Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Some weeks back, I did a post on butt pads, click Butt pads:Details to read the post if you
missed it. Well, this post by Lyzabeth Lopez on Cosmopolitan is giving ladies a chance to
get bootilicious without having to use the obviously fake pads.. LOL
Check out how....
Heel Raises
Heel raises are excellent for developing a rounder butt. You can use ankle weights or
resistance bands to maintain tension for better muscle growth in the glutes and hamstrings.
1. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Drive the heel of one foot straight
up towards the ceiling, maintaining a 90-degree angle at the knee. At the top of the
movement, take a second to flex the glute muscles as you exhale.
2. Inhale as you slowly bring the knee back down, crossing it over the opposite knee.
Tip: For a more intense workout, do 1 to 2 minutes on one leg, then continue with another
1 to 2 minutes on the same leg, but this time extending your leg straight out. Once this
2 to 4 minute set is complete, switch legs.

Jump Squats
Jump squats are great for gaining strength and burning fat.
1. To start, slowly lower yourself into a squat making sure your knees don't pass your toes.
 This is called the safe-squat position.
2. Next, spring up into a straight jump and land in the same safe-squat position. Repeat 
this movement continuously for 30 seconds.


Single Leg Bridges
Leg bridges are great for your booty and build sexy VS model legs.
1. Lie on your back with one foot flat on the ground and one leg straight up in the air.
2. Exhale as you place your weight into the heel of the foot on the ground and drive your
glutes up aiming to make your body straight from shoulder to knee. At the top of the
movement, flex your glutes and inhale as you slowly return to start position. Repeat this
for 20 repetitions per leg, pulsing at the top for 10 seconds at the end of each set.

Images: Getty

Monday, September 29, 2014


A few days ago, flashes of the images I made in my head from a book I read in the past came to mind out of the blues and all I could do was wonder how the “50 Shades of Grey” I read like ages ago was all up in my head. Well, as they say, be careful what you put in your head, right?

As I struggled to free my head of all erotic details of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, I remembered a rather funny story a young lady told us at a gathering sometime in the past.

It happened that we were at an audition which had taken longer than we expected.  So out of boredom, people unconsciously started forming groups in which they talked about funny events that took place at some point in their lives.

Everybody had something to say or laugh at in my own group. I mostly laughed, of course.

But the chatting got really interesting when a lady stood up and asked, “ please, ladies, who hates being spanked during sex as much as I do?” The question threw all of us off balance as everyone looked at her in shock.

“I know people do not like talking about things like this and I hardly know you but I need an answer”, she added. “Ok, here is the thing, I don’t like spanks but my boyfriend does it all the time even after I told him I don’t like it”, she continued. “The other day we were barely into the thing when he started hitting me hard. I got frustrated and stopped him. But since I was tired of telling him to stop, I decided to do to him what he does to me. Ladies, do you know that when I got on top and spanked him, my boyfriend got really mad and ordered me to stop?”, she explained further laughing hysterically.

To not make her feel bad, we all managed a laugh that was more fake than it was real. LOL

Truth is, even though this happened a long time ago, so many questions pop up in my head whenever I remember this lady and the passion with which she stated her pain and discomfort about her boyfriend spanking her during sex..

To answer some of my questions, I decided to conduct a survey on men and women's views on spanking and I came up with this percentage breakdown:

I Like It:
Men         - 90%
Women   - 10%

On who should do the spanking...
All the men said the men should be the ones in charge
Some of the women said they would like to do the hitting. LOL

In my opinion and from my knowledge of the SUB/DOM relationship, the man or the woman can be the Dominant depending on the agreement. Just my opinion!!

Friends, what do you think?

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Celebration time!!
HD celebrates a wonderful reader today!! Yayy!! Happy Birthday Lamide.

This beauty is Olamide...

She works with Nigeran Breweries Plc. She sells for a living. If you are sober, stay away from her. LOL

 She wishes for better things in the new year and in the years to come. Awww..
God, please, grant her wish in your faithfulness. Amen

Beautiful, huh...

Again, Happy Birthday Lamide!!

Friends, let's send our wishes, prayers and shoutouts to her.

More Photos..

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 HD celebrates another awesome reader today. Yaay!! Happy Birthday Olushola.

 This handsome bobo is Olushola Akinmolayan.

 He is a software developer and programmer working with VASCON Solutions. Trust me, Mark Zuckerberg has got nothing on him. #winks#

 He is also a pianist and a musician. Long story short, he is good at a lot of things.

 He wishes for better things in life.
God, please, grant his wish in your faithfulness. Amen

More photos...

Once again, Happy Birthday Olushola

Friends, let's send our prayers, wishes and shoutouts to him.


Friday, September 19, 2014


Celebration in the house!!
HD celebrates a wonderful reader and a friend today!! Yayy!! Happy Birthday Yetunde.

This beauty is Mrs. Yetunde Adegbite. Yeah, she is a "MRS". 

She works in the advertising industry. She can make you buy anything, trust me. 
I mean, who wouldn't with these smiles? LOL

She wishes for a year filled with excellent strides. Awww..
God, please, grant her wish in your faithfulness. Amen

 What a beauty?!

Again, Happy Birthday Yetunde !!

Friends, let's send our wishes, prayers and shoutouts to her.

More Photos....


Monday, September 15, 2014


Hello Friends,

Some two weeks ago, I made a post on butt pads titled 'BUTT PADS: DETAILS'. If you did not see it, please, check here.

Any way, my mention of  'PENIS PADS' led some readers to requesting that I talk more on the ones for the men.

One of the readers who sent a private message, asked, "Is there penis pad, cos you talked about it....Please, can I see what it looks like?" Another said, "Are you serious about this penis pad thing?" And a lot other questions. Funny ones actually.. LOL

To answer your questions, Yes,  there are penis pads/enhancers for guys just like we have butt and hips pads for ladies but while those for the women are strictly for fashion and boosting confidence, the men's are not necessarily for same purpose. Don't get me wrong, there are some men who use them for fashion and confidence just like the ladies do but there are others who use them for other purposes such as health, sports, etc

Below are some of the reasons men wear padded pants...

On Fashion/Confidence

As a Bulge Enhancer

This is mostly worn by underwear models and maybe sometimes, by men who are not that endowed down there but want ladies to think otherwise. 'Synthetic testicular elephantiasis' as Cracked put it could also be worn for confidence at occasions like pool parties, underwear parties etc.

See images below...

This could have side effects like tightness and lack of breathing space for your D. So careful.

On Sports...
As A Crotch Protection During Sports
This usually comes to mind when you think of boxing, wrestling, football and all the other very rough sports we engage in. Players' pants, especially the crotch areas are padded for these games. 

On health....
As A Drip Collector

This is a small pocket of absorbent padding with a waterproof backside. The drip collector is worn over the penis. It is held in place by close-fitting underwear. This works well for men who constantly leak just a little.

As Condom Catheter

You place this product over your penis like you would put on a condom. It has a tube on the end that connects with a collection bag tied to your leg. This can handle small or large amounts of urine. It has little odor, doesn't irritate your skin, and is easy to use.

Cunningham Clamp

This device is placed over the penis. This clamp gently keeps the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body) closed. Whenever you want to empty your bladder, you simply release the clamp. It can be uncomfortable at first, but most men adjust to it. It is reusable, so it can be less expensive than other options.

I intended this post to be only about the fashion aspect but somehow, there was a little diversion. I hope it was worth it.

Live good, look good.


Monday, September 8, 2014


15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Hello Friends,

I am a stickler for good or healthy metabolism. I embrace foods and/or habits/exercises that keep my system free and my stomach flat. Yeah. So when I stumbled  on this post on BuzzFeed today, I thought, "Hey, why not share with your readers?". Please, read and try these tips which I think are really great........

NOTE: Exercise is crucial to a healthy metabolism. You should still exercise. However, there are some additional methods that can help keep that engine revved up.

1. Eat foods with omega-3s.

Eat foods with omega-3s.
Foods like avocados have omega-3 fatty acids that contain a myriad of benefits. Don’t get turned off by the word fatty. These acids help regulate blood sugar and inflammation, which can help keep your metabolism steady. For easy recipes that include avocado click here.

2. Don’t forget to eat breakfast.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

It’s the most important meal of the day for a reason. Eating breakfast is crucial in maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day. Skipping breakfast sends your body in to starvation mode, which conserves energy by slowing down your metabolism. That’s what you don’t want.

3. Snack when you are hungry.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Snacking during the day not only keeps hunger at bay, but it keeps your energy level consistent. This will keep your metabolism revved up by maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The key is to eat healthy snacks. For several snack ideas clickhere.

4. Spice up your life.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Add some hot sauce or chile peppers to your meal. Spicy condiments contain capsaicin, which has been shown to increase resting metabolic rates by spiking hormone levels. A number of delicious spicy recipes exist. Don’t be afraid of the hurt.

5. Engage in some heavy breathing.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Yes, it’s a natural function but taking a little time daily to focus on your breathing can be beneficial. Breathing brings oxygen into your body and more oxygen = more energy burned = higher metabolism. Take a few minutes out of your day to do some deep breathing exercises. A little bit goes a long way over time.

6. Drink some green tea.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

TV Asahi / Via tylhibari.tumblr.com
Green tea contains phenols. Phenols are chemical compounds that increase your body’s internal furnace. Drinking green tea throughout the day can keep that furnace and those calories burning.

7. Eat dark chocolate.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

20th Century Fox / Via oinstavelmundodajuh.blogspot.com
No, this is not a joke. Dark chocolate (70% cacao and up) contains caffeine and the antioxidant catechin which, are both know to be metabolism boosters. Just don’t over do it.

8. Eat yogurt.

Eat yogurt.
Not froyo with a pound of Oreos, sprinkles, and gummy bears, but regular yogurt. Yogurt contains many nutrients which can raise your bodies resting metabolic rate. Try to stick to healthier yogurt offerings.

9. Include more lean protein in your diet.

Include more lean protein in your diet.
Christina Holmes / foodandwine.com
Foods containing lean protein require a lot more of your body’s energy to burn, which increases your metabolism. They also keep you full and satisfied longer then other food choices. For a great recipe click here.

10. Don’t ever skip meals.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

S.M. Entertainment / Via reddit.com
This is easy advice to follow. Skipping meals will not get you a smaller waist line. Missing meals actually convinces the body that it’s starving so it slows down your metabolism. If you’re hungry you should eat.

11. Drink plenty of cold water.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Showtime / Via rashadface.com
Water is good for you to begin with, and research indicates that drinking six cups of cold water daily can boost your metabolism by burning an extra 50 calories a day. That adds up a loss of five pounds over the course of a year.

12. Go nuts!

Go nuts!
Nuts like walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, and pistachios contain many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that aid in boosting metabolism. Just don’t get too crazy. A handful is more than enough.

13. Take some time to de-stress.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Screen Gems / Via milakunisxo.tumblr.com
Stress causes the production of cortisol which among other things can slow down your metabolism. Read a book, get a massage, or just relax. Making time to alleviate stress will benefit your life in more ways than one.

14. Have a light snack right before bed.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Having a light snack before bed can actually increase your nocturnal metabolism. Several healthy options exist.

15. Get some shut eye.

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

Disney / Via mygifdump.tumblr.com
A good night’s rest is essential for a healthy metabolism. Sleeping eight hoursnightly increases energy levels throughout the day, and helps to keep stress hormones and blood sugar levels stable.
What do you think??
Well, remember that if it's not mathematics, then no particular formula works for it. Know what works for you and do it. But please, don't sit and do nothing at all and expect to be healthy. 
Keep being healthy and happy friends!!
