Monday, December 29, 2014

Mother still breastfeeds her own six-year-old daughter, claims unweaned children are healthier and happier

At six-and-a-half years old, Denise Sumpter’s daughter is the oldest child still breastfeeding in the UK - and her mother has no plans to stop any time soon.

Currently, the Year Two pupil asks for a feed when she is tired, ill or simply wants some bonding time with her mum.

The frequency varies. The little girl sometimes asks to be fed as much as twice a day or as little as once a week.
Sometimes she feeds on her own, and other times she latches on alongside 18-month-old brother Beau.

And Ms Sumpter, 44, insists she will continue until Belle decides it is time to stop. 

'I’ll feed Belle as long as she asks. I don’t know how long that will be. It will be the same with Beau. I don’t think there’s anything weird about it. I feed both children on demand - whenever they want it.'

Belle is a head taller than most of her classmates and is rarely ill. Her mother puts this down to her 'mama’s milk', which she also says is responsible for the confidence of her clever daughter - a talented violinist, singer and dancer who is top of the class in most subjects.

More photos after the cut...

Culled from Daily Mail

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