for their partner.
Our partners are only human, just like us. Anyone who has lived with someone for more than a few weeks will realize this. It's unfair to put false expectations on our partner because they have flaws, faults, insecurities and weaknesses just like the rest of us. That's what makes them, and your relationship, beautiful.
8. They stop projecting.
This in and of itself can cure 90 percent of relationship problems. We project our own insecurities or faults onto our partners without even realizing it, because our ego simply can't stand to accept them as our own. Often, we're attracted to others that have qualities that we'd like to develop within ourselves. But if we fail to develop these qualities, the infatuation can quickly turn to criticism and blame. Maybe when you first met your partner they seemed "fun and spontaneous," but now appear just plain flaky. Understand that relationships are a vehicle for your own growth.
9. They expect good things.
Self-fulfilling prophecies will come true if you expect them to. Period. If you expect for your relationship to fail, then chances are it probably will. Because when we believe something over a long enough period of time, we start to act in ways to prove it to ourselves. This goes for our relationships and for life. So therefore, why not expect only the best to happen? Believe me... it's just as possible.
10. Above all, they love.
They love themselves. They love their partners. They love others. They know that they are 100 percent complete and that their partner helps to compliment their already whole selves. They've learned to let those walls down around their heart, slowly but surely, and open up to great, wonderful love.

I totally agree with her points.  Though there is no particular formula to having an awesome relationship, as I always say, these can just do the magic.

Stay happy friends and stay in the right relationship...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Life is celebration!
Another beautiful HD reader celebrates!! Yayy!! 
Happy Birthday Collette 

 This beautiful lady is Collette

She works with a construction company and she does her own business on the side. She is very entrepreneurial. Try her, LOL

She wishes for better and greater things in life. God will grant your wish in his faithfulness. Amen

Beautiful lady, yeah??

Happy Birthday once again

Please, let's send our prayers, wishes and shout outs to her.

Stay happy and keep celebrating life.


Monday, August 11, 2014


Photo Credit: Google

Hello Friends,

Read this story someone shared with me and tell him what you feel he should do....

When I was in school, I met this really beautiful girl. At first, we were friends and later we became romantically involved with little commitment. Actually Amaka and I were just having fun mostly. After school we lost contact.

Then came youth service after staying at home for one year. Before I left for service, I told myself I was going to keep away from any form of relationship with any girl. Well, I succeeded with my resolution only halfway through service.

I met Uju at one of the NYSC offices during clearance. This woman is a beauty! The minute I set my eyes on her, I wanted to just become her husband. So many thoughts were racing in my head and in fact, I did not know when I followed her out of the office without finishing what I was there for. I literally became a puppy!

"Hi", I managed to say, hoping and praying she responded. To my surprise and relief she answered with beaming smiles. "Why are you so tensed, or is this your first time of approaching a girl?", she said bringing out her hand for a hand shake. Though a bit embarrassed but somehow, I knew my wish was coming through.

We shook hands and started a friendship and romance that led to a very serious thing. We did almost everything together. After service we both got really good jobs. A few months later, we got a beautiful apartment. We just wanted to settle down and have babies.

One fateful day, Uju called and told me about a family get-together which was to happen the next day being Saturday. I was excited because I had not seen her for almost a week. I also decided I would pop the question there in her house and so I went ring-hunting. Yeah, I did get a beautiful one and I was hoping she liked it.

As I stepped out of the house that Saturday, I knew I was looking dope. I got to my girlfriend's house and rang the doorbell. The door clicked open and there was my beautiful soul mate beaming with smiles as usual.

In a few minutes, she dragged me from one point to another introducing me to her family members who had just arrived from the US and the UK. After meeting about five persons, she said, "Sweetheart, there is one more special person you need to meet". "Oh alrighty", I said as she pulled me to the room.

We got the room entrance and then she screamed, "ta da!" as she threw open the door and said, "meet my beautiful sister, Amaka". "She just got back from the US", she added excitedly.

I was shocked! "The girl I am planning to marry is my fling's ex's sister?" I asked myself as I manged a 'hello'.

Amaka smiled mischievously and said, "Hi", as she winked. "Nice to meet you again" she added. Then I knew my chances were gone.

Uju, who was already looking at the both of us in confusion asked, rather perplexed, "Do you know yourselves from somewhere?".

I nodded a 'yes' and looked at both sisters as I wished I never met Amaka. 

For me, I think he should tell Uju the truth about Amaka and see if they can patch things up. What do you feel?

Monday, August 4, 2014


Smiling Bride

Hello Friends, 
Some two weeks ago, I made a post on a a bridal shower for Hannah, a blog reader. Read here if you missed it. Well, the actual wedding took place last weekend. Yaaay!!

The Beautiful Bride

Yes, this beautiful woman and her husband decided to tie the knot in the most wonderful way. Let's send in our prayers and wishes.

Congratulations to them! May you enjoy all the beauties of marriage. Amen
The Handsome Groom

The Couple at the Engagement Party
Wow, such a beauty but soooo taken. She is now Mrs Hannah Adeyemi Adeshina.
Guys, keep off!! hahahahaha.

If you missed the wedding ceremony, just feed your eyes with the photos below...LOL

Pretty African Bride

The New Mrs


The bride sitting pretty

 The couple that dances together

The awesome couple

 The couple at the Registry

The couple on the dance floor

The bride and her parents


Bride like no other

The Bride and her Maid at the Court

Yeah, I couldn't get the best of their photos, I will post more as soon as I do.
Let's send them some beautiful wishes

Once again, Hannah and Adeyemi, Congratulations!

By the way, if you want to be celebrated on your birthday, graduation, wedding or any other event in your life, just send in your details and photos. Please, check the birthdays page for more information.

I love you all,
Stay happy and keep celebrating. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL; make it so.
